''Dark Skinned Activist'' Calls Kendrick Lamar a ‘Fake Conscious C00n'


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
Indeed bro this colorism shyt that black people engage in is not only pathetic but it gets old after awhile.We do all come in different shades and its been that way for a long time therefore I don't know why black people still dwell on such a trivial issue.Having said that I also think that Black people should consider the importance of preserving the idenity of our ancestors by selecting a companion the same complexion.That would stop the confusion also the need for black people to engage in these pointsless colorism topics.Besides what's wrong or who would have a problem with black people wanting to preserve the identity of their ancestors including the (facial features they came to America with) like all of the other races have done for the past 100 years. So I think that a black person who is not in touch with their black identity would passionately disagree with this lady but on the other hand a black person who is in touch with their identity will see nothing wrong with a movement to get dark people to only re produce with other dark people.

People like her think they are being pro-black when in reality they are helping kill our people. They want to cause a divide, which is how you keep us fukked up. Black people come is so many varieties, which is a good thing since it gives us more choices. As a man this is:noah:.

We do need to deal with light skin/dark skin shyt because it is going to be used to take us down big time. It was done in the past, it will be done again if we don't wise up. Both light and dark, people are victims of white supremacy. We need to get this money together, get our minds right, and conquer this shyt. This ain't the 80's, a problack can date a person light or dark as long as the mind is about empowerment. Grow the fukk up.


May 20, 2012
Actually our ancestors would agree with this female activist on the subject of dark people only procreating with other dark people.Don't forget when black Americans first arrived in virginia in 1619 our ancestors had zero admixture or no dilution to their bloodline.So in other words we were dark. If you ask me I believe black people should preserve the identity of our ancestors but since we've been colonized by europeans our bloodline has been seriously diluted/ compromised.In reality all immigrants who came to America 50 or 100 years ago still resemble their ancestors wether it be Asian,whites and to some extent Hispanics. Black people are the only ones who don't understand the importance of preserving the identity of their ancestors.
Identity isn't necessarily how you look but, what you do. How you look will be effected only because most people who do things together, tend to look like.

Yes, blacks may have gotten lighter while here but, that isn't just because dilution of genetics but, because we are inside more being the we went from an agricultural society to an industrial, and service society. Plus, as kids we spend a lot of our time in school. This keeps it out the sun more than our ancestors so we would lighten up as time goes on. We still would keep our melanin because it is needed for our skin to absorb the suns rays, while protecting us, when we do get access to the sun like summertime or when we just hang outside.


May 20, 2012
Indeed bro this colorism shyt that black people engage in is not only pathetic but it gets old after awhile.We do all come in different shades and its been that way for a long time therefore I don't know why black people still dwell on such a trivial issue.Having said that I also think that Black people should consider the importance of preserving the idenity of our ancestors by selecting a companion the same complexion.That would stop the confusion also the need for black people to engage in these pointsless colorism topics.Besides what's wrong or who would have a problem with black people wanting to preserve the identity of their ancestors including the (facial features they came to America with) like all of the other races have done for the past 100 years. So I think that a black person who is not in touch with their black identity would passionately disagree with this lady but on the other hand a black person who is in touch with their identity will see nothing wrong with a movement to get dark people to only re produce with other dark people.
But that very thing is how blacks stay separated and used to strengthen white supremacy. Dark skin blacks are seen as being much lower class then others, and there does seem some truth to this as the poorer communities tend to have more dark skin people in them. This isn't just with America, its like that everywhere in the world. The problem is this was deliberately invented not a natural phenomenon. By having children, and marrying, only those who look like you, you are ultimately keeping the same people who need to come up, down, and those in power, to stay there.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
You're drunk go to bed


You just don't know the difference between NATIONALITY and genetic make.two different things.

Following your BACKWARDS logic then that mean Europe is not an nationality.

People who come from a continent will identify with it by stating their NATIONALITY.

So an African who comes from(or was born) on the continent will identify as African regardless of skin shade.this is the way its been for hundreds of years so why are you trying to change it?


