so the Washington wizards are a dynasty
im not sure what you mean by that, but what i meant is that if the goal of the washington wizard isnt to win a championship they might as well just give it up and disband the team, what kind of professional team goes around and say our goal is to be equal, if they do they deserve to lose
The culture is American. America has to change it.
yeah and the majority of america is white, so you are saying that black people cannot come up until white people change their culture, so according to you the future of black people is dependent on white people and their culture
Keep believing them and you will keep being lost.
You're the one making assumptions.
yeah and im not aware of any reason as to why my assumption is wrong, i think most civil rights leaders assumed that civil rights and economics go hand in hand
No it's not a sin but your critique isn't based in reality. For the civil rights movement to be a failure economically we'd have to be worse off, but we are not, we are much better off.
my critique is based in reality, in fact a lot of people have critiqued the civil rights movement because of economics
Reality is that social equality equals economic equality. It's like that here in America and everywhere else on the planet and at any time in history.
no it doesnt, i dont think you know a lot about american or world history to make a statement like that
and why do you say that im making stuff up when i say people equate civil rights with economics and then you go ahead and confirm what i just said
Again name a minority that is dominant anywhere on earth and at anytime in history
and again, i just told you one, jews
You're just making shyt up as you go. Success is going from slave to president in 100 years.
you can define success anyway you want to, if that is the way you define success that's you
No they don't thats some shyt you made up just so you can argue against it on the Internet.
im not making anything up, i would say if you ask black political leaders about economics 80-90 percent of them would start talking some leftist/liberal economic theory
Says you who has reaped all the benefits of their blood sweat and tears.
yeah and that sacrifice is what allows me to make a critique, in fact if i simply followed along using the same strategy from the 1960's in 2013 i think i would be doing the disservice to people from the civil rights era
This is a strawman that you created. Please stop attacking it.
its not a strawman, you just said it right now that black people can never come up until white people decide to treat you as an equal