Dinesh D'Souza on Black failure


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
the point im getting at and why dinesh is correct in a lot of ways is that there is a limit to civil rights and fighting for "equality" and we have reached that limit, civil rights is a good thing but they are not an economic plan

so therefore its important to study other groups and learn from them to go to the next level

Well that point is wrong. As long as our kids get shytty educations their a academic achievement will be shytty. There is no way around that fact. Take a kid and put him in a class with 30 other students no books and a shytty teacher he will never achieve what a kid can from getting a quality education.

What other groups can we study? And what can we replicate? We can't reinstate slavery and we can't be educated immigrants from another country so what can we really learn and apply to our situation?


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
You can't set a proper goal while ignoring a current reality. That's like the Washington wizards talmbout there gonna win a championship without addressing the severe lack of talent on the team. You have to set reasonable and attainable goals then when you meet those goals you set new ones. We can't go from uneducated and broke to running the world without making plenty of stops in between.

you can set whatever goal you want

i think you just made my point for with your example of the washington wizards, you would be the worst coach ever if they gave you a chance

Your stats are way off. Asian Americans in inner city schools, don't outperform everyone else unless they come from an educated backround. Economic acheivment for Asians or any other immigrant group has more to do with where they came from than anything else. Asians from highly educated societies such as India do much better than Asians coming from Cambodia. Chinese students in New York have a highschool graduation rate of just 33%. It's a myth created by the media that immigrants are just coming to America and making a bunch of money. In reality immigrants move here and live in poverty just like everybody else. Yes SOME make it but SOME black people make it as well. So using immigrants as proof that black people can make it is a stupid assertion.

feel free to post your stats

So stop acting like it can be changed with a snap of the fingers. In order to change a culture the conditions that created that culture have to change.

and in order to change the conditions you have to change the culture

Racist people are looking to confuse you and spew misinformation. There is nothing you can learn from their ideas, other than what NOT to do.

and i reject that, that is basically an ad hominem attack and an intellectual dead end, you can learn a lot from everybody, period

Who ever said civil rights was an "economic plan"?

im saying that from what ive studied and the words and speeches of people during that era and the people that think they are still fighting those battles, i think black people assumed that civil rights and economic progress go hand in hand

like i was saying im exercising my intellectual freedom into making a critique of the civil rights era and that is one of the mistakes that people made

is it ok with you for me to critique the civil rights movement or is that a sin?

You "listening" to these people is exactly why your outlook is not based in reality. They ignore reality to give you these "ideas" and you believe them. Ignoring the reality that's in front of your face.

im not ignoring reality at all, im confronting the economic reality directly the fact that i come to a different conclusion than you doesnt mean im not facing reality

How could economics be a failure of civil rights when we have much less people living in poverty now, and plenty more wealthy black folks?

i say its a failure because black people arent dominant economically

so it depends on what your goal is, you have low goals and low standards for black people, i have high goals and high standards for black people, so what you think is a success is a failure to me

Black people in power don't agree on everything, so how can you say what "black economic policy" is?

yeah they do, for the most part black leaders adhere to leftist/liberal economic polices, mostly because leftists and liberal have been pushing for civil rights, so i think they and we also have mistakenly assumed that leftists and liberals have good economic ideas

and again i am exercising my intellectual freedom to critique them and assert that it is and was a mistake

who said that?

"Like dinesh said....." Is a crock of shyt cause I've never heard a black person say that. This is exactly why you shouldn't listen to these racist a$$holes. They tell you shyt that's not based in reality then you believe them.

you and rap beats just spent pages detailing how black people cannot ever come up until white people change, do you not read what you write?


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Jews are not a minority. They are part of a majority and they benefit from being a part of that majority.

Jews have never been considered part of the majority in america or in Europe for the matter, and the point wasnt that Jewish history is the same as black history, the point is that black people need to study how they came up not just in America but in Europe while beign almost universally hated

There is nothing wrong with civil rights, there is something wrong in thinking civil rights and "equality" are the key to economic success


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Jews have never been considered part of the majority in america or in Europe for the matter, and the point wasnt that Jewish history is the same as black history, the point is that black people need to study how they came up not just in America but in Europe while beign almost universally hated

There is nothing wrong with civil rights, there is something wrong in thinking civil rights and "equality" are the key to economic success

If jews are a minority than so are Italians, spaniards, polish, and any other white denomination you want to bring up are minorities.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
If jews are a minority than so are Italians, spaniards, polish, and any other white denomination you want to bring up are minorities.

