In the past couple years I've dated/fukked with a 22 year old, a 25 year old, a 28 year old, and a 29 year old. Been in monogamous relationships since my mid-20s for the most part, ended a long term one a couple years back and decided to play the market again. One thing you forget as you get older is just how different a 20-something year old body is to look at, touch, taste, and have your way with. And that shyt can get addictive, like suddenly you have access to the finest cuisine on the planet all the time. But just like the finest cuisine, it costs and it comes with legitimate health concerns.
Generations evolve and close faster than ever, and a chick 10-20 years younger than you is more culturally different from you than ever at my age. The music, the technology, the concepts of what it means to be a decent person even. Dating someone who grew up with social media their entire lives and then hopped on dating apps early is also a rollercoaster - these chicks have distinctly different and curated selves, and you can never be sure who you're with. They're also way more casual about sex and trauma than any of my people ever were. On top of that, a generation that has grown up with the reality of the curated public self and the constant implication of audience is inevitably performative and insincere while being intensely passionate. The chicks I fukked with all displayed traits I associated with borderline personality disorder.
The sex was really difficult to walk away from, but ultimately I felt undignified being in public and private with them. I look younger than my age, in great shape, professionally successful but bottom line I'm so much more mature than these chicks the gap in sophistication is degrading. The conversations can get insufferable. The music they wanted to hear made me want to die. Also, even though you're smashing a young chick and that makes you feel youthful, they actually make you feel wild old because all your references are dated to them, they haven't seen any of the movies you consider classics and try to throw on etc. One time I woke up in the morning and threw on a playlist while I was making me and this chick coffee and breakfast. Bernard Wright's "Who Do You Love" came on. Shorty was like "this is a good song, what is it?" I was like "you too young to know this joint, but I bet you recognize the beat from LL's Lounging." She was like "I don't think so." I was indignant about it. "That song was everywhere!" Then she gets on her phone and looks it up. "Oh, this is the guy from NCIS! This song came out in 1995. How would I know it? That's the year I was born!" I wanted to disappear from my own house, man.
In another instance, a chick was telling me she had to go to her mom's birthday celebration, but she should be done in time to do wine and a movie with me at my spot. "I thought y'all were going out for dinner and drinks though?" She was like "yeah, but my mom and her husband are old people, they can't hang but so late." I made the mistake of asking how old her mom was. bytch was 3 years older than I am.

Generations evolve and close faster than ever, and a chick 10-20 years younger than you is more culturally different from you than ever at my age. The music, the technology, the concepts of what it means to be a decent person even. Dating someone who grew up with social media their entire lives and then hopped on dating apps early is also a rollercoaster - these chicks have distinctly different and curated selves, and you can never be sure who you're with. They're also way more casual about sex and trauma than any of my people ever were. On top of that, a generation that has grown up with the reality of the curated public self and the constant implication of audience is inevitably performative and insincere while being intensely passionate. The chicks I fukked with all displayed traits I associated with borderline personality disorder.
The sex was really difficult to walk away from, but ultimately I felt undignified being in public and private with them. I look younger than my age, in great shape, professionally successful but bottom line I'm so much more mature than these chicks the gap in sophistication is degrading. The conversations can get insufferable. The music they wanted to hear made me want to die. Also, even though you're smashing a young chick and that makes you feel youthful, they actually make you feel wild old because all your references are dated to them, they haven't seen any of the movies you consider classics and try to throw on etc. One time I woke up in the morning and threw on a playlist while I was making me and this chick coffee and breakfast. Bernard Wright's "Who Do You Love" came on. Shorty was like "this is a good song, what is it?" I was like "you too young to know this joint, but I bet you recognize the beat from LL's Lounging." She was like "I don't think so." I was indignant about it. "That song was everywhere!" Then she gets on her phone and looks it up. "Oh, this is the guy from NCIS! This song came out in 1995. How would I know it? That's the year I was born!" I wanted to disappear from my own house, man.
In another instance, a chick was telling me she had to go to her mom's birthday celebration, but she should be done in time to do wine and a movie with me at my spot. "I thought y'all were going out for dinner and drinks though?" She was like "yeah, but my mom and her husband are old people, they can't hang but so late." I made the mistake of asking how old her mom was. bytch was 3 years older than I am.