Ending is pure dues ex machina. IMHOThe logic of the movie relies on the concept that the alien language is non-linear. As is explained early on, humans write from left to right or from right to left, thus sentences have a beginning and an end. The aliens write an entire sentence instantly, thus their structure of communicating is "free from time and space" (see below). By learning to understand the alien language, you therefore subconsciously unlock a way to see time in a non-linear fashion, which is why Adams' character starts to experience past and future simultaneously as she becomes more prevalent in "speaking" the language.
The movie literally describes the aliens' writing as trying to write a sentence using both hands, one starting from the left and the other from the right and have it connect perfectly in the exact middle. You might pull this off once with a lot of practice but the aliens have entire conversations this way, instinctively. It's a form of communication that almost cannot be fathomed.
That ending cheapens the movie IMHO