Yes they are ethnic minorities, are you just finding that out?

I just brought up Jews because Jews have been kinda extra with it in terms of money and influence

I'm not saying it's the same as black people but if you read the history of discrimination against Jews and how they overcame it its a very interesting story and something black people can learn from


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Yes they are ethnic minorities, are you just finding that out?

I just brought up Jews because Jews have been kinda extra with it in terms of money and influence
:beli: so who's the majority then

They are not minorities in America. Jews benefit from white power and the oppression of "minorities" just like all other white people.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
:beli: so who's the majority then

They are not minorities in America. Jews benefit from white power and the oppression of "minorities" just like all other white people.

i think you are just ignorant about american history, the "majority" in this country has always been WASP white anglo saxon protestant. Jews, irish, polish and italians were not considered whites, it wasnt until after WWII that these groups started to become "white"

jews definitely benefit from having white skin, but jewish history is a good history to read and learn from, that was my point, my point doesnt go any further than that


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
i think you are just ignorant about american history, the "majority" in this country has always been WASP white anglo saxon protestant. Jews, irish, polish and italians were not considered whites, it wasnt until after WWII that these groups started to become "white"

jews definitely benefit from having white skin, but jewish history is a good history to read and learn from, that was my point, my point doesnt go any further than that

:heh: I'm ignorant of American history yet you're arguing that Jews are a minority in America. The funniest part is that Jews didn't make it to success until they made it to social equality, yet you wanna argue that social equality has nothing to do with economic success.

Your argument is broken. Like I said smart dumb nikka shyt. It sounds good on paper but when you try to apply it to reality if just fails.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
:heh: I'm ignorant of American history yet you're arguing that Jews are a minority in America. The funniest part is that Jews didn't make it to success until they made it to social equality, yet you wanna argue that social equality has nothing to do with economic success.

Your argument is broken. Like I said smart dumb nikka shyt. It sounds good on paper but when you try to apply it to reality if just fails.

yeah jews are an ethnic minority :manny: im not really sure why i have to explain that or why you dont understand that, you are just exposing your ignorance

and jews had economic success before they had social equality, and again im not really sure why i have to explain that or why you are disputing that

i think the funniest part is you getting :mindblown: at me saying that dinesh was right in saying black people cannot see themselves succeeding without white people, and you not realizing that is what you have been saying the whole entire thread

my question is do you know what you are saying when you say it? like do you not see that you and rapbeats where exemplifying what dinesh was saying?

dinesh might be racist and a dikk but he is essentially right, it is a mistake for black people to pursue an ideology that says black people cannot succeed without white people


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
yeah jews are an ethnic minority :manny: im not really sure why i have to explain that or why you dont understand that, you are just exposing your ignorance

and jews had economic success before they had social equality, and again im not really sure why i have to explain that or why you are disputing that

i think the funniest part is you getting :mindblown: at me saying that dinesh was right in saying black people cannot see themselves succeeding without white people, and you not realizing that is what you have been saying the whole entire thread

my question is do you know what you are saying when you say it? like do you not see that you and rapbeats where exemplifying what dinesh was saying?

dinesh might be racist and a dikk but he is essentially right, it is a mistake for black people to pursue an ideology that says black people cannot succeed without white people
First off I and rapbeats are different people. That shyt he was talking is just as much nonsense as the shyt you're saying. Me saying social equality leads to economic equality is not the same as saying that "black people can't see themselves succeeding without white people". That's some shyt that white people told dinesh, and dinesh told you in order to deflect from the real issue. And you attributing that train of thought to me saying social equality is important is again, some smart dumb nikka shyt.

On paper it sounds good to say that black people should ignore white people and just be prosperous on their own. But in reality that's impossible. We don't own enough social, economic, or political capital to ignore white folks, and the only way to gain that capital is to cooporate with them. Dinesh wil tell you this is because of "black culture" and it's because "black folks think they need white people for success" but reality will tell you it's just.......reality


Jun 8, 2012
First off I and rapbeats are different people. That shyt he was talking is just as much nonsense as the shyt you're saying. Me saying social equality leads to economic equality is not the same as saying that "black people can't see themselves succeeding without white people". That's some shyt that white people told dinesh, and dinesh told you in order to deflect from the real issue. And you attributing that train of thought to me saying social equality is important is again, some smart dumb nikka shyt.

