Loot drop rates definitely need to be tweaked for the full release.
Half way through my play through I already had 50% rare gear and the other half was legendary. I’ve never seen that many legendary drops in a few hour period.
My brother on the other hand only had 2 legendary items drop his full playthrough
Devs confirmed that drop rates are inflated for the sake of the beta. Not much point of a testing period for itemization if... the items are so rare that they never drop for anyone during the time it's available.

My opinions as a fan of D2 since childhood and someone who pushed 120+ in D3 GR: Game is mechanically rock solid but that was never going to be a problem with a Blizzard Diablo game; even trash ass Immortal's moment to moment gameplay is good. The potential issues were always going to be A. Monetization via the Battle Pass and whatever other nonsense they got cooking for the full release B. Endgame itemization/progression C. The GAAS open world and seasonal gameplay loops once the campaign ends. All of which this beta was obviously never going to be able to address. From what I've seen so far I would say I'm hopeful but skeptical about D4 going into release.
Storytelling and the overall presentation of the narrative is already 1000x better than D3 (and probably any Diablo game if we're being honest) even with what little has been shown. World seems like it's going to be absolutely massive and the soft MMO elements feel nice but not intrusive (as long as you don't get some trolls spamming voice commands in the hub city like I did

And that bring me to my last point, overall class balance. Obviously a beta capped at 25 won't tell you much... but as someone who still ain't forgiven Blizzard for how badly they shafted Wizard for literal years after they nuked that broken Twister build midway through D3's lifecycle... what I've seen from the beta and what I've heard from the devs in response to some of the complaints ain't inspiring any confidence on D4 righting the ship in comparison to 3. I respect all the brehs in here who are enjoying Druid while the "hardcore" theorycrafters and vets been shytting on it... but trust me. Make a Necro or sorc and put points into literally anything and you'll quickly see how sorry the Cocaine bear shapeshifter is in comparison. You basically ain't even playing the game anymore once the Hydras and Skele mages are available for those 2.

There's arguably no more influential franchise on the modern gaming landscape than Diablo, so for the sake of the industry as a whole I'm hoping they don't fukk this up. Even if it's not re-inventing the wheel like D1 and 2 did, gaming is more fun when Diablo is cooking and others are taking notes and learning from it. Let's hope those notes and inspiration comes from D4's gameplay, and not some unprecedented predatory monetization like it was for Immortal...