Dinesh D'Souza on Black failure


All Star
May 13, 2012
Kalamazoo, MI #ADOS
The one thing I can agree with from the video would be desegregation and what he called "white flight turning to black flight" This hurt the black community greatly because it was the structure everyone is referring to that we had and need now. Black people supported other black business cause they had no other choice. The black dollar would circulate in the community several times before it would leave. This is the starting point of building a strong economic base which in turn positively effects so many other problems plagued in our communities now. Immigrants have this type of thinking from the start because they come from communities that practice these things already they just don't have the resources like we do here in America which is why they come here. As a side note we black Americans have a lot of problems that need to be addressed but things are getting somewhat better and a lot of this is going to take time. To put it in perspective we didn't have the full rights of an American citizen just 50 years ago. Not saying that we need to fall back and chill but we need to understand that some of this will take time and dedication to fix.


Jun 8, 2012
like it has been said already ad hominem attacks are not going to take you anywhere

and attitude of "just goto school" is what has allowed other people to move ahead of black people, thats what you dont understand and thats why you are exhibit A for what dinesh is saying

but basically you dont know what the hell you are talking about, thats the real bottom line

the real bottom line is you fail to realize its not an Ad hominem attack at all. but since you're to lost in the sauce to see my original point about not listening to said indian man. you keep pulling the "its an Ad hom... attack"

holler at me when you figure out what i'm talking about.

holler at me when you realize everyone that aint black always got something to say about US, but what about YOU?

i have to turn it back around if i see a pattern. what about You makes you want to know so much about my pathology as a black person? As IF, you and yours has it all together.

i mean :smugbiden: all over what to know what makes :mjpls: tick. how's about this. WE :mjpls: have been victimized by :merchant: for centuries.

not just in the US, all over the world.
Maybe.. just maybe. WE all should be looking into :merchant: pathology.

Indian man comes to the states and wants to write books/articles, etc about black folks. have you written a book about the white folks that enslaved them?

have you written a book about male indians raping female indians?
nawww, why do that, when you can cover up your flaws as if you dont have anything by way of black people.

oh i know, you're about to tell me how indian man is right. and i feel like a victim.

lets see, Is that indian girl that was raped a victim?(not the one that died, the other one)?

leave it to mr india per his pathology he thinks victims are not victims. they just think they are.

if someone walks up to me and bashes me in my face with a metal pipe. if i hit the ground, and have to gather myself, before i continue on to work on to work. and i get there late. Should i tell my boss why my face is swollen and why i was late? or should i just say "hey, its my fault, i should not have been walking down that street as a free human being. i should not have walked into that pole that the man put out in front of my face. i should have ducked quicker. i should have known some sort of ninja-esk martial arts so i could've been quick like a cat. its my fault that i was late today boss.

while i watch other employees :smugbiden: get to work on time. you know the same ones that never got bashed in the face with a metal pole this morning.

i'm not a victim. i'm delusional. RIght?


Jun 8, 2012
Polight The Gawd

come on fam.. i know you aint posting one of these dudes. l o l.

and sure i agree with some of bro polights talking points. but lets not get to far with that one. this clown is running around running game on silly chicks who are dumb enough and willing to SHARE a man. i mean from a pimp perspective, play on playa. but from a common sense, God conscious perspective. this fool is trying to run game on anyone who is willing to listen just like he is running game on them broads that sit behind him. now call that another AD hom.. lol.

see i can respect an old drunk telling me not to be a drunk because i dont want to grow up and be like him.

what i cant listen to is an old drunk, that has young drunks behind him, trying to tell me "you might not want to drink X or Y, but you can drink A, B, and C."

naw, i cant here you now. i see what you got going on behind you. you're running scams. and i refuse to be victim #....


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
the real bottom line is you fail to realize its not an Ad hominem attack at all. but since you're to lost in the sauce to see my original point about not listening to said indian man. you keep pulling the "its an Ad hom... attack"

holler at me when you figure out what i'm talking about.

holler at me when you realize everyone that aint black always got something to say about US, but what about YOU?

i have to turn it back around if i see a pattern. what about You makes you want to know so much about my pathology as a black person? As IF, you and yours has it all together.

i mean :smugbiden: all over what to know what makes :mjpls: tick. how's about this. WE :mjpls: have been victimized by :merchant: for centuries.

not just in the US, all over the world.
Maybe.. just maybe. WE all should be looking into :merchant: pathology.

