Damn man, you getting DAPS!?!?!? Will you autograph my mousepad?!
I get that Dirk's team had more talent, but compared to the elite teams in the NBA at the time, his team was merely average. No big inside presence, no penetration, no floor general, no respected HC, pretty much nothing that teams really gameplanned for outside of Dirk himself. But at the end of the day, Dirk still managed to beat NBA Championship-caliber squads. AI didn't.
And damn man, you should really learn how to read. I'll give you a few weeks til you can decipher what I wrote in my previous posts and this one.
Also, you seem to have a really weird obsession with dikks in mouths

Keep your weird ass fantasies to yourself, man. We're having a discussion about basketball here, not what you think about when you close your eyes and touch yourself