''Dark Skinned Activist'' Calls Kendrick Lamar a ‘Fake Conscious C00n'


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
I never said anything about black meaning100 percent African so where are you getting that from?Black is whatever you want it to mean.Im not gonna argue that cuz it's not my point.When I say black I'm talking about the descendents of the original non diluted Africans from 1617.You may have a different interpretation on the word and thats fine.Just respect the desire of many black people who wish to preserve the identity/genetic make up of our forefathers.Our African identity should not have changed just b/c we were brought from Africa to the new world.You sounded so nonchalant when you stated"we came from Africa thats why our bloodline has be diluted" as if just b/c we came to America we are obligated to mix or compromise our bloodline.Hell no, it was forced (rape then the one drop rule)onto us. Given a CHIOCE nobody else who comes to America (Arabs,Asians) with intentions of diluting their ancestral tree. So why should black people be any different?

Stop making EXCUSES for the Dominican republics blatant racism toward the Haitians.Last I checked the Dominican republic was an independent Island that created thier own constitution /social norms and political policies.The way they treat the Haitians is the typical way crossbreeds will treat Black people when they outnumber us like in the Dominican republic.So instead of dismissing their barbarism tawards the Haitians or passing the buck on to their colonizers for brain washing the innocent Dominicans. just admit thats the way mongrels are towards dark people on that Island.

Why should Haitians continue reproducing them for that type of shyt?

What I find hypocritically funny is that Im being accused of perpetuating the divide when I am sure you sit back on this site/forum laughing whenever another poster says he doesn't like darkskin(like the idiots on here ALWAYS say)women.No,he's not PERPETUATING the divide?
Oh no, he is just stating his preference, right? and you wont say a got danm thing to him?but Im the one perpetuating the divide?

Fukk you.

Nice try at attempting to turn my desire to preserve the idenity of my forefathers into me being angry, having hatred or bitterness toward half cast people. NOT me.Im a career oriented 28 year old 6'3 215 pound former football player(I knock dudes out on a regular out here and the nick name hollow points i got from putin in work ....u know whats up)who gets respect in the streets too.so miss me wit that shyt.I didn't like how this activist was attacked solely based on her desire to see black Americans in their ORIGINAL genetic state minus the dilution.

Thats what she wants and would be good for our gene pool.

There's nothing complicated about anything that I've said. I'm just trying to get you to understand the meaning of "black" in the racial context. Black has never meant 100% African.

So? That changed once they left Africa. Now we're a people with all types of admixture.

Do you know what perpetuate means? Of course the colorism divide had plagued blacks for the last 500 years and people like you continue it. This divide is a tool that whites use to maintain their system of oppression.

The Dominicans that mistreat/oppress Hatians and other darker skinned people have bought into white supremacy. The Haitians who seek out Dominicans and other lighter skinned people have bought into white supremacy too. All that's irrelevant tho. You can't determine if someone's bought into white supremacy by their skin complexion. Not every light skinned person buys into white supremacy and not every dark skinned person has rejected white supremacy is down for the fight agains it.

You sound bitter and hateful. Are you jealous of "cross breeds" or something? You're generalizing based on your own person problems/agenda. Again, all lighter skinned blacks don't perpetuate white supremacy and not all dark skinned blacks reject it. Black people should be united not divided. Let the Willie lynch colorism shyt go.
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Aug 17, 2014
:what:Sweet Jesus!

There's a certain segment of Black Women who really make a career out of exploiting the insecurities of other black women, particularly dark skinned black women. And a bunch of them are in this thread....doing their damn best to spread that old ass lie that Black Men pass up dark skinned women for light skinned women....knowing damn well that MOST black women aren't even light skinned!!! How the FUKK are black men excluding darker black women when they are the majority???


May 20, 2012
:what:Sweet Jesus!

There's a certain segment of Black Women who really make a career out of exploiting the insecurities of other black women, particularly dark skinned black women. And a bunch of them are in this thread....doing their damn best to spread that old ass lie that Black Men pass up dark skinned women for light skinned women....knowing damn well that MOST black women aren't even light skinned!!! How the FUKK are black men excluding darker black women when they are the majority???
You know why! They think they are light skin. Its nothing but self projection. They feel a way about color, and force their feelings on to you because it helps them not deal with their issue. If you tell them they are not light skin, they will look shocked. I see redbone, and light skin for chicks who are nothing but brown color. I saw that light girls!doc, and some of those chicks were not light skin, yet they were attributing other chicks not liking them because they are light skinned. I'm thinking, huh:comeon:

That chick nyalee was saying she got cut up because the girls didn't like her since she was pretty, and light skin:dwillhuh:The chicks who did it weren't that much different then her in complexion. These chicks are living in a dreamworld:merchant:


Aug 16, 2014
They been together for 10 years :what:

Way before Kim blew up after that sex tape dropped. fukk