''Dark Skinned Activist'' Calls Kendrick Lamar a ‘Fake Conscious C00n'


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
You're SPLITTING HAIRS but I'll play along with you until you start making shyt up to fit your weak azz argument.

I never said that all Asians look the same nor did I imply Asia was a country.Indeed each Asian group has their own DISTINCTIVE look but they all resemble their ancestors in terms of skin shade.

Again I agree some white groups who are classified as white today weren't back in the 1600's however those Irish were just as white as the English men but weren't considerd of the same CLASS.During that time white classification was based on CLASS or negative preconceived notions the English had about certain groups like Italians and the Irish migrating to the Americas.But the point I was trying to make still stands b/c for the most part Irish or Italian people today still resemble their ancestors from a hundred years ago.If you look closely at them you'll see ZERO blackbadmixture in them.So irreguardless of the classification the English gave the Irish or Italians, they still look like the people they came from a hundred years ago.

:snoop: A lot of you are proof that the education system is truly a failure. If you unserstood the concept of race and weren't ignorant to history uou'd realize how silly your whole outlook on this issue is.

How do whites look the same now as they did in the 1600s when a lot of people classified as white now weren't classified as white then? People like the Irish and Italians weren't classified as white in the 1600s.

Asians? Do you not realize that Asia is a continent? All Asians didn't look alike in the 1600s and they certainly don't all look alike now. India is in Asia. Just stop it. Now race has one specific standard look and blacks are the most diverse looking of all races. You're talking dumb shyt. Our ancestors from the 1600 would just want us to be free regardless of what we look like.
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Wig-Twisting Season
Nov 15, 2013
:francis:didn't we have a thread saying the same shyt here

Sohh we gonna act like nikkas on here weren't saying the same thing a couple weeks ago? :sas1:

But since she's a woman now it's a problem :sas2:

Yeah they did, but you know TLR nikkas get convenient amnesia :mjpls:

Add in their favorite rapper? I know the procedure :sas1:


May 1, 2012
But the point I was trying to make still stands b/c for the most part Irish or Italian people today still resemble their ancestors from a hundred years ago.If you look closely at them you'll see ZERO blackbadmixture in them.So irreguardless of the classification the English gave the Irish or Italians, they still look like the people they came from a hundred years ago.
Your point doesn't stand because the term "black" has never been reserved for people who are 100% African. Our ancestors from the 1600s didn't refer to themselves as "black". Africans from differing tribes didn't see themselves as the same. The white man is the one who came and labeled all dark skinned people of African descent "black". "Black" in its racial context has always been an all inclusive term for people of African descent. This is why biracials were born into slavery. They were classified as black.

All you're doing is perpetuating a divide bruh. Race is a social contruct. You people confuse yourselves getting caught up in all that "purity" nonsense. The racial classifications are all broad/general. There are no pure races. People classified as black have long been diluted. That was inevitable when we left Africa. Perpetuating a divide between blacks based on skin tone does nothing but aid white supremacy.
Sohh we gonna act like nikkas on here weren't saying the same thing a couple weeks ago? :sas1:

But since she's a woman now it's a problem :sas2:
Get off the fakkit shyt and name names. Who is "we"?


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
Why are you trying to COMPLICATE how we've been identifying races for more than a hundred years.Granted since we are a COLONIZED people the American power structure decided what to call us.Why do we have to get into what our ancestors called themselves after arriving on American soil?What we do know is they were dark with ZERO signs of admixture or DILUTION to their bloodline.

Next....how am I trying to perpetuate a divid when the division has been in affect for decades now.Have you seen or heard how the Dominicans have been mistreating their Haitian neighbors who are also the black Africans that birthed many of those crossbreeds in the Dominican republic?the question I would ask the Haitians is why continue reproducing crossbreeds if they routinely mistreat you decade after decade?

Even here in the states crossbreeds step out of line when adressing Africa or anything to do with black African features including ALWAYS an attack on our dark women.So when you talk about me perpetrating a divide its the total opposite.Im only giving you the raw uncut shyt most Black Americans are out of touch with(their roots)

Your point doesn't stand because the term "black" has never been reserved for people who are 100% African. Our ancestors from the 1600s didn't refer to themselves as "black". Africans from differing tribes didn't see themselves as the same. The white man is the one who came and labeled all dark skinned people of African descent "black". "Black" in its racial context has always been an all inclusive term for people of African descent. This is why biracials were born into slavery. They were classified as black.

