''Dark Skinned Activist'' Calls Kendrick Lamar a ‘Fake Conscious C00n'

Harry B

May 20, 2012
Not directed at any of y'all specifically but I feel like people are being real short-sighted and willfully ignorant about this. It's not about the girl being light or about kendrick dumping her once he got on (Cuz what????). It's about how he was with this girl for ten years but kept her ass damn near a secret while he shouted from the hilltops about his love of brown skinned/dark skinned girls. Couple that with his respectability politics and this dude comes off as fake conscious strictly to sell records.

He'll put a girl like this in his videos to get support from the pro-Black community:


But show up to cac functions with a girl like this:


Who do you think the cacs are going to be more comfortable with? :skip: He's playing both sides and people don't like it. Stop with the fake revolutionary bullshyt and just be who you are, a nikka from Compton who's into racially ambiguous jawns (even racially ambiguous Black jawns) just like the rest of the nikkas from Compton.

And y'all keep comparing light skin Black women who are CLEARLY Black to Whitney who is racially ambiguous. I'm not saying she's not Black (because I've seen her parents and she self-identifies as Black) but this comparing her to Chaka, Angela Davis, or Kathleen Cleaver? :mjlol: Whitney could pass for a Kardashian and yall know it. If whitney is so clearly, OBVIOUSLY Black with white ancestry like y'all are claiming then so is kim k:


Y'all can't tell me K. Dot's girl doesn't look like the fifth Kardashian sister. :camby:

PS ragging on the author of the piece for being dark-skinned only proves her point.
He might like all types of women but prefers "darker complexion", however he's not that shallow to wife a girl based on her complexion. So he just connected well with a girl and has stayed with her for 10 years. That's a tall good looking broad getting together with a 17 year old hood ass midget, that's a real girl right there :laugh:

He's uplifting a group which isn't uplifted as much as some other groups in hiphop, he has his high school girl which might've been due to her complexion or not (who the fukk knows?). How can you hate on that? That's his HS GIRL, he's not out chasing IG thots like Budden, Wiz Khalifa and them. If a cac stays fighting for black women as a group, marries a Chinese broad.. Is he a devil, fake conscious and shyt all of a sudden?
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Stacker Pentecost

Mar 19, 2015

Critique him because of the color of his girl? What the fukk are you talking about? :what:

As long as shes part black it doesnt matter, racist whites are still gonna call her a ****** no matter what. Back in the 1960s where blacks of all shades stuck together is when shyt got done. They started the fight but didnt finish it, and now here we are in 2015 arguing about light skin vs dark skin instead of finishing the fight.

Your words: 'How can she a pro black activist by putting down and attacking a black man with a pro black message, who is successful in a system that is built against people of color?'

So pro-black activists are not allowed to critique Kendrick just because he's a black man with a pro-black message, who is successful in a system that is built against people of color?

That's my question. Is KENDRICK above critique because of who he is? I didn't even mention his gf. I'm strictly asking if you feel kendrick is above critique simply because of what you feel he has accomplished?

And I've said multiple times it's not about his gf being light, damn you illiterate fools can't comprehend shyt!

Stacker Pentecost

Mar 19, 2015
Yall really want this to be about a 'colorism' thing and not a 'kendrick is a fake fukk and a c00n' thing. :heh:


Lord have mercy!
Apr 30, 2014
He'll put a girl like this in his videos to get support from the pro-Black community:


But show up to cac functions with a girl like this:


Color me foolish blue but I could've sworn that Kendrick just makes a conscious effort to big up dark skinned black women in his videos (pretty much all of them) "especially" because he knows they're not well, often if at all, represented in the media; and that's aside from inherently knowing how beautiful black is. From his Never Catch me video to the "i" video with the dark glistening skin all around.
His actual girlfriend, perhaps a product of his teen choices (he did idolize Wayne around that era), is a different matter because when you start a relationship with someone the reasons for staying in that relationship often have nothing to do with the reason said relationship started.

I wholeheartedly believe in black love, but if I get with a white woman and she gives me her all with what her face am I gonna tell her: "Yo you're the best relationship I've ever had to this day, and you've given me more than I ever thought possible. But you ain't black sooo...we through:troll:" without taking away from my own self-love? Honestly that's the reason I don't approach white/latina/asian women like that no more at all; 'cause mingling with them can end up taking away from me building with a black woman who can mean just that much more to me.

What I'm saying is: more difficult than being black is being a black human being.

Hypothetical scenario question: Black man Jordan broke up with his cac girlfriend who sacrificed a lot of her life for him to marry a black woman who he then sacrificed a lot of his life for. Except that particular black woman divorced Jordan to marry her cac husband who she then sacrificed a lot of her life for. What does that make Jordan?

