Your just making shyt up. Quote a post in which i said that black people can't improve unless white people change and accept me.
Do you even read what you wrote? You just made a post a page ago saying that social acceptance by whites is the key to black progress
This is what you wrote
Reality is that social equality equals economic equality. It's like that here in America and everywhere else on the planet and at any time in history.
So unless I'm missing something you are saying that white people have to treat you as an equal in order for black people to improve economically
I'm not puttin words in your mouth, those are your own words, if you don't understand what you write maybe you should think about what you are saying
You make this totally incorect assertion that black culture is somehow formed and maintained in a vacuum seperate from American culture. Black culture IS American culture. There is no behavior that you can attribute to all black people and there is no behavior that you can attribute to only black people
that's fine, I'm sure you have a logical reason in your head for what you are saying, but I'm not putting words in your mouth, you are saying black culture cannot improve unless white culture improves, you spent pages in the education theeads making that point