All you're doing is perpetuating a divide bruh. Race is a social contruct. You people confuse yourselves getting caught up in all that "purity" nonsense. The racial classifications are all broad/general. There are no pure races. People classified as black have long been diluted. That was inevitable when we left Africa. Perpetuating a divide between blacks based on skin tone does nothing but aid white supremacy.
Get off the fakkit shyt and name names. Who is "we"?
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Jun 5, 2014
The Land of The North
Yes, let's hate on a rapper who decided to propose to his HIGH SCHOOL girlfriend. :skip:

I mean, Ride or Die women are easy to find anywhere, especially as a rapper, right? :skip:
fukk a decade and loyalty, he should go get a dark skin girl to make everyone happy. :skip:
God forbid the reason why she stayed hidden was due to her own choice and not his.:skip:
But never mind that, let's be activists and encourage colorism with divide & conquer mentalities. :skip:



Aug 18, 2014
This...omg..i can't even. this woman almost makes me feel ashamed to be a dark skinned women.:francis:

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
It's time for dark skin women to start defending themselves against these b*tch n*ggas.:sas2: I'm here for it.
You giving every excuse to wench to the weakest whiteboy thar crosses tour eye, you wenches are the reason why nikkas are so negative and cautious towards broads like you . :pacspit:


May 1, 2012
You always bytching about bytches, bytch ass nikka.
ur always whining to dudes. What kinda man does that

why you sound so tough on the coli and then get on podcasts sounding like urkel. This isn't you bruh. Stop it.


May 1, 2012
Why are you trying to COMPLICATE how we've been identifying races for more than a hundred years.Granted since we are a COLONIZED people the American power structure decided what to call us.Why do we have to get into what our ancestors called themselves after arriving on American soil?
There's nothing complicated about anything that I've said. I'm just trying to get you to understand the meaning of "black" in the racial context. Black has never meant 100% African.

What we do know is they were dark with ZERO signs of admixture or DILUTION to their bloodline.
So? That changed once they left Africa. Now we're a people with all types of admixture.

Next....how am I trying to perpetuate a divid when the division has been in affect for decades now.
Do you know what perpetuate means? Of course the colorism divide had plagued blacks for the last 500 years and people like you continue it. This divide is a tool that whites use to maintain their system of oppression.

Have you seen or heard how the Dominicans have been mistreating their Haitian neighbors who are also the black Africans that birthed many of those crossbreeds in the Dominican republic?the question I would ask the Haitians is why continue reproducing crossbreeds if they routinely mistreat you decade after decade?.
The Dominicans that mistreat/oppress Hatians and other darker skinned people have bought into white supremacy. The Haitians who seek out Dominicans and other lighter skinned people have bought into white supremacy too. All that's irrelevant tho. You can't determine if someone's bought into white supremacy by their skin complexion. Not every light skinned person buys into white supremacy and not every dark skinned person has rejected white supremacy is down for the fight agains it.

Even here in the states crossbreeds step out of line when adressing Africa or anything to do with black African features including ALWAYS an attack on our dark women.So when you talk about me perpetrating a divide its the total opposite.Im only giving you the raw uncut shyt most Black Americans are out of touch with(their roots)
You sound bitter and hateful. Are you jealous of "cross breeds" or something? You're generalizing based on your own person problems/agenda. Again, all lighter skinned blacks don't perpetuate white supremacy and not all dark skinned blacks reject it. Black people should be united not divided. Let the Willie lynch colorism shyt go.

really tho

that ain't gangsta
Mar 24, 2013

@really tho

Negging me into bolivian I don't care that the truth hurts.

Both of you are protecting Michael Jackson's deviant behavior with young boys by glossing over the fact that not only did he ADMIT to SHARING his bed with pubescent little boys but he PAID out 200 million to 20 families.

I go by LOGIC and FACTS.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to put two and two togather.



neg me back :sas2:

you can't even spell, you fukkin' degenerate

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