May 20, 2012

You just don't know the difference between NATIONALITY and genetic make.two different things.

Following your BACKWARDS logic then that mean Europe is not an nationality.

People who come from a continent will identify with it by stating their NATIONALITY.

So an African who comes from(or was born) on the continent will identify as African regardless of skin shade.this is the way its been for hundreds of years so why are you trying to change it?
Europe is not a nationality, it is used for genetic makeup as well. The same with east Asian, or Asian. Or South american, in a lot of cases but the west has a different history so it is a little different over here.

Yeah, they been saying it since it was named Africa, but ask yourself why do they do this? It was because their conqueror's wanted to keep them separate from them, in order to maintain their power. In essence it was the precursor to being called black. Same idea, just executed differently.

You should be aware of things like this because words are the bullets the system use to trick, and maintain power. Always be aware of the words being used to describe things.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast

The divide is already in place. I wouldn't be surprised if biracials turned on black people in the future. So why continue reproducing something that will turn on you?

Besides black people don't need bi-racials or half cast for any type of social or economic advancement/upward mobility. The fundamental reason why whites created the one drop rule was to reduce the amount of confusion and division within their own community.So they dumped cross breeds on us to avoid the problems black people on this forum deal with(color struck topics) every today.Whites were smart.they knew keeping half cast in their race would slow down social and economic progress with childish discussion on skin shade.Now here black are 150 years after the one drop rule was made arguing about a skin shade preference. I say we can bring an end to it by only reproducing with women our own shade. Yes many will object and it will take a long slow process but it can be done.

Cross breeding isn't good for the black gene pool.Unfortunately whites colonized us thereby diluting our bloodline.

But that very thing is how blacks stay separated and used to strengthen white supremacy. Dark skin blacks are seen as being much lower class then others, and there does seem some truth to this as the poorer communities tend to have more dark skin people in them. This isn't just with America, its like that everywhere in the world. The problem is this was deliberately invented not a natural phenomenon. By having children, and marrying, only those who look like you, you are ultimately keeping the same people who need to come up, down, and those in power, to stay there.
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Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
Europe is not a nationality, it is used for genetic makeup as well. The same with east Asian, or Asian. Or South american, in a lot of cases but the west has a different history so it is a little different over here.

Yeah, they been saying it since it was named Africa, but ask yourself why do they do this? It was because their conqueror's wanted to keep them separate from them, in order to maintain their power. In essence it was the precursor to being called black. Same idea, just executed differently.

You should be aware of things like this because words are the bullets the system use to trick, and maintain power. Always be aware of the words being used to describe things.

Stop this shyt bro b/c your starting to sound pathetic.

European,african, Asian ect..are all NATIONALITY.You can be white as snow but born in Africa that will make your NATIONALITY African but genetically he or she is EUROPEAN and not indigenous to the land.

Another example would be a foreigner from Europe who visits America. if you ask them their backround they will first say thier country of origin then if you go further they will tell you their NATIONALITY.

I think you need a geography and a biology class.

Edited: Where did you disappear to?
Did you realise how dumb your concept was?
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May 20, 2012
Stop this shyt bro b/c your starting to sound pathetic.

European,african, Asian ect..are all NATIONALITY.You can be white as snow but born in Africa that will make your NATIONALITY African but genetically he or she is EUROPEAN and not indigenous to the land.

Another example would be a foreigner who visits America. if you ask them their backround they will first say thier country of origin then if you go further they will tell you their NATIONALITY.
You are being technical, so its no point in trying to get you go see what I mean.

As far as biracials, they can only hurt us if people keep thinking like you, and the enemy use that as a tool of his. Again, this isn't new and even happened in Ancient Egypt. I learn from the past, not learn it just to learn it. Biracials helped black people grow in this country. The one drop rule actually helped us co!e up as opposed to other places where it didn't matter like Brazil. They are a majority nonwhite country, yet because they can't unite, they are worse off then the whites minority. Keep thinking how you, youre going to do it anyway. I can't change the world, just speaking how I see things from how things were.
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NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
Yall let this chick speak for a lot of people I don't have the pleasure of meeting


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
What do you mean I'm being technical?

