God Emperor of SOHH
I'm not ready to support something where only 17% of the schools perform better than public schools.
I will say this....piecing together things, I'm really starting to get annoyed by the apathetic nature of the Black Middle and Upper Class. I just did an interview with a Professor who finished a study where low income blacks were the most likely group to vote in election. Middle and upper income blacks were THE LEAST. It's perplexing looking at the lack of initiative from middle and upper income blacks, more interested in having Amen corner sessions about how low income blacks are fukking up while doing nothing collectively themselves.
So I mos def see some of your point.
And please....I'm not wrong. You can have the best attitude towards education, pass with flying colors and still come out of some of these schools as a functional illiterate.
i have zero loyalty to the public school system, any black person that does is delusional, im ready to support anything that increases the number of choice black people have to go to school and anything that increases an environment were innovation and new ideas are encouraged and where if schools fail they are closed, 17% is more than enough for me to fully support charter schools and i think the next step is vouchers
well lets get away from this word attitude and lets talk about culture, if you have a strong academic culture you will come out literate and ready for college even if you go to the worst school in the history of the world, in fact african and asian immigrants that go to the same horrible city schools and they come out ahead blacks and latinos and yes black people and latinos and white for that matter need to look at what they do as an example and learn from it
the fact that they maybe "pick of the litter" doesnt change the fact that we need to learn from them, learning from immigrants is one of the things that made america great