how in the fukk could we be dominant without at least being equal first?
thats not the point, the point is if you are making a plan you have to set the proper goals, equality is not a proper goal imo, at least in economics, anybody that tries to be "equal" in economics will lose eventually
Asians born in poor American cities perform the same as any other minority born in those cities. Asian immigrants outperform other minorities because they are coming from a better places economically and educationally back home. Also race does play a big part in this. African immigrants are the most educated yet least employed. I wonder why that is? They must not care about their schooling either.
i think your stats are way off, asians born in poor american cities (whatever that means) do not perform the same, and even when income is taken into account asians still perform better academically
i remember somebody posting an a study that said that about african immigrants but it turned out to be bogus
What you continue to ignore is that the culture IS a function of the system. The system creates and reinforces culture, therefore you can't talk about culture without addressing the system.
culture is a function of a lot of things
You act as though one can't address both issues. You keep repeating the same thing"civil liberties is not an ecomic plan" well no shyt. An economic plan is an "economic plan" but that doesn't mean that civil rights isn't related to economic achievement.
i never said that you can't address both issues, what i said is that people shouldnt confuse those 2 issues, and that just because somebody is fighting for civil rights doesnt mean they have a good grasp of economic issues or that they have good economic ideas
and i can listen to somebody that doesnt give a fuk about civil rights if a feel they have good economic ideas, that is the point of separating the 2
I've never heard anyone say "civil rights is an economic strategy" that's something you made up. Since the 60s we have fought for equality and that fight for equality has garnered us plenty of success and opportunity. It makes absolutely no sense to give up that fight now since we've made some progress.
i have no idea why you think im saying we shouldnt fight for civil rights, im 100% behind civil rights, i just separate civil rights from an economic plan
civil rights is part of individual freedom, but another part of individual freedom is intellectual freedom
now is it ok with you if i exercise my intellectual freedom to critique the success and failures of the civil rights movement, because the failure of civil rights has been economics and i think the reason or that failure has been people conflating civil rights and economics
What is "black economic policy"?
black economic policy is the policy advocated by black people in power
The only people with economic power in this country got that power from 400 years of enslaving another people. If you know of a way to reinstate slavery with the rolls reversed than I'd like to hear it. Until then racist opinions don't matter, because they are used to deflect from the real matters at hand.
like dinesh said black people firmly believe that their destiny is attached to the proclivities of the white race, but if you believe that in your heart of hearts i dont think there is anything i can say to change your mind, but i think the way you think will fade because its not sustainable