"We are the Fury"
Some black men (many of which are in this thread) have a sick obsession with "wanting," to be hated for dating non-black women by black women.Why would you want hate?There was this one guy I once dated who said to me "If a white girl tried to talk to me in front of you,you wouldn't have that huh?" I was thinking to myself wtf.What does her race have to do with anything?I believe that he wanted me to respond with jealousy & hate.
Black women be weary of these type of black men.They are more concerned with getting a hate reaction out of you, than the woman they are with.I believe it stems from insecurity,they want to be "wanted."
I think you have it twisted. Black men are concerned with the hate stare because it brings attention to them and they feel a deep sense of shame. They'd rather not have it as for some it is painful.