you are again INCORRECT. you still dont get it. or you're trying to ACT as if you dont get it.
I didnt disprove his position at all. i didnt discuss his position at all in that last post.
notice what i said. pay attention.
i'm specifically talking about black folks. cause the rest of yall can do what ya wanna do.
Black people. STOP allowing others to try and pick your brain, pick apart your supposed pathology. when they will never allow you to do this to them. there's a reason for this. PAY...attention. DO not co-sign, or listen to ANYONE from some other race, telling you about your race when they got all sorts of issues in their own race that needs to be handle and dealt with.
they are using US to make themselves feel better. STOP going for the Okie DOKE black people.
YES that means DO NOT listen to this silly nonsense. no matter what. dont even let a person like this speaks. the moment you realize the angle they are coming from. Turn it off, log off, walk out, close the book, etc.
i'll give you the best example to make sure you understand where i'm coming from.
lets assume the christian bible is accurate for arguments sake.
you know the story, adam and eve, ate the fruit, blah blah blah.
but what happened leading up to that point.
eve was tempted by the serpent(whom was controlled by satan or possessed by satan at the time).
the serpent stated, "you will not surely die". saying to eve that hey you wont die if you eat the fruit.
eve fell for the OKIE DOKE and ate the fruit.
Ask yourself a few questions.
#1 Why even listen to someone that doesnt have your best interest at heart? there are times you dont need to even entertain the persons conversation. because they do not have your best interest at heart. you are not perfect, you do not have all the answers. you mess around and listen to a swindler who doesnt care about you. but thats good at convincing people of his theories. you will mess around and believe everything said person says. even though some major parts of what they say is probably flawed. since they ...realllly dont care about you at the end of the day.
lets go back to the story..
Satan does care about eve. so why should eve even entertain dudes speech? she shouldnt. she should've got up and said "if you say something else i'm going to step on your serpent head.and kept it moving. but she didnt. she sat there and listened. and was persuaded into some nonsense. we know how that work out for her.
what the serpent said on the surface level was accurate. She wouldnt die if she ate the fruit..... at that moment.. you see that... YOu surely wont die.....
***whispers under his breath, at this moment***
but we know she's DEAD NOW. dont we.
God had her best interest at heart as well as adams. God told adam not to eat from that tree. then adam told her, that God told him not to eat from that tree and it applied to her as well. Adam had eve's best interest at heart.
but yet eve CHOSE to listen to satan. because she allowed herself to entertain a swindler. just for the sake of getting another opinion on the subject matter. this is where we all go wrong in life at times. there are times you do not need to listen to BS wrapped in perfume. its still BS.
so to you and the twism. NO you dont take every single angle into consideration if you know said angle doesn't care about you and yours. and never think you're to smart to be fooled. you're not. you have to live and learn. and doing that may make you lose a few before you learn "ohhh, dont listen to these clowns."
This indian guy speaking on black folks is a CLOWN.
now if he was speaking on his own people back home in india and trying to find out whats going on with those indian men and how they treat their ladies. BY all means listen to the guy. because then he cares about his people. so what he is saying is to HELP/ASSIST. not to demean or use as a tool to prop himself up higher.