God Emperor of SOHH
You are making an emotional argument --- its conservative emotion at play here, where you are trying to minimize the effect of the American socio-economic environment as a culprit in individual black success rates.
what exactly is a "conservative emotion" and is that suppose to be a bad thing? but yeah i am downplaying the role of "socio economic forces" (whatever that means) and focusing on the role of culture, i dont really think there is much more the government can do as far as ending racism and i dont think reducing racism is the key to black success
You claim to be a "facts and figures" guy, correct? Well, you should know that people overwhelmingly stay in the same relative socio-economic strata in which he or she was born. Rich stay rich --- middle class stay middle class, etc.
and what is that suppose to mean as far as black people, that black people are destined to be poor?
Facts and figures will inform you that success is built upon stimulation, not deprivation. Considering that the average wealth of black families is somewhere around 5% of whites, well, a hypothesis forms. This isnt even including centuries of legalized and structural discrimination. If you want to be taken serious as an intellectual, you cant pick and choose the variables analyzed in order to draw conclusions. Thats lazy.
yeah and those legalized and structural discrimination were focused in the beginning on education starting with laws forbidding slaves to be educated, i think the problem is that you are taking all those "structures" and putting them in one lump and thinking they all had the same impact, that is where you are being lazy, the reality is that what is important is education, imo everything comes down to that, it doesnt come down to whether white people like you or hire you