Awww not the name calling and tears. Ya'll will do anything but have a discussion about why your favorite talking points get decimated by anyone with half a brain. Lol
@Tair The fact that you think you can't be racist against BW is weird but okay.
@Tair I'm not digging through content to prove what is already known to be true true. You already stated racism doesn't apply to BW so what would be the point? That's such an outlandish thing to say it just proves my point.
No you implied it when you said bw weren't a race in order to dismiss my point about the racism geared toward them
Right. And you said that to be dismissive because nowhere did I ever state nor imply that BW were their own race. You literally just made that up.
It's not about "blk people." It towards BW.
Give me a few quotes from prominent people in the Black manosphere making racist statements against Black folk.
All I see are a bunch of vague statements from you suggesting there is racism but never anything showing racism.
Blah blah Destiny is racist. The Blk manosphere is racist too.