Stasis REALLY needs some love these days.
He's 100% correct. If Bungie had not created Halo and arguably one of the best shooter gameplay sandboxes then they would have failed back in 2014. If Borderlands had the shooting and movement of Destiny 2 with raids on the same spectacle level then no one would be playing Destiny. Destiny does shooting very well but it sucks in loot, balancing and power fantasy. Bungie don't know how to do microtransactions on purpose and the marjority of players have been letting it slide. I have been playing Warframe since 2015 and to date it has one of the best microtransaction what u nikkas, specially the older ones think about aztecross new vid?? is he right or just a reddit complainer who should be happy with all the bugs and reskins ,while paying more???? that's what u nikkas saying about nikkas that complain about the shyt no lol
so what u nikkas, specially the older ones think about aztecross new vid?? is he right or just a reddit complainer who should be happy with all the bugs and reskins ,while paying more???? that's what u nikkas saying about nikkas that complain about the shyt no lol
How much of the game are you really playing for free though ? The game is free to, people asked for this
two, its paid for the seasonal model that - even though people online love to hate on - does fukking numbers. and it supported their independence from acti
three, and most importantly destiny 2 is free to play now
my only gripe is with that support going towards marathon or at least *not* towards dedicated servers. even with the game's hiccups and instability these days, its still dramatically better than any other cross gen game that's available on essentially every platform in existence and some that no longer exist lol
F2P *drastically* changes a model.How much of the game are really playing for free though ? The game is free to try.
one, people asked for this
two, its paid for the seasonal model that - even though people online love to hate on - does fukking numbers. and it supported their independence from acti
three, and most importantly destiny 2 is free to play now
my only gripe is with that support going towards marathon or at least *not* towards dedicated servers. even with the game's hiccups and instability these days, its still dramatically better than any other cross gen game that's available on essentially every platform in existence and some that no longer exist lol
how else is a 6 year old game supposed to continue cranking out new content, rebuild their entire engine, and expand to new platformsAztecross is completely and totally right. It started innocently enough, but has become total bullshyt.
Did you watch the video? Destiny 2 crossed the line into Pay To Win, and is squeezing the fanbase at a ridiculous rate. Anything that can be behind a paywall is now behind one. Forcing people to buy more silver than needed, exotics seasons early for pre-ordering, paying to skip levels, they're using every underhanded trick in the book. There's no way you can say things aren't intentionally set up to trick people out of their money, I've had to explain the pricing to people countless times. The "free to play" is also bullshyt because all content worth a shyt is behind a paywall, or in the Content Vaulthow else is a 6 year old game supposed to continue cranking out new content, rebuild their entire engine, and expand to new platformsnobody is making day 1 players by the assassins creed ornament packs
and if destiny reddit wanted to actually compare their marketplace's trajectory to other games that have stood for the same timeframe on multiple platforms instead of acting like they're the most oppressed consumer base in the industry, then they'd be asking for a straight up subscription service
I did watch the video, and that's why I led with - 1) the exact same ppl asked for this (and obviously it worked because the player count is way up), 2) everyone enjoys the new content despite how much ppl online cry nonsense, and 3) this is free to play now.Did you watch the video? Destiny 2 crossed the line into Pay To Win, and is squeezing the fanbase at a ridiculous rate. Anything that can be behind a paywall is now behind one. Forcing people to buy more silver than needed, exotics seasons early for pre-ordering, paying to skip levels, they're using every underhanded trick in the book. There's no way you can say things aren't intentionally set up to trick people out of their money, I've had to explain the pricing to people countless times. The "free to play" is also bullshyt because all content worth a shyt is behind a paywall, or in the Content VaultContent I PAID FOR ALREADY. Not to mention the recycled content, which is why I don't feel too much sympathy for Bungie, they cut every corner imaginable. The new scam is brining back old locations, or really just parts of them (Titan), to half-ass a "new" environment using old assets already made.
Then there are the technical issues, not even going there. Like I said in the Marathon thread, they're up 3.6 Billion, NO excuse not to fix this game, especially as they are demanding more and more money every year.
I'd rather pay a higher price for everything non-cosmetic, but they would have to keep fresh content and fix the damn game. They have devolved into near scammery.
Oh, and from the comments:I did watch the video, and that's why I led with - 1) the exact same ppl asked for this (and obviously it worked because the player count is way up), 2) everyone enjoys the new content despite how much ppl online cry nonsense, and 3) this is free to play now. Free to play is a smokescreen. As said by many, it's a glorified demo.
If you're framing any monetization discussion on "im a loyal customer" or "back when eververse first started", then you've lost the narrative. Especially this PayToWin shytwin WHAT lmao. a raid t-shirt you might get half a year later? That's not the point. This kind of shyt is the ultimate slippery slope. The Ghallarhorn fiasco was ridiculous, who's to say next time they pull that, whatever weapon they dangle is magically part o a weapon class buff that makes it the best DPS in the game? One of the few weapons that makes the new raid feasible for non-godlike players? Where do you draw the line? The ramifications for PvP are much worse.
the content you already paid for being refurbished and updated for the new physics engine? battlegrounds replacing strikes that would've been relics in the new gameplay environment anyways? or we actually mad about losing the Io patrol zone? IDGAF, I paid for it. That's their problem.
the only people with a real bone to pick on the complaints is the gambit players lol. the scope of destiny complaints is titles not working and beaver error codes every other week. like accounts got deleted or something i swear.... The game barely works at times, yet they ask for more and more money. That's supposed to be cool?
so going back to the fact that business exists to make money and making money is how they stay alive - why would players not simply ask for a subscription service with guarantees and recurring loyalty bonuses? the answer is just as simple as the community will make an expansion a best seller on multiple platforms 9 months before release and have mtx packages in the top 25 in every marketplace.
the same dude complaining about mtx is the guy who'll throw up a trailer breaking down new stuff to spend money on frame by frame.