Detroit Lions hire Saints TE Coach Dan Campbell

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
Yeah but he still hasn’t gotten the team back to Caldwell level. When you follow Patricia makes you look like a genius to have a winning record.
Honestly I think this team is better than any Caldwell team except that first 11 win one, which he inherited. Better discipline, better position coaching (remember the terrible o-line coach he brought in?). But more importantly I think the difference is a better GM. Caldwell probably could have worked out if we weren’t whiffing on draft picks left and right. That's not his fault of course.

I also think Campbell recognizes when he fukked up and fixes it, whereas Caldwell constantly dug his head in the sand until it was too late. Both brought in a bad OC choice, Campbell got rid of his within the first season. Caldwell held on to his well into the second season, when he was forced to fire him (Lombardi, who now sucks for the Chargers).
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