On paper it sounds good to say that black people should ignore white people and just be prosperous on their own. But in reality that's impossible. We don't own enough social, economic, or political capital to ignore white folks, and the only way to gain that capital is to cooporate with them. Dinesh wil tell you this is because of "black culture" and it's because "black folks think they need white people for success" but reality will tell you it's just.......reality

actually what i was saying. is the same thing you were saying, which is why i said in the beginning DO NOT FEED THE TROLL> the troll is this indian dude.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
First off I and rapbeats are different people. That shyt he was talking is just as much nonsense as the shyt you're saying. Me saying social equality leads to economic equality is not the same as saying that "black people can't see themselves succeeding without white people". That's some shyt that white people told dinesh, and dinesh told you in order to deflect from the real issue. And you attributing that train of thought to me saying social equality is important is again, some smart dumb nikka shyt.

On paper it sounds good to say that black people should ignore white people and just be prosperous on their own. But in reality that's impossible. We don't own enough social, economic, or political capital to ignore white folks, and the only way to gain that capital is to cooporate with them. Dinesh wil tell you this is because of "black culture" and it's because "black folks think they need white people for success" but reality will tell you it's just.......reality

i understand what you are saying and rapbeats does too, and both of you exemplifies what dinesh said, that black people see our success attached to white people's attitudes

i think its completely understandable to think that considering black history but what i am saying is that that leads to an intellectual and economic dead end and that is not the only way of analyzing things, imo we cannot afford to have an ideology that says we will not succeed until white people like us or they allow us, we cannot be dependent on the whims of white people

imo we have to have an ideology that is about domination,


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
you can set whatever goal you want

i think you just made my point for with your example of the washington wizards, you would be the worst coach ever if they gave you a chance
:heh: so the Washington wizards are a dynasty

and in order to change the conditions you have to change the culture
The culture is American. America has to change it.

and i reject that, that is basically an ad hominem attack and an intellectual dead end, you can learn a lot from everybody, period
Keep believing them and you will keep being lost.

im saying that from what ive studied and the words and speeches of people during that era and the people that think they are still fighting those battles, i think black people assumed that civil rights and economic progress go hand in hand
You're the one making assumptions.

like i was saying im exercising my intellectual freedom into making a critique of the civil rights era and that is one of the mistakes that people made

is it ok with you for me to critique the civil rights movement or is that a sin?
No it's not a sin but your critique isn't based in reality. For the civil rights movement to be a failure economically we'd have to be worse off, but we are not, we are much better off.

im not ignoring reality at all, im confronting the economic reality directly the fact that i come to a different conclusion than you doesnt mean im not facing reality
Reality is that social equality equals economic equality. It's like that here in America and everywhere else on the planet and at any time in history.

i say its a failure because black people arent dominant economically
Again name a minority that is dominant anywhere on earth and at anytime in history

so it depends on what your goal is, you have low goals and low standards for black people, i have high goals and high standards for black people, so what you think is a success is a failure to me
You're just making shyt up as you go. Success is going from slave to president in 100 years.

yeah they do, for the most part black leaders adhere to leftist/liberal economic polices, mostly because leftists and liberal have been pushing for civil rights, so i think they and we also have mistakenly assumed that leftists and liberals have good economic ideas
No they don't thats some shyt you made up just so you can argue against it on the Internet.

and again i am exercising my intellectual freedom to critique them and assert that it is and was a mistake
:rudy:Says you who has reaped all the benefits of their blood sweat and tears.

you and rap beats just spent pages detailing how black people cannot ever come up until white people change, do you not read what you write?
This is a strawman that you created. Please stop attacking it.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
i understand what you are saying and rapbeats does too, and both of you exemplifies what dinesh said, that black people see our success attached to white people's attitudes

i think its completely understandable to think that considering black history but what i am saying is that that leads to an intellectual and economic dead end and that is not the only way of analyzing things, imo we cannot afford to have an ideology that says we will not succeed until white people like us or they allow us, we cannot be dependent on the whims of white people

imo we have to have an ideology that is about domination,

:beli: so how do we dominate whilst ignoring white people?