''Dark Skinned Activist'' Calls Kendrick Lamar a ‘Fake Conscious C00n'


Aug 29, 2013
So are you implying that our ancestors hated themselves so much they didn't want black people in 2015 to resemble them?why wouldn't our ancestors want us to reflect their image in 2015?Im trying to understand your logic here.whites, Asians, Arabs etc.all want to resemble their fore fathers from a hundred years ago so why shouldn't it be the same for Black Americans?Are you one of these dudes who hate black dominant features?Let me guess you're one of these black guys who cant imagine a world without non black females.If that's the case then I would suggest you not go to Africa b/c in some places like Burundi,Benin, Zimbabwe, Senegal and Ivory coast, have ZERO white women maybe a few white or racially ambiguous Arab.

Why can't you see yourself living in a society where you mostly see black people like in Africa? Does that freak you out? Are you one of these already DILUTED mongrels who cant imagine living in majority black African country.Or maybe your the black guy who openly says he doesn't like dark skin women?Im an American black person with no immediate family connect to Africa but I still feel as though I can go to ANY country in Africa (except somalia or any of the northern arabic countries) and feel safe b/c I'm a real dude with a strong love for the motherland.
man all of your fukking arguments and sentiments are COUNTER-Productive. So I don't want to fukking hear it.

And no, they would embrace all shades of black. Black is black, fukk your tonal system and everybody that tries to separate Black people with that shyt.

nikka I like all women, p*ssy is pink, you can be the finest on the planet but if your attitude is ugly you ugly to me period.
This bytch that calls herself the Dark Skin Activist has fukking issues, dealing with turmoil, she seems inferior to her own skin. Deep down she's insecure because she can't get no dikk. So she sees all these lightskin bytches in the spotlight, she's envious. Truth is, no man wants a bytch like her, attitude all fukked up, conflicted ass unstable creature she is.

It what way is this silly outrage gonna progress us forward? You wanna eradicate every light-skin nikka from being called Africa American's. We're a fukking minority and you want to separate and alienate us even more. Dumb shyt

We all have one common enemy but yet we stay attacking each other. fukked up mind states, yall muhfukkas need Jesus, or Buddha, or something, whatever floats your damn boat.


Aug 29, 2013
Not directed at any of y'all specifically but I feel like people are being real short-sighted and willfully ignorant about this. It's not about the girl being light or about kendrick dumping her once he got on (Cuz what????). It's about how he was with this girl for ten years but kept her ass damn near a secret while he shouted from the hilltops about his love of brown skinned/dark skinned girls. Couple that with his respectability politics and this dude comes off as fake conscious strictly to sell records.

He'll put a girl like this in his videos to get support from the pro-Black community:


But show up to cac functions with a girl like this:


Who do you think the cacs are going to be more comfortable with? :skip: He's playing both sides and people don't like it. Stop with the fake revolutionary bullshyt and just be who you are, a nikka from Compton who's into racially ambiguous jawns (even racially ambiguous Black jawns) just like the rest of the nikkas from Compton.

And y'all keep comparing light skin Black women who are CLEARLY Black to Whitney who is racially ambiguous. I'm not saying she's not Black (because I've seen her parents and she self-identifies as Black) but this comparing her to Chaka, Angela Davis, or Kathleen Cleaver? :mjlol: Whitney could pass for a Kardashian and yall know it. If whitney is so clearly, OBVIOUSLY Black with white ancestry like y'all are claiming then so is kim k:


Y'all can't tell me K. Dot's girl doesn't look like the fifth Kardashian sister. :camby:

PS ragging on the author of the piece for being dark-skinned only proves her point.
They been together for 10 years :what:

Way before Kim blew up after that sex tape dropped. fukk does she got to do with anything you dumb ass nikka.


Aug 29, 2013
I don't get y'all man. Kendrick has been low key about his personal life. People keep saying "we need musicians that put out images of actual black women" and then when K-Dot does, y'all switch it to "his girl isn't dark enough". What I don't understand is 99.9% of y'all that complain never produce a solution to whatever the issue is that y'all are seeing. It's never "darker-skinned women don't get enough recognition in the media, here's how we fix that", y'all just complain for the sake of it. Makes no sense to me.

Same women complaining about his girl don't even date men below 5'10, so I don't know what the point is.

Exactly :heh:

I'm willing to bet, dark skin women didn't give this little nikka the time of the day because of how short his ass. So he found a bytch that would ride and die for him.

Females are unstable creatures. They preach about how Black Men aren't loyal, and how once they get a lil something they leave them. But here you have a black man who's been with woman for 10 years through the thick and thin. That's loyalty, true black love, but these dumb bytchs wanna put him down because of the complexion of her skin :what:

And then try to use his lyrics against him to support your agenda, a man can't appreciate dark woman but be in love with woman who isn't?

What logic is that?

Dumb ass shyt


Aug 29, 2013
And I'm starting to see why kendrick was riding so hard for amethyst, he's a fake just like her ass... Eating off the Black community.
how is he riding for her? He was asked one question about her and he simply said let the bytch breathe, which basically means he doesn't give a fukk, he's got other important things to worry about then some white bytch thats dating his cousin.

Stop exaggerating dumb nikka


Apr 18, 2013
ain't nothing ugly about her breh.

You're proving her point. if she had the same features but was light skin, you wouldn't have made this post.

what's so :scusthov: about her face?

edit: nevermind, just seen the response video. she looks like Bill Duke with a weave


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
How is it COUNTER PRODUCTIVE for two black people with the same pigmentation to reproduce? Its done in Africa by the millions every year. See this what I'm talking.Now its controversial to suggest black people to reproduce with people who shares the same pigmentation? fukk outta here.Its not counter productive just cuz you feel uncomfortable.

