Dating after 30.


May 29, 2014
I feel you fam, I'm really big on communication and transparency when it comes to dealing with females. So the more information you have on someone or the situation, the better you decisions should be. Also, by not allowing my mind to take that drug of ROMANTIC LOVE, i'm able to make rational decisions when i'm dealing with females. Like any drug, there are great HIGHS and bad LOWS and the emotion we call romantic love is no different. So to be fair, my methods are for short term 1 year to maybe 2 year relationships like a cell phone contract, but if your trying to take out a mortgage with people, then trying not to be detached like that is probably not gonna work. But the need for communication and transparency should always be there no matter what.
I respect your honesty. If only more guys can just be as honest with girls on what they want out of relationships, it benefit both genders.
Are you still on the fwb stage or are you lookig for a long-term relationship?

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Barr u my nikka 100 grand but I disagree with your statement. I'm 32 no kids and I would say I am more mature than other dudes my age with kids especially if they are paying child support or don't have custody of their kids. Meaning I make smarter decisions than those baby daddies my age that lost the power in their households. I am more reckless tho thats my downside since I don't have kids. & from a different perspective The mental damage the kids endure when they see momma bring a new nikka home every few weeks/months gotta take a toll. But I give most parents the credit that they may take their jobs/money making opportunities more seriously since they have multiple mouths to feed.

dawg, first off,....

i hate to say it, but you just have not fukked that chic.
who had your number so you don't have kids.
which is cool..
yet it is a whole different story to a person who has a kid with a female who has/had your number.
it is a whole different mindstate.
plus, the guys you are talembout.
are, on a journey you have no idea what/who/why/how is taking place, till you have kids.

i used to think i was above all my homies with kids.
then, i got a kid and realized it was shyt i was never going to be able to equal them on because i don't have a child to know what that is.

life is about actually having the experience, as a parent then talking about what life is.
before you get that experience,....
you just have no fukk'n idea and it isn't held to anything that is fully indicative of what life as a man really is.

it just is what it is,....
i did not have any idea what it was till i did it, and was consistently actualized and well versed in doing it.

you just need to have a child to become fully actualized as a human being.
there is no way around it and a level of maturity will be lacking if you don't.
that is readily accessible to people who really are fully actualized as human being.

it just is,..what it is....

art barr


Jun 9, 2012
Curious what the coli perspective is here...

Do you think you find "the one" after 30?

Or do you end up settling for someone is who in reality is just okay, but you've just convinced yourself that they are amazing because you're looking for a steady relationship?


:ufdup:Make sure She doesn't see you like that Breh!
Mar 23, 2013
Anyone that enters in a romantic relationship is taking a risk. There are no absolute guarantees in life.

But what you fail to realize is men spin more plate than a women do on average. Men have to go get women its a process with us even when we just want a fling its still a process not so much for women See you as a women can get sex easily but you hope that man loves you one day and women understand love dosent come easily. Men love diffrently than women do the dumb shyt women do is try to get men to LOVE the way women do. Men get abused by women when they show ANY form of softness or beta maleness . Power corrupts this why I never stop thinking when im around women ...cause women are always trying to gain an advantage. And I have an article for you to show how women are in a relationship when it comes to power .


May 29, 2014
But what you fail to realize is men spin more plate than a women do on average. Men have to go get women its a process with us even when we just want a fling its still a process not so much for women See you as a women can get sex easily but you hope that man loves you one day and women understand love dosent come easily. Men love diffrently than women do the dumb shyt women do is try to get men to LOVE the way women do. Men get abused by women when they show ANY form of softness or beta maleness . Power corrupts this why I never stop thinking when im around women ...cause women are always trying to gain an advantage. And I have an article for you to show how women are in a relationship when it comes to power .
My problem with what you are saying that you think that men are infallible and women are always trying to get one over men.
The reality is that men and women are looking for an advantage in a relationship to prevent being the loser. Men do it and women do it. No one is more innocent than the other.
You are on your ps and qs and so is she. Point is people are scared of getting hurt but think nothing of hurting the other. Life doesn't work that way and it has tendency to humble us all at some point. Every action has a reaction.


May 29, 2014
Yea I prefer FWEB (Friends with EXCLUSIVE benefits lol) i'm not with that messing with other people stuff :russ: one person at a time. But yea i'm not looking for anything long term, probably because i'm not looking to start a family or have kids. Also, when people sale long term relationships to me, it's like somebody trying to get me to sign a two year cell phone contract with sprint or Verizon. Which is cool, but I can get a pre paid with boost or one of these other carriers and get all the same things somebody would get signing a contract for cheaper and no penalty when I decided to leave :manny:. But if somebody is a hopeless romantic that enjoy the highs of being in love, and they wanna start a family? then more power to them. I would never waist a females time that was looking for that right out the gate.
So you don't think that you could ever love someone enough to want to be in anything more than a fwb relationship?


