You can probably Redbox this over a weekend.
I see you playing online that game now.
I think I'll cop Detroit: Become Human tomorrow cause I born and raised in Detroit

You can probably Redbox this over a weekend.
So far not dark and twisted. I'm guessing I'm halfway through the game. I just got to Jericho and am starting Zlatko.Is it extremely dark and dreary and twisted like Heavy Rain or a little more balanced?
Appreciated heavy rain and enjoyed watching a play through but I don't think I'd wanna actually go through it.
Same developer breh. They improved alot since thenThis is the game Heavy Rain wishes it was. Back when it came out many of us thought Heavy Rain was good. It was decent, this is good.
Stand not sit in what amounts to a rear storage compartment. Makes sense. It’s like bag storage.I'm really liking this so far and it's probably the most beautiful game I've played this gen
BUT the writing/story is a little cliche'd at some points. Like the androids having to sit in the back of the bus is just someallegorical storytelling
I played this dumb ass robot like a fukkin fiddle.How's the action in the game or is it mostly quick time events?