couldn't just professor X just have all the avengers off themselves and call it a day? 

couldn't just professor X just have all the avengers off themselves and call it a day?![]()
we talk!n fully powered sane leg!on & nate grey now???? plus s!nce you br!ng!n up dead & extras lets add vulcan & darwin..... do ! get glad!ator too, he fukks w!t the x.... s!n!ster been fake/pro x many t!mes so ! get h!m too... ! get sabretooth & scalphunter too, !ma let mags/cable plan the attack...
people forget how smart mags !s.... n!gga bu!lt a mach!ne !n the antarct!c that could turn the planet ups!de down l!terally, dont let that !ron man fukkery fool you.... felt the power that h!t h!m l!ke thats from jup!ter... m!ndfukked dr. doom of all people.... runn!n around !n genosha depowered w!t that heat on the frontl!ne...
all avengers got !s wanda & doc strange... mags e.m. pulses the planet & the surround!n space atmosphere aga!n... hulk & thor run !n, send mag!k to l!mbo they asses, theyll charge she can take they asses easy... tony runs !n, shadowcat jumps through h!s ass, circuitry fried... ms marvel dont really want that rogue ether aga!n... scott pulls out xaviers hidden "avengers protocol" handbook....
!f they fight at peak power & full potent!al (no fukkery) avengers are dead w!th!n an hour.... leg!on, cable, rachel, glad!ator, s!n!ster, magneto & vulcan... walk out w!t no fukks g!ven...
That didn't work out too well for him when Hulk came knocking on his front door.
Frankly, the X-Men lose just about anyway you slice it. If you want to play "The Most Powerful Version" game, the X-Men lose there, too. Shaman Nate, Full-power Cable, Legion, and Phoenix avatar Rachael or Jean are easily trumped by House of M Scarlet Witch, Chaos War Hercules, Rune King Thor, Worldbreaker Hulk, Siege Sentry/Void, Dr. Strange channeling the power of Eternity, Binary Ms. Marvel and Captain Universe.
Irrelevant.That team still ain't shyt compared to the roster I listed.
Magneto is no slouch, but I'm still not spotting him the prep advantage over Stark, Pym, Banner, Strange or Reed Richards. And when did Magneto ever get the upper hand on Doom?
Wrong. Sentry does to Magneto what he did to Molecule Man. Magik sends Thor and Hulk to Limbo and Thor teleports them right back out. Shadowcat gets done by Captain Marvel or Vision. A pity Cyclops didn't have those Avengers Protocols around for that recent crossover with the Avengers. Matter of fact, the X-Men were getting their shyt pushed in until the Phoenix showed up. And I'm not spotting Cyclops a tactical advantage over Captain America, the greatest field leader in comics.
Not even close, but you can keep repeating this nonsense until someone believes it.![]()
Magneto beat everyone in Magneto War and there wasnt a damn thing Hulk/Thor/Reed/Iron Man/Xavier could do about it...sonned the fukk outta Thor and the Avengers in Avengers vs X- Nen 4...beat down Red Hulk...humilated Doom in FF: House of M 3 and had him at his mercy in Childrens Crusade. Marvel keeps them equal though since they are the top two.
Sentry didnt beat no A listers...he kept getting scared and running. He was Magnetos bytch at the end of HOM too.
Tell these dudes the truth, mags was out mak!n space wormholes to teleport & snatch wanda from the avengers cause he "felt/heard" she was !n trouble from across the globe...
Silver Surfer can't even do that. I just read over that run a few days ago. Claremont was building to the first confrontation between Magneto and Sinister but House of M mandates changed all of that.
I understand what you are saying but what are they gona K.O him with? After the delay is over then what?
With rouge, ok she absords 5% his power. What's that gona do?a 5% drain wont weaken him and hell regen that back in no time. Its prob just gona piss him off and we all know what happens then
Point is she needs to drain a lot more then that to make him weak but then that just proves my first point that she cant handle it.