Dating a younger woman as an old nikka?


All Star
Jun 16, 2015
My experience is from outside.

This isn't speculation, or me getting my info from social media.

No disrespect. But older women are low hanging fruit. They are way easier to get.
Losers, ugly nikkaz, broke nikkaz, nikkaz who don't know how to talk to Women, cornballs etc can get older women, especially older single mothers because of these lady's lack of options.

No matter what u think about a Younger women's lack of experience... They have way more options, and better options when it comes to dating.
So they are quick to not give attention to unattractive men and dudes who aren't "fun".

This shyt ain't even a debate...
Any guy that you think is a attractive and a good catch will take a younger women over an older women any day of the week.

Again, most older dudes can't even get these young chix... And young nikkaz don't want these older women.

What age do you classify as older women? 35 and above?


All Star
Jun 16, 2015
My experience is from outside.

This isn't speculation, or me getting my info from social media.

No disrespect. But older women are low hanging fruit. They are way easier to get.
Losers, ugly nikkaz, broke nikkaz, nikkaz who don't know how to talk to Women, cornballs etc can get older women, especially older single mothers because of these lady's lack of options.

No matter what u think about a Younger women's lack of experience... They have way more options, and better options when it comes to dating.
So they are quick to not give attention to unattractive men and dudes who aren't "fun".

This shyt ain't even a debate...
Any guy that you think is a attractive and a good catch will take a younger women over an older women any day of the week.

Again, most older dudes can't even get these young chix... And young nikkaz don't want these older women.
Damn how are u finding these old threads lol

Yea, id say 35 give or take

Lol stumble across them in the "Similar threads" suggestions. How do you think more squares being hip to the game thanks to social media and YouTube will impact the game going forward, especially as women get older?


Jan 4, 2017
Lol stumble across them in the "Similar threads" suggestions. How do you think more squares being hip to the game thanks to social media and YouTube will impact the game going forward, especially as women get older?

Funny u asked that cause I was just having a conversation about that.

I don't know if all that stuff is called red pill or whatever genre it is but I don't think it's going to change anything.

I'm not gonna call them just "squares" cause regular cool Joe blow nikkaz ain't hip to female nature either because men in general are trained not to be hip to it.
If we were, men probably wouldn't even want to be in relationships. And that's not good for society.
(I actually think men inherently have an inclination to be suckas, protectors and workers for women, even to the detriment of their own lives. But That's another conversation)

So even with all the social media and podcasts info on the game from some guys who actually know some of the game... You can't change grown nikkaz by instructing them on the game.
They'll have the info and maybe try to at least think about that info while interacting with women, and maybe they can front a lil bit.
But they not gonna be able to pull it off. Who they are is who they are.
Either chix gonna see through it or they gonna fold for the first badd bytch they talk to.

This is coming from a nikka who been given nikkaz the blueprint before social media.
I just gave up. Lol
People are who they are.

The only thing that will change is that the game will balance itself out. Like everything else in this life. But it will have nothing to do with info on YouTube or women getting older.

We went from Being all the way on the left with patriarchal ideals, and that was not good.
To finding our way all the way to the right with matriarchal ideals and this has been catastrophic. It's not working for anybody.

There will be a balance

(Hopefully I answered your question)


Aug 22, 2015
38 - 21 is a little far out for me :manny:

Can’t be dating boring NFL score numbers :mjlol:

Damn I’m gonna steal this cause it’s a really good rule to go by. The age gap has to look like a football score that’s a decent game.

35-27? That’s a good game right there, came down to a touchdown, maybe the losing team even had the chance at a game winning drive. :ehh: Maybe even 35-24 depending on how the game went.

31-27? Sweet spot, damn good football game.

With that logic, 38-21 is lookin a lil crazy out here


All Star
Jun 16, 2015
Funny u asked that cause I was just having a conversation about that.

I don't know if all that stuff is called red pill or whatever genre it is but I don't think it's going to change anything.

