The Odum of Ala Igbo
Hail Biafra!
People claim the borders need to be redrawn due to different ethnics being bunched together. Yet...
Somalia is extremely homogeneous in ethnic groups and culture and yet Somalia is the "Afghanistan of Africa."
Eritrea has always been historically apart of Northern Ethiopia. Both Northern Ethiopians and Eritreans are mostly the same group; Hesbesha and same cultyre. Yet Eritrea still wanted its independence. I think it has more to do than just ethnic groups being bunched together.
Somalia can be deemed ethnically homogeneous but I don't believe all nations which speak the language ought be in the same country if they don't want to. Germany, Austria and most of Switzerland speak German and yet the inhabitants of those countries today are content with not being in the same country (notwithstanding the EU supranational structures). Somalilanders and Djiboutians don't wish to be in the same country as Somalis and that's fine in my opinion.
As for the Tigrayans who live in Ethiopia and what is now Eritrea, Italian colonialism and the policies of Emperor Haile Selassie cemented a separate Eritrean identity which broke away from Ethiopia after the Derg was overthrown in 1991.
What I'm trying to say is that there are differences within groups labeled as ethnic groups and they should be able to access political self-determination if need be.