May 29, 2014
Yea I prefer FWEB (Friends with EXCLUSIVE benefits lol) i'm not with that messing with other people stuff :russ: one person at a time. But yea i'm not looking for anything long term, probably because i'm not looking to start a family or have kids. Also, when people sale long term relationships to me, it's like somebody trying to get me to sign a two year cell phone contract with sprint or Verizon. Which is cool, but I can get a pre paid with boost or one of these other carriers and get all the same things somebody would get signing a contract for cheaper and no penalty when I decided to leave :manny:. But if somebody is a hopeless romantic that enjoy the highs of being in love, and they wanna start a family? then more power to them. I would never waist a females time that was looking for that right out the gate.
What if every woman you come across is unwilling to do that arrangement. Do you think that you will be tempted to string them along to get what you want?

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
If it served a woman to wait on a man's potential, many would jump that ship. Fact is men are always looking for an upgrade in women and few value loyalty and longevity.
Women understsnd that and act accordingly...don't hate the player hate the game that you all are playing.

actually,..this is just like the setup to how cavanaugh became who he was.
he saw that in general most females don't respect what a man really is.
from the situation his mom's did to the only guy who really cared about his mom and him.
females are just now being exposed in extreme numbers.
for the bait and switch the marrriage gen after the great depression, created to take place.
plus, since females are free.
yet, were given extremely reverse sexist based reparations and programs.
meant to take economic wealth and power from well to do rich white families with females in the first born and head matriarch role.

since, the dawn of time males and females are victims from the construct of government and religion.
which is what creates the situations that dissolve our unions.
yet, the evil of greedy white men at the helm of government and religion are why we are where we are.
the game is created by people who are changing their loser based beta mentality.
into the ways of the alpha erroneously.
as typically those types are inferior in mind/spirit/body.
so, they have manipulated the construct to fit their beta based mentality/lives.

art barr


May 1, 2012
From the Bay to Central CA
theres no age limit on finding the person you want to share your days with

if you got some cut and dry criteria, like "she could have only fukked 2 people but they must have had smaller dikks then me!!!" or whatever, then yeah, your gonna be alone if you havent found her past your 18th birthday

be open minded to any females (within reason), you never know... people too worried about "principle" and not their own happiness...

fukk it, lifes short.. if you really hit it off with a bytch with 3 bastid kids, let it play out, you never know
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All Star
Jun 15, 2012
men in here talking about wifing and starting families with 21 year olds :mjlol:

then whine about gold diggers and how vapid, flakey, annoying, boring, and lame bytches are :mjlol:

most men are delusional and overestimate how attractive they are and how much other women are attracted to them. every woman has had the unfortunate experience of some creep thinking you like him just because you were polite to him. lets be real no bangin twentysomething is taking any man more than like 10+ years olde than her seriously for anything but money. no one is attracted to receding hairlines and erectile dysfunction. :childplease:

im 24 and ive had to hurt so many old geezers feelings and let him know he aint got it no more and he needs to come up off some coins to fukk me. but i'll let yall continue with this fantasy because its sadly common among older men who think the young tender is gonna find his wrinkles sexy and fukk him for free because she likes him that much :russ: Yeah right. Shes gonna go and spend your money on the next nikka thats younger than you with more energy and strength that understands her. seen it 1000000 times.
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May 29, 2014
Lol naw, I believe happiness is something that can't be found from external sources, because all of those things whether they be material things or relationships. Will be taken from you the longer you live. I believe happiness is a state of mind that comes from within, so if somebody told me from this day until the day I die, that I wouldn't be able to have sex or be in a relationship with somebody, It wouldn't bother me :manny: because i'm not looking for people to make me happy but i'm looking for people to add to my happiness. The thought of being lonely scares the hell out of a lot of people, especially women. That's why some girls will stay in a abusive relationship over being alone if they have to. So yea, at the extreme scenario that you put fourth, it wouldn't be an issue, all I would be missing out on is sex worse case, but I would still be able to enjoy meaningful friendships and occasional companionship.
Very insightful.


May 29, 2014
Lol naw, I believe happiness is something that can't be found from external sources, because all of those things whether they be material things or relationships. Will be taken from you the longer you live. I believe happiness is a state of mind that comes from within, so if somebody told me from this day until the day I die, that I wouldn't be able to have sex or be in a relationship with somebody, It wouldn't bother me :manny: because i'm not looking for people to make me happy but i'm looking for people to add to my happiness. The thought of being lonely scares the hell out of a lot of people, especially women. That's why some girls will stay in a abusive relationship over being alone if they have to. So yea, at the extreme scenario that you put fourth, it wouldn't be an issue, all I would be missing out on is sex worse case, but I would still be able to enjoy meaningful friendships and occasional companionship.
I think loneliness scares both men and women equally. I just think women are made to feel like they are defective pr something's wrong with them if they are not settled with a companion past a certain age. Hence the pressure to find someone.