Indian man comes to the states and wants to write books/articles, etc about black folks. have you written a book about the white folks that enslaved them?

have you written a book about male indians raping female indians?
nawww, why do that, when you can cover up your flaws as if you dont have anything by way of black people.

oh i know, you're about to tell me how indian man is right. and i feel like a victim.

lets see, Is that indian girl that was raped a victim?(not the one that died, the other one)?

leave it to mr india per his pathology he thinks victims are not victims. they just think they are.

if someone walks up to me and bashes me in my face with a metal pipe. if i hit the ground, and have to gather myself, before i continue on to work on to work. and i get there late. Should i tell my boss why my face is swollen and why i was late? or should i just say "hey, its my fault, i should not have been walking down that street as a free human being. i should not have walked into that pole that the man put out in front of my face. i should have ducked quicker. i should have known some sort of ninja-esk martial arts so i could've been quick like a cat. its my fault that i was late today boss.

while i watch other employees :smugbiden: get to work on time. you know the same ones that never got bashed in the face with a metal pole this morning.

i'm not a victim. i'm delusional. RIght?

your attack was clearly ad hominem, its clear as day, and you clearly were displaying the very things dinesh was mentioning


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
come on fam.. i know you aint posting one of these dudes. l o l.

and sure i agree with some of bro polights talking points. but lets not get to far with that one. this clown is running around running game on silly chicks who are dumb enough and willing to SHARE a man. i mean from a pimp perspective, play on playa. but from a common sense, God conscious perspective. this fool is trying to run game on anyone who is willing to listen just like he is running game on them broads that sit behind him. now call that another AD hom.. lol.

see i can respect an old drunk telling me not to be a drunk because i dont want to grow up and be like him.

what i cant listen to is an old drunk, that has young drunks behind him, trying to tell me "you might not want to drink X or Y, but you can drink A, B, and C."

naw, i cant here you now. i see what you got going on behind you. you're running scams. and i refuse to be victim #....

im not sure what scam you think im running but im not running any scam

as far as polight, ive always liked him, i use to post his vids and the House of KOnciousness videos all the time even back in ktl, but i dont co-sign everything they say, i agree his organization seems fishy, but i dont have any proof yet of wrong doing so ill leave that alone until i get proof

but out of the youtube cats, polight is definitely the smartest and the most on point with his logic imo, when it comes to youtube lecturers polight is the gawd, professor larry is the gawd also


Jun 8, 2012
im not sure what scam you think im running but im not running any scam

as far as polight, ive always liked him, i use to post his vids and the House of KOnciousness videos all the time even back in ktl, but i dont co-sign everything they say, i agree his organization seems fishy, but i dont have any proof yet of wrong doing so ill leave that alone until i get proof

but out of the youtube cats, polight is definitely the smartest and the most on point with his logic imo, when it comes to youtube lecturers polight is the gawd, professor larry is the gawd also
oh i wasnt talking about you pushing a scam. i'm talking about the brothas(house of conscious). now am i saying nothing they say is true? nope. of course a lot of what they say is on point. but most people cant listen to that stuff all the time and know when to turn it off and know when what was just said is true. most people are sheeple. shoot we are all sheeple to some degree. but some are more so then others. thats just being real. so a lot of folk cant listen to those dudes. or else they may get caught up. that stuff is more of a hustle for those dudes then it is them trying to HELP their people.

and hey i understand, a lot of those dudes are ex cons. so they cant get a regular man's gig. they have to go the hustle route. and its legal so...but i aint with being disingenuous with your people. and thats what a lot of these dudes are in a lot of situations.


Jun 8, 2012
your attack was clearly ad hominem, its clear as day, and you clearly were displaying the very things dinesh was mentioning

just like when the white guy talks about black pathology and why black folks do X, y and Z wrong in america. when another scholar brings up the fact that he has to first start with slavery/racism and begin from there. said white man= the man aka the oppressor. he can just as easily call it an Ad hominem attack. when the truth is. he does represent the oppressor. and No i dont have to listen to his message unless he's going to be 100% TRUTHFUL about the matter.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
oh i wasnt talking about you pushing a scam. i'm talking about the brothas(house of conscious). now am i saying nothing they say is true? nope. of course a lot of what they say is on point. but most people cant listen to that stuff all the time and know when to turn it off and know when what was just said is true. most people are sheeple. shoot we are all sheeple to some degree. but some are more so then others. thats just being real. so a lot of folk cant listen to those dudes. or else they may get caught up. that stuff is more of a hustle for those dudes then it is them trying to HELP their people.