No I'm being exact.

Uncolonized people identify with their country of origin first then nationality second.Egypt did not control it's borders which allowed unrestricted migration coupled with the process of crossbreeding.Once the Arab population surpassed the indigenous African population in Egypt they begin a campaign of jihad on the remaining African Egyptians which caused Africans to flee to surrounding countries and that made a sharp decline in the African population. Brazil and Haiti are great examples of how crossbreeding does not benefit Black people.Just look at how the people in the dominican republic treat there fore parents in Haiti.

So why would Haitians wanna continue reproducing cross breeds?

It doesn't make sense.

You are being technical, so its no point in trying to get you go see what I mean.

As fat as biracials, they can only hurt us if people keep thinking like you, and the enemy use that as a tool of his. Again, this isn't new and even happened in Ancient Egypt. I learn from the past, not learn it just to learn it. Biracials helped black people grow in this country. The one drop rule actually helped us co!e up as opposed to other places where it didn't matter like Brazil. They are a majority nonwhite country, yet because they can't unite, they are worse off then the whites minority. Keep thinking how you, youre going to do it anyway. I can't change the world, just speaking how I see things from how things were.


May 20, 2012
What do you mean I'm being technical?

No I'm being exact.

Uncolonized people identify with their country of origin first then nationality second.Egypt did not control it's borders which allowed unrestricted migration coupled with the process of crossbreeding.Once the Arab population surpassed the indigenous African population in Egypt they begin a campaign of jihad on the remaining African Egyptians which caused Africans to flee to surrounding countries and that made a sharp decline in the African population. Brazil and Haiti are great examples of how crossbreeding does not benefit Black people.Just look at how the people in the dominican republic treat there fore parents in Haiti.

So why would Haitians wanna continue reproducing cross breeds?

It doesn't make sense.
You're reciting things, and not realizing you are proving my point!

All those places that got destroyed from white supremacy,I.e. the system of rule throughout the world, use the divide tactic which hurts them, and help the system, which is why every place you named is assed out. The U.S.A. is the main place biracial was black, and the only place where blacks are living better then other who didn't have this one drop rule. Really think about it. I'm not saying we are living high on the hog, but, we are living much better then blacks with whole countries. We fought for this, and biracials helped big time. If you discont their contributions, you downplay our history.

Why follow a rule of people who don't have things as good as we do? That means that idea doesn't work. I don't care if a billion people do it, if it doesn't help get a better life, it is flawed. I wont be following it, I follow what works.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
You're reciting things, and not realizing you are proving my point!

All those places that got destroyed from white supremacy,I.e. the system of rule throughout the world, use the divide tactic which hurts them, and help the system, which is why every place you named is assed out. The U.S.A. is the main place biracial was black, and the only place where blacks are living better then other who didn't have this one drop rule. Really think about it. I'm not saying we are living high on the hog, but, we are living much better then blacks with whole countries. We fought for this, and biracials helped big time. If you discont their contributions, you downplay our history.

Why follow a rule of people who don't have things as good as we do? That means that idea doesn't work. I don't care if a billion people do it, if it doesn't help get a better life, it is flawed. I wont be following it, I follow what works.
Alright bro Im done.

Im getting a headache.

I'll respond to this post of your later or tomorrow when I'm better


Aug 29, 2013
Actually our ancestors would agree with this female activist on the subject of dark people only procreating with other dark people.Don't forget when black Americans first arrived in virginia in 1619 our ancestors had zero admixture or no dilution to their bloodline.So in other words we were dark. If you ask me I believe black people should preserve the identity of our ancestors but since we've been colonized by europeans our bloodline has been seriously diluted/ compromised.In reality all immigrants who came to America 50 or 100 years ago still resemble their ancestors wether it be Asian,whites and to some extent Hispanics. Black people are the only ones who don't understand the importance of preserving the identity of their ancestors.
no the fukk they wouldn't
