Disabled Black Man Shot Dead by Police While Reading in the Car


Jul 3, 2012
I'm curious how they are going to spin the gun not being at his feet in the video, after they released a photo that supposedly shows a gun at his feet.

They probably going to say an officer was blocking the view of the gun or say they found it on him and placed it to the side later. Everything will be a coincidence or happenstance.

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
So u have 4 cops on the scene and no taser wasn't used when she mentioned homie head is fukked up...

Nobody can easily get behind their vehicles and just tell him to get on the ground

Nobody has the negotiation skills to simply stand back and have his wife just intervene on the scene

They ain't gonna use a taser, get behind their vehicles, negotiate, or not escalate the situation..

"why not?" you're asking..

because they wanted to kill that man. I don't understand why some of you just don't accept this shyt for what it REALLY is at this point.


May 17, 2014
I bet these dirty cops are sitting back with the city right now trying to come up with a settlement ...apology and a deal so the cop who killed him can get arrested and get off

It's a reason why the national guard is still there even though last night nothing went down and the so called " community leaders" told protesters to go home before 3am and show up tomorrow.....shyt will get real once that tape gets released and people see how the police story doesn't go with the dash cam
May 21, 2012
At my work someone put the video up on a screen and this one closest racist motherfukker from South Carolina was like, "I'm not saying it was okay that they shot him, but.....he could have listened to them"


I got heated, there was an argument, and I'm still fukking beside myself right now. Setting aside all the dumb ass things that can be said to this person, since when did not listening to the cops become a death sentence. The fukking wife says he has a traumatic brain injury. I don't care if he had a gun or not. The cops should be able to safely de-escalate situations without killing so many fukking people. You've got verbal skills to de-escalate, you've got non lethal options like pepper sprays, and less lethal options like tasers. Why the fukk are so many people getting shot? It's infuriating.

Why are our tax dollars giving these murderers paid vacations when they kill people in hate crimes at most, or at the least...when they commit unbelievable negligence?!

Why are they asking him to get out of the car in at own home? What did this man do wrong, besides being a black man?

I hate that I have so many names of unarmed and innocent people seared into my memory. I was talking to my mom last night about the situation in Charlotte, and I rattled off a good 10-12 names of people murdered by cops in high profile cases in the past year or so, alone.

It shouldn't be like this. We have GOT the fix this. My big concern too is that people are going to get desensitized to it. I['m scared that it's already happening. The guy at work said "Oh they released the video? Pull it up" in a room full of 6 people, without even asking if anyone in the room might not want to witness a fukking murder at 3pm on a Friday.

I'm physically shaking with anger at so much right now. Last thing I'll say. EVEN in ACTUAL WAR...there are rules of engagement. In Iraq and Afghanistan, American military forces can't just open fire, even if they SEE a fukking weapon. They have to get fired on first. So why are civilians (cops are civilians and people forget that) allowed to unload on other unarmed or non-threatening citizens?

This is horse shyt.

There's a reason I refuse to even talk about this type of stuff with non-blacks.

Someone asked me why I was moody this week and I just played it off.


Aug 12, 2012
These Eye witness accounts NEVER catch steam.... This lady and the other black lady..... those videos should be trending. Im not on twitter and I dont know how that works...

2 years ago during the initial reporting of Ferguson, Mike Brown's mother said she talked to the police and they were very nasty and disrespectful to her and one of them brushed her off and stuck his middle finger at her...she repeated the same story last month in an editorial she wrote on the anniversary of her son's death...

But yeah going back to your point it goes to show you this is a bad habit of theirs...I know that was a small example but people talk about how wonderful police are and they stick they middle finger at a woman who just had her son killed? Shoot rubber bullets/canisters at protestors without being charged or even having their name released.

As for the videos trending...they know most of this country is made up of people who come home and watch CNN as their only source for the world so will stay out of the loop. These same people are gonna be selected for the jury duty and they are gonna base their opinions on what they saw on CNN because they dont know about those witnesses. And if they see it in the trial on paper...they will think the witnesses were lying especially they didnt see a video of the witnesses.