I didn't ask you if they would embrace all shades of black what I asked you is would our ancestors from 1617 have wanted black people in 2015 to resemble them just like the whites and Asians today resemble their ancestors a hundred years ago.Can you just admit not wanting to preserve black racial identity?You would rather us all be diluted mongrels like yourself, huh.Yes I also like all shades/races of women however if the black gene pool depends on me to keep it black I would have no problem sacrificing non-black women then finding a chick the same complexion as me.But it sounds like you wouldn't want to preserve the black gene pool by being with a dark woman under any circumstances.

In closing I don't know anything about the black female activist other then the pictures that I seen of her along with some facebook postings. I only suggested to look at it from her perspective which is somethingI always do with two opposing points of views because its only fair.

man all of your fukking arguments and sentiments are COUNTER-Productive. So I don't want to fukking hear it.

And no, they would embrace all shades of black. Black is black, fukk your tonal system and everybody that tries to separate Black people with that shyt.

nikka I like all women, p*ssy is pink, you can be the finest on the planet but if your attitude is ugly you ugly to me period.
This bytch that calls herself the Dark Skin Activist has fukking issues, dealing with turmoil, she seems inferior to her own skin. Deep down she's insecure because she can't get no dikk. So she sees all these lightskin bytches in the spotlight, she's envious. Truth is, no man wants a bytch like her, attitude all fukked up, conflicted ass unstable creature she is.

It what way is this silly outrage gonna progress us forward? You wanna eradicate every light-skin nikka from being called Africa American's. We're a fukking minority and you want to separate and alienate us even more. Dumb shyt

We all have one common enemy but yet we stay attacking each other. fukked up mind states, yall muhfukkas need Jesus, or Buddha, or something, whatever floats your damn boat.
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May 1, 2012
Unfortunately, that's pretty much all it ever boils down to with a lot of these types of chicks.
You have those who are, but most females aren't really worried about unfair sentencing, racial profiling, substandard education or police brutality.
The only thing that moves them is who would or wouldn't desire to crawl between their legs.
Everything is about sex.


May 1, 2012
Exactly :heh:

I'm willing to bet, dark skin women didn't give this little nikka the time of the day because of how short his ass. So he found a bytch that would ride and die for him.

Females are unstable creatures. They preach about how Black Men aren't loyal, and how once they get a lil something they leave them. But here you have a black man who's been with woman for 10 years through the thick and thin. That's loyalty, true black love, but these dumb bytchs wanna put him down because of the complexion of her skin :what:

And then try to use his lyrics against him to support your agenda, a man can't appreciate dark woman but be in love with woman who isn't?

What logic is that?

Dumb ass shyt
Black women only criticize black men for who they're dating And give a pass to each other for the same dating habits


I will take what is mine
Apr 30, 2012
Los Angeles
Why such obsession with who he dates? All because the girl isn't dark enough for your liking? Grow the fukk up people.

Who he dates shouldn't affect your life in anyway. If it does you have to work on your issues on your own. Stop trying to talk shyt about him to justify your feelings.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
Thats passing the buck.

Dominicans know very well what their doing to the Hatians is wrong however they continue to do it.Now why should Haitians ignore the actions of these racist Dominicans and continue reproducing the crossbreeding Dominicans? The African bloodline in Brazil is so thoroughly diluted I don't know what to say. What I will say is stop trying to pass the buck by saying the evil Europeans brain washed the innocent Dominicans into treating Haitians the way they do.

In a perfect world I agree with you but when it comes to black genetic survival we put self first.I wouldn't be offended one bit if bi-facials decided to start a movement to only reproduce with other bi-racials. I would RESPECT that.

Now let the Black female activist advocate for two dark people reproducing, because it doesn't affect you (it might make you uncomfortable talking about it but thats your problem) in anyway.

You're reciting things, and not realizing you are proving my point!

All those places that got destroyed from white supremacy,I.e. the system of rule throughout the world, use the divide tactic which hurts them, and help the system, which is why every place you named is assed out. The U.S.A. is the main place biracial was black, and the only place where blacks are living better then other who didn't have this one drop rule. Really think about it. I'm not saying we are living high on the hog, but, we are living much better then blacks with whole countries. We fought for this, and biracials helped big time. If you discont their contributions, you downplay our history.

Why follow a rule of people who don't have things as good as we do? That means that idea doesn't work. I don't care if a billion people do it, if it doesn't help get a better life, it is flawed. I wont be following it, I follow what works.


@really tho

Negging me into bolivian I don't care that the truth hurts.

Both of you are protecting Michael Jackson's deviant behavior with young boys by glossing over the fact that not only did he ADMIT to SHARING his bed with pubescent little boys but he PAID out 200 million to 20 families.

I go by LOGIC and FACTS.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to put two and two togather.
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May 1, 2012
I didn't ask you if they would embrace all shades of black what I asked you is would our ancestors from 1617 have wanted black people in 2015 to resemble them just like the whites and Asians today resemble their
:snoop: A lot of you are proof that the education system is truly a failure. If you unserstood the concept of race and weren't ignorant to history uou'd realize how silly your whole outlook on this issue is.

How do whites look the same now as they did in the 1600s when a lot of people classified as white now weren't classified as white then? People like the Irish and Italians weren't classified as white in the 1600s.

Asians? Do you not realize that Asia is a continent? All Asians didn't look alike in the 1600s and they certainly don't all look alike now. India is in Asia. Just stop it. Now race has one specific standard look and blacks are the most diverse looking of all races. You're talking dumb shyt. Our ancestors from the 1600 would just want us to be free regardless of what we look like.