Gettin' It In
As opposed to the blatant Thanos love in the OP?Brehs ran in the thread to save they boyfriend darkseid![]()

As opposed to the blatant Thanos love in the OP?Brehs ran in the thread to save they boyfriend darkseid![]()
Stone doesn’t need to be glowing, he had itNah. No Infinity Stone was used. Straight hands. Noticed the stone wasn't glowing during the fight.
I own it. Thanos didn't destroy the universe, he just whipped everyone's ass. What I'm referring to is Darkseid nearly destroying Earth 2 universe in N52.Did you read Infinity Gauntlet? Lol.
Yeah I mixed them up. Movie was kinda a mash for me at one point.No he didn’t
That wasn’t a flashback that was a premonition from the motherboxes.
Only flashback was when Wonder Woman was telling Bruce the story and there was no Omega beams.
i still don’t understand what the anti life equation is. I watched a YouTube video and everything![]()
Darkseid had to fight multiple literal gods, atlanteans, and amazons. Thanos fought jobbers and then Captain Marvel fought him even![]()
Snyder made ZERO attempts to explain it. We only know it's significant because Darkseid is looking for it. 4 hours and you couldn't devote 3 minutes to relay it's importance
He killed 5 foot soldiers, a lantern who got rocked by a parademon and was punch drunk, then caught two arrows to the chest, got stunned by a trident blast, rendered immobile while defending a lightning blast, got axed to the shoulder/neck, kicked, then scooped up for the retreat. His total screen time once he started fighting til his defeat was exactly 1 minute. I got the video loaded up right now so these are all facts
They came to earth with an army, sorcerers, 3 Mother Boxes, and Darkseid for a 2 minute war. At no point did Earth look threatened. None of the gods even broke a sweat. They lost a few archers/grunts and a lantern. Apocalypse lost all the Mother Boxes and Darseid nearly died. Didn't even make sense how Earth didn't finish him off. They let two parademons slowly fly him away. They destroyed a fleeing ship but made no attempt to attack the one Darkseid was on![]()
They completely botched him as a threat. This is how you introduce the final boss:
They immediately put it in the audiences mind that Thanos was on another level. Having him wash the strongest force so easily made you question if anyone could beat him.
Snyder is not a good storyteller.
That was uxas he wasnt darkseid yet
But don't let them just take your word for it
He whipped Hulk so bad, people were clapping like Thanos was an Avenger![]()
Taken straight from the movie:
Wonder Woman: "A great armada appeared in the sky laying waste to all who opposed it. The leader of the invaders was a being called Darkseid."
I get what you're saying but the movie didn't set that up. The audience doesn't know all that so you have to show it on screen.
Loki: We have a Hulk
Audience: Oh shyt
Maw: Let him have his fun
Audience: Oh my god
That is great film making, word to Scorcese. Had the crowd amped believing the good guys would win. Hulk looked like he was doing something but one line from Maw instantly changed the whole tone. You could hear everyone get confused. Then the air got sucked out of the room when the tide turned. The crowd sounded defeated but they had to give it up because Thanos was the badass they wanted him be. He wasn't just brawling either. He was looking like a skilled and seasoned fighter which made him looked even stronger.
These nuances are something Snyder just doesn't grasp.
Imagine if this was Darkseid
He would've beenafter Tony dropped that structure on him. And it really would've been a piece of cake
They dont dress the same they dont fight the same and they damn sure dont look the same because his skin hasn't turned to stone yet.
Yeah, everybody who doesn't read comics would know that from watching a movie that doesn't bother to mention it.
Stellar moviemaking.
Snyder made ZERO attempts to explain it. We only know it's significant because Darkseid is looking for it. 4 hours and you couldn't devote 3 minutes to relay it's importance
He killed 5 foot soldiers, a lantern who got rocked by a parademon and was punch drunk, then caught two arrows to the chest, got stunned by a trident blast, rendered immobile while defending a lightning blast, got axed to the shoulder/neck, kicked, then scooped up for the retreat. His total screen time once he started fighting til his defeat was exactly 1 minute. I got the video loaded up right now so these are all facts
They came to earth with an army, sorcerers, 3 Mother Boxes, and Darkseid for a 2 minute war. At no point did Earth look threatened. None of the gods even broke a sweat. They lost a few archers/grunts and a lantern. Apocalypse lost all the Mother Boxes and Darseid nearly died. Didn't even make sense how Earth didn't finish him off. They let two parademons slowly fly him away. They destroyed a fleeing ship but made no attempt to attack the one Darkseid was on![]()
They completely botched him as a threat. This is how you introduce the final boss:
They immediately put it in the audiences mind that Thanos was on another level. Having him wash the strongest force so easily made you question if anyone could beat him.
Snyder is not a good storyteller.
No. Just noUh when has Thanos lost to doom thats wasnt amped? Youre just making up shyt now Thanos would beat the breaks off Darkseid. Darkseid gets his ass whooped by superman and thanos beats on entire teams of people as strong as superman.