I'm not gonna call them just "squares" cause regular cool Joe blow nikkaz ain't hip to female nature either because men in general are trained not to be hip to it.
If we were, men probably wouldn't even want to be in relationships. And that's not good for society.
(I actually think men inherently have an inclination to be suckas, protectors and workers for women, even to the detriment of their own lives. But That's another conversation)

So even with all the social media and podcasts info on the game from some guys who actually know some of the game... You can't change grown nikkaz by instructing them on the game.
They'll have the info and maybe try to at least think about that info while interacting with women, and maybe they can front a lil bit.
But they not gonna be able to pull it off. Who they are is who they are.
Either chix gonna see through it or they gonna fold for the first badd bytch they talk to.

This is coming from a nikka who been given nikkaz the blueprint before social media.
I just gave up. Lol
People are who they are.

The only thing that will change is that the game will balance itself out. Like everything else in this life. But it will have nothing to do with info on YouTube or women getting older.

We went from Being all the way on the left with patriarchal ideals, and that was not good.
To finding our way all the way to the right with matriarchal ideals and this has been catastrophic. It's not working for anybody.

There will be a balance

(Hopefully I answered your question)

That’s true but I was referring more to the younger generations getting hip to the game via podcasts and social media. A lot of younger dudes aren’t taking women out on dates at all. That’s why we see these viral tweets about women complaining about only getting “wyd” texts late at night and not getting asked out or approached anymore. And yeah you’re right it will have less impact on older dudes but in general it seems like men are less likely to simp for women who aren’t really feeling them since more dudes have been getting hip. I predict there will be a smaller safety net of squares women can run to when they get older and out of options.
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King Poetic

Sagittarius KingPin
Feb 15, 2013
Los Angeles, California
It makes him a loser because the young girl is driving to see the old head?:what:

Ma... It's easy to lie to any age group woman.

It's easy to get an older woman and it's easier to do anything u want to her.
She's gonna be willing to give you her check and do all kinds of shyt to keep you around.
They have way less options.
In reality they are Low Hanging fruit.

Young women have more options, but if she chooses a loser older man...She would probably choose a loser her same age too.
She just likes losers.
Him being older has no bearing.

We can test my theory.
Go find a dude u think is attractive and NOT a loser.
See if he would choose you over some young bytch



Being a older dude

These older women are in desperation mode and as long as u decent looking and have a car( many nikkas they used to date never had), a place to lay your head( because many of them dated dudes who they let shack up in their place) and u working ( because many of these women got kids with dead beat no working nikkas)

U are like a pot of gold to these women, because at 40,45 years old they have no options to go along with their career and home


Jan 4, 2017
That’s true but I was referring more to the younger generations getting hip to the game via podcasts and social media. A lot of younger dudes aren’t taking women out on dates at all. That’s why we see these viral tweets about women complaining about only getting “wyd” texts late at night and not getting asked out or approached anymore. And yeah you’re right it will have less impact on older dudes but in general it seems like men are less likely to simp for women who aren’t really feeling them since more dudes have been getting hip. I predict there will be a smaller safety net of squares women can run to when they get older and out of options. answer to that was mixed in their with all the other crap i

To the bolded. What u see from these young dudes is not real.
It's a facade that comes from watching YouTube and the podcast.
They're trying to play hard on hoes but still be trying to flex for hoes and be all in bytches dms/inboxes and would fly a badd bytch out or wife up a thot in a heart beat.
These young cats are more suckaz then any generation ever.
Their act just looks good on paper.

Them not approaching girls or the "wyd" txt is just a fear of rejection masked with "I'm not a simp" verbiage.

Simply, all the information has done is make young dudes front even harder.
But they are the worse suckaz.

In contrast, You're grandfather didn't give 2 sh*ts about a bytch and he wasn't frontin at all


Jan 4, 2017

Being a older dude

These older women are in desperation mode and as long as u decent looking and have a car( many nikkas they used to date never had), a place to lay your head( because many of them dated dudes who they let shack up in their place) and u working ( because many of these women got kids with dead beat no working nikkas)

U are like a pot of gold to these women, because at 40,45 years old they have no options to go along with their career and home

All facts.

If you're an older dude and just look decent you can have your pick of most older women.

If you're older and can still bagg young women in their 20s... Then your gonna have older women trying to bond you first night. Buy you gifts, clean your house etc.

Because even if she looks good for her age. She feels like she's winning just having a chance to be with u.

Her ex husband or the guys that usually approach her are :flabbynsick: looks and attitude