My experience is from outside.How many young people do you know? Are you getting your info from the media because all types of men are able to get younger women alot of times due to lack of experience. I see some of my associates with older men and they are losers.
This isn't speculation, or me getting my info from social media.
No disrespect. But older women are low hanging fruit. They are way easier to get.
Losers, ugly nikkaz, broke nikkaz, nikkaz who don't know how to talk to Women, cornballs etc can get older women, especially older single mothers because of these lady's lack of options.
No matter what u think about a Younger women's lack of experience... They have way more options, and better options when it comes to dating.
So they are quick to not give attention to unattractive men and dudes who aren't "fun".
This shyt ain't even a debate...
Any guy that you think is a attractive and a good catch will take a younger women over an older women any day of the week.
Again, most older dudes can't even get these young chix... And young nikkaz don't want these older women.