and hey i understand, a lot of those dudes are ex cons. so they cant get a regular man's gig. they have to go the hustle route. and its legal so...but i aint with being disingenuous with your people. and thats what a lot of these dudes are in a lot of situations.

i dont see what anything you said has to with anything, if you got a problem with polight thats between you and him, i dont have any beef with him

just like when the white guy talks about black pathology and why black folks do X, y and Z wrong in america. when another scholar brings up the fact that he has to first start with slavery/racism and begin from there. said white man= the man aka the oppressor. he can just as easily call it an Ad hominem attack. when the truth is. he does represent the oppressor. and No i dont have to listen to his message unless he's going to be 100% TRUTHFUL about the matter.

its a free country, you can listen to whoever you want to listen to

if you try to rebut an argument by saying somebody is white or indian or ____ that is an ad hominem attack, there isnt any way around that


Jun 8, 2012
i dont see what anything you said has to with anything, if you got a problem with polight thats between you and him, i dont have any beef with him

its a free country, you can listen to whoever you want to listen to

if you try to rebut an argument by saying somebody is white or indian or ____ that is an ad hominem attack, there isnt any way around that
so let me ask you a question mr ad hominem.

would you listen to an hour long clip from a guy that was a klu klux leader? if he was talking about WHY black folks are in the condition they're currently in? and what they NEED to do to get out?

would you listen to that guy?
just yes or no


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
so let me ask you a question mr ad hominem.

would you listen to an hour long clip from a guy that was a klu klux leader? if he was talking about WHY black folks are in the condition they're currently in? and what they NEED to do to get out?

would you listen to that guy?
just yes or no

Yeah, I listen and study everybody and what they have to say from hitler to ghandi, from the kkk to Malcolm x

Suicide King

May 13, 2012
The one thing I can agree with from the video would be desegregation and what he called "white flight turning to black flight" This hurt the black community greatly because it was the structure everyone is referring to that we had and need now. Black people supported other black business cause they had no other choice. The black dollar would circulate in the community several times before it would leave. This is the starting point of building a strong economic base which in turn positively effects so many other problems plagued in our communities now. Immigrants have this type of thinking from the start because they come from communities that practice these things already they just don't have the resources like we do here in America which is why they come here. As a side note we black Americans have a lot of problems that need to be addressed but things are getting somewhat better and a lot of this is going to take time. To put it in perspective we didn't have the full rights of an American citizen just 50 years ago. Not saying that we need to fall back and chill but we need to understand that some of this will take time and dedication to fix.

Immigrants have a better sense of community and unity. They know how to actually nurture relationships, friendships, and brotherhood/sisterhood. We lost that when the black household started to be headed by a single parent. I hardly believe throwing money at the problem is the solution.

Indian man comes to the states and wants to write books/articles, etc about black folks. have you written a book about the white folks that enslaved them?

have you written a book about male indians raping female indians?
nawww, why do that, when you can cover up your flaws as if you dont have anything by way of black people.

oh i know, you're about to tell me how indian man is right. and i feel like a victim.

lets see, Is that indian girl that was raped a victim?(not the one that died, the other one)?

leave it to mr india per his pathology he thinks victims are not victims. they just think they are.

He would probably end up very dead this is why no one dares criticize Muslim culture. He could have easily did it, but he rather write about black failure filled with weak analogies and common knowledge.


Jun 8, 2012
Yeah, I listen and study everybody and what they have to say from hitler to ghandi, from the kkk to Malcolm x
thank you for responding honestly. i've learn thru life everyone doesnt DESERVE your ear. and if you lend it to them it can cause more harm then good.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
thank you for responding honestly. i've learn thru life everyone doesnt DESERVE your ear. and if you lend it to them it can cause more harm then good.

thanks for your advice, i reject it, i listen to everybody and i give everybody a chance to make their case and then i make my own decisions as to whether they are right or wrong

the more perspectives and diversity you take into account the more likely you are to have a full understanding of a situation, if black people simply look at everything from the point of view of white oppression black people will miss out on a lot of information that is helpful