Debate: White Supremacy Vs. Self Accountability/Responsibility

King Jae

Oct 2, 2014
What are you doing? :martin:

This is exactly what I'm talking about. People who try to ridicule any dialogue on white supremacy, calling such "pointless".

If you're not doing anything yourself to combat white supremacy, don't project your shortcomings onto anonymous people on the Internet. You don't know what I am doing, or have done, to fight white supremacy and support the black community.

As far as a violent uprising, taking into account the current circumstances, that's absolutely ridiculous and the attempt to get one off the ground by a black person would be dangerous and indeed "pointless".

You can't win a war when your soldiers are divided, your rations are limited, and you're outnumbered.

To successfully defeat white supremacy, it's going to take time, which means you have to be dedicated and you have to be patient. Shyt won't change overnight. It's also going to require discussion.

Anyone saying otherwise is counterproductive. :francis:
I actually mentor kids round my a blog about self empowerment renovate homes for low income families.....yawn...all that text and you still ain't said started any revolutions lately?....didn't think so...keep jaw jackin sparky....big difference between talkers and doers.... Frederick Douglas would be ashamed if he knew you were using his name...


Jun 8, 2012
White Supremacy caused Internalized Racism which lead to a lack of self-respect.


Just because something is a cause doesn't mean it needs to perpetuate...and that's when accountability comes into play.
nope. if you have been literally brainwashed for Centuries. what do you THINK would happen to someone? to a group of people? to their kids? this is not some person being done wrong one time and their kids are acting out because of that one time thing. this is centuries of abuse. CEN TURIES . 100's of YEARS of abuse.

if you rape a family for 100's of years of their existence. do you think they would be ok or crazy? I think we know the answer to that. Can you really be mad at them for most of them not turning at like A1 citizens? NOPE. especially if the raping is still taking place. it's not like white supremacy has stopped 50 years ago and you have some of us still holding onto that narrative. it hasnt stopped. so i cant get over the trauma if i'm still being Traumatized. Think about it.


Jun 8, 2012
Follow the group economics of the Nation of Islam and Black Wall Street, and do like the Panthers did in the 70s where they killed off traitors of the black community and CACs. It's been proven to work, but we can refine that so that no CIA can ever succeed again.
i call agent alert on the above poster. any actual black person advocating violence on a website knowing good and well the internet police is watching has to be a plant. i would advise no real black people even respond to this above agent on this topic at this point. remind me to do the same if you see me replying to him in here too just in case i forget.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
i call agent alert on the above poster. any actual black person advocating violence on a website knowing good and well the internet police is watching has to be a plant. i would advise no real black people even respond to this above agent on this topic at this point. remind me to do the same if you see me replying to him in here too just in case i forget.

I ain't an agent. :wtf:

The real agents are the one that promote that "real nikka shyt" like selling drugs and
Committing crimes. :sas1:

I seen posters advocate that shyt on here, but no one said a word about them.
Oct 13, 2014
Def Jam Empire
Media propaganda is currently one of the most effective tools of systemic oppression.[/QUOTE]

This statement is far underrated. Not just hip hop but ANY form of mass communication.


All Star
Feb 23, 2015
Killa Queens
Eh, this thread is just a rewording of the classic, old debate about Genetics-vs-Culture-vs-Discrimination. I'll explain and then give my opinion on where I stand on the issue and why.

At the end of the 19th and early 20th, intellectuals believed that genetics explained the black-white differences in outcomes. Later, during the middle of the century, intellectuals changed their minds and believed it was discriminatory practices and systems that was the true culprit, which is basically what the white-supremacist-explanation camp on coli believe.

At the heart of it, the intellectuals beliefs were just ways to stroke their egos. Arguing genetic inferiority made them be viewed as champions of the white race. And later down the road, arguing discrimination made them be viewed as warriors against racism. Personally, I think self-flattering has a lot to do with the talking-points of coli-militants just like it did with the intellectuals.

The third theory, which has stronger evidence but has gotten less attention than the alternative theories, is culture. The self-responsibility camp itt is basically equivalent to the culture camp, and is the camp that I would fall under.

The discrimination crowd fails most of the time to convince me of anything. Their evidence to explain for the lack of socio-economic success among certain groups usually consist of abstract rhetoric, disparity results in outcomes, or some emotional talking-point about the legacy of slavery. Also, their concepts never seem to fit with the results of Asians and Jews who have also faced immense discrimination from a majority population, yet somehow manage to out-perform the majority academically and economically.

Even in the case of blacks in america their logic is inconsistent. No one on in their right mind is gonna claim discrimination was weaker pre 1960s, which means that we should see worse crime rates for blacks, higher illegitimacy rates, and a much slower rate of black economic progress. However, for the most part, we see all that after the 1960s, not prior.

Once white liberals in the 60s put forth their social programs to act upon blacks, it seems what they really did for blacks is just lessen healthy, productive, societal pressures that promote productive cultural values for groups in general. This caused the black family unit to decay and black american sub-culture to retrogress, which not even slavery and Jim crow accomplished and that's a fact. And unfortunately, it seems like white liberals/intellectuals did all this to once again stroke their fakkit ass egos. Before that point a lot of the evidence suggest that blacks were on a similar trajectory to Asian Americans for socio-economical growth in this country.
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Nov 13, 2013
Philly, Norfside
Well well where the line or date of which Blacks should become self accountable? @PhonZhi

That's the only way I think this argument gets off its training wheels.

We first need to set a date. Where we can say...

"Well... you ******s have run out of excuses. You have a completely even playing field. Have at it... if u mess up. It's on you."

I don't think anyone can discuss this until we have that date.

And if we don't have that date then we are still under white supremacy, and if we are under white supremacy then how can we be self accountable?

So if anybody I. This thread could shoot some dates out. Just a year from which they feel blacks should be held accountable henceforth. Then I will ponder this shyt.

Until then... it's a waste of time.


All Star
May 22, 2012
The problem we have in finding a solution to our problem is trying to solve the problem within the framework of the system under which we are opposed. Because of our predicament we have to be more creative. We have to circumvent the system and use its shortcomings to our benefit.

For example... we lack capital, right. Well maybe someone needs to be talking to foreign entities and offer them the opportunity to invest our properties. Provide us with the capital to purchase these properties we're normally leasing with the benefit of bypassing whatever restrictions foreigners are faced with. Sure, this isn't in the best interest of America, but who cares as far as we're concerned. This is a very general and not well thought out example, but you get the idea.

Or maybe someone should buy the Morris Brown properties and turn it into a K-8 school that serves the impoverished, takes advantage of the funding benefits of educating these impoverished students and moving these kids with potential out of their hoods. You can change the mindsets of children hundreds to thousands at a time just by taking them out their projects into a constructive environment, right next to examples of blacks in higher education.

We have to think outside of the box. That's the ONLY chance we have of changing our situation, outside of white supremacy magically disappearing. Somebody needs to be evaluating our laws and looking for loopholes that we can take advantage of. But trying to work within this system as it's intended is useless. They've already set the Monopoly board up and started playing. Then invited us in and all they gave us was Electric Company, a chance card, and $100. And oh yea, you've already rolled doubles twice, according to them, so if you roll the wrong number, you're in jail too.
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