Amerikan Melanin
Why you didn't marry her?
I think this site is just as if not more obsessed with interracial dating than st0rmfr0nt, however for completely different reasons. Ain't mad at the OP either as I like reading different folks' experiences, but the amount of interracial related threads on this forum is noticeable. Who cares who you choose to date.
Have to say though, something the OP mentioned that I always get a kick out of is, the "strong Black women." That phrase/description will always be hilarious to me. It's like something straight out of Amazon or CraigsList. A woman is a woman so far as I'm concerned.
Word... Same with " I'm a real nikka" shyt always gets theIt's become so cliche that it's lost it's meaning.
I don't know any black woman who doesn't consider herself a "strong" black woman.
I'm like, "I can see that you're black you don't need to mention that every time we talk, and what does strong mean anyway?"
Word... Same with " I'm a real nikka" shyt always gets thefrom me... Its like are you trying to convince me or yourself...
OP you got any Asian girls or light skinned btches to give my way
- blackierobinson
Hmmm... I'm 25 so that's probably why...Eh I tend to hear that less now that I'm in my 30's but yea same concept.
Which thread fam?...People are bothered by interracial dating. Half the topics in TLR are a testament to that.
The same ones claiming they don't care were likely the same ones in the Butler/Swift thread fuming.
You have talked about this girl on here before. Why didn't you marry her? Why did you keep complaining about DC dating and not just marry her? Why did you move back to La and not bring her? Why didn't you stay in DC and marry her?