Stacker Pentecost

Mar 19, 2015
And he's not a c00n because she's light, he's a c00n because he's a fukking liar. Now I see why Kendrick was riding so hard for Amethyst in that 'Billboard' article, they're two of a kind, both fakes acting like they're down to make money off of dumb nikkas. Fake ass frauds pretending to be something they're not to eat off of the Black community tho. That's what this shyt is about. Get this colorism 'hoes are mad cuz she's light' shyt out of here. :camby:

EDIT: This posted twice.
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Aug 29, 2013
I said multiple times in my post that it's not about her being light (even in the part you quoted), it's about kendrick being a fukking fake, so the fact that you even uttered the sentence 'y'all switch it to his girl isn't dark enough' means your comprehension skills are nonexistent. Y'all already have your minds made up about what people's issue with this is so its no point wasting brain cells trying to educate a clit flea like yourself.

How is he fake, if he's with someone who's been with since he was putting out mixtapes and shyt.

Stacker Pentecost

Mar 19, 2015
He might like all types of women but prefers "darker complexion", however he's not that shallow to wife a girl based on her complexion. So he just connected well with a girl and has stayed with her for 10 years. That's a tall good looking broad getting together with a 17 year old hood ass midget, that's a real girl right there :laugh:

He's uplifting a group which isn't uplifted as much as some other groups in hiphop, he has his high school girl which might've been due to her complexion or not (who the fukk knows?). How can you hate on that? That's his HS GIRL, he's not out chasing IG thots like Budden, Wiz Khalifa and them. If a cac stays fighting for black women as a group, marries a Chinese broad.. Is he a devil, fake conscious and shyt all of a sudden?


Somebody PLEASE tell me how to do the Jackie Chan wtf head. We're talking about fake deep c00ns and this fool comes out of nowhere talking about cacs and chinese women???????????


Lord have mercy!
Apr 30, 2014
And he's not a c00n because she's light, he's a c00n because he's a fukking liar. Now I see why Kendrick was riding so hard for Amethyst in that 'Billboard' article, they're two of a kind, both fakes acting like they're down to make money off of dumb nikkas. Fake ass frauds pretending to be something they're not to eat off of the Black community tho. That's what this shyt is about. Get this colorism 'hoes are mad cuz she's light' shyt out of here. :camby:
Wait, when and what did he lie about again? I'm confused, I thought this was about his girlfriend. :dahell:

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
Your words: 'How can she a pro black activist by putting down and attacking a black man with a pro black message, who is successful in a system that is built against people of color?'

So pro-black activists are not allowed to critique Kendrick just because he's a black man with a pro-black message, who is successful in a system that is built against people of color?

That's my question. Is KENDRICK above critique because of who he is? I didn't even mention his gf. I'm strictly asking if you feel kendrick is above critique simply because of what you feel he has accomplished?

And I've said multiple times it's not about his gf being light, damn you illiterate fools can't comprehend shyt!

but how is critiquing his sex life important for the advancement of black people? :ohhh:

Harry B

May 20, 2012

Somebody PLEASE tell me how to do the Jackie Chan wtf head. We're talking about fake deep c00ns and this fool comes out of nowhere talking about cacs and chinese women???????????
I'm talking about him uplifting a certain group due to their complexion but not dating people due to their complexion, it's his high school GF, should he dump her just for the small fact that he appreciates dark skinned women as well? Perhaps even more.

Do you need everything direct to comprehend things? Are references too advanced?

ps, stop abusing the capital letters and interrogation points, it makes you seem mildly retarded.

Stacker Pentecost

Mar 19, 2015
Color me foolish blue but I could've sworn that Kendrick just makes a conscious effort to big up dark skinned black women in his videos (pretty much all of them) "especially" because he knows they're not well, often if at all, represented in the media; and that's aside from inherently knowing how beautiful black is. From his Never Catch me video to the "i" video with the dark glistening skin all around.
His actual girlfriend, perhaps a product of his teen choices (he did idolize Wayne around that era), is a different matter because when you start a relationship with someone the reasons for staying in that relationship often have nothing to do with the reason said relationship started.

I wholeheartedly believe in black love, but if I get with a white woman and she gives me her all with what her face am I gonna tell her: "Yo you're the best relationship I've ever had to this day, and you've given me more than I ever thought possible. But you ain't black sooo...we through:troll:" without taking away from my own self-love? Honestly that's the reason I don't approach white/latina/asian women like that no more at all; 'cause mingling with them can end up taking away from me building with a black woman who can mean just that much more to me.

What I'm saying is: more difficult than being black is being a black human being.

Hypothetical scenario question: Black man Jordan broke up with his cac girlfriend who sacrificed a lot of her life for him to marry a black woman who he then sacrificed a lot of his life for. Except that particular black woman divorced Jordan to marry her cac husband who she then sacrificed a lot of her life for. What does that make Jordan?

I do color you foolish blue lol. I think Kendrick makes a conscious effort to craft an image to get rich. That's about it.

Jordan is a c00n regardless of his relationship status. If his wife left him for a white dude she is also a c00n. But none of this is about Kendrick breaking up with her. I don't think Kendrick should break up with her. I have a problem with him crafting an image to sell records. Your girl is a light skin/ambiguous Black chick, so what? Why are you hiding her and bullshytting people? Oh, to make money off the Black community? :camby:

PS If Jordan had gotten with Juanita just to sell fukking shoes I'd have a problem with that shyt, too.