Top 113 Poster
Divorce lawyers are God's divine way of saying “Don't get married.”
She got ultra religious. Like only wear dresses, no make up, etc. She was fun partied with me would do stuff was very social. Now it's just her wierd church friends and the Bible all the time. The things I need from her she won't do cause of here new religeon. Sucks cause I love her and I know she loves me. I'm super unhappy.
...Always thinking the grass is greener.
There actually is some truth to this. It's very common for a man to go harder and put in maximum effort when he has a kid and a wife that he has to provide for.Marriage is how you gain power. Single men don’t get ahead more than married men. It’s an immature mindset that cripples your livelihood all because you’re a scared little boy of divorce. A man that just chills and fukks never has any obligation to anyone. Not to family not to his community. He’s a wastoid and an overgrown boy.
and the minute they do divorce and he finds happiness with someone who appreciates him, she will be fukkin furious.I have a homeboy whose wife flat out told him "I hope you drop dead".He has to beg her to not file for divorce .I got to point i dont even talk to him on phone about this . Its crazy. Im single and in my 40s I got to point im content.
Yeah man trust me I know. Sex is still there. Just bland now. She wants it more than me actually. But yeah that's why I'm contemplating it. I'm working with a therapist right now I'll eventually try to get her to come. That will be the final indicator.Sorry to hear all that fam.
Try suggesting marriage counseling. If she's against it, then it's truly a wrap. Shorty slowly choosing the new religion over you. Honestly it might come to that ultimatum conversation where she gonna have to choose one or the other. If she withholding sex, then she definitely don't love you as much as you think she does. That be the biggest red flag.
I got divorced after 16 years. Once an outside influence gets a hold of them, shyt is damn near impossible to get them back on track.
Good luck tho breh.
Naw she's not denying it. It's just bland now.Is she denying sex because of religion? Paul talks about this in Corinthians. I can find the exact passage if you want.
You definitely should cancel her ass.She got ultra religious. Like only wear dresses, no make up, etc. She was fun partied with me would do stuff was very social. Now it's just her wierd church friends and the Bible all the time. The things I need from her she won't do cause of here new religeon. Sucks cause I love her and I know she loves me. I'm super unhappy.
A home that isn't aligned spiritually can't be saved lolSorry to hear all that fam.
Try suggesting marriage counseling. If she's against it, then it's truly a wrap. Shorty slowly choosing the new religion over you. Honestly it might come to that ultimatum conversation where she gonna have to choose one or the other. If she withholding sex, then she definitely don't love you as much as you think she does. That be the biggest red flag.
I got divorced after 16 years. Once an outside influence gets a hold of them, shyt is damn near impossible to get them back on track.
Good luck tho breh.
I pray I can experience this one day. Sh*t is looking bleek thoughBeen with the same woman longer than some of yall been alive. We show up at events at odds like Trump and Melania sometimes, but we're all we got. She's my first(marriage), my last, my everything.
No one is committed to anything but self.
nikka so what, they have to make more because they have families to take care of, this doesn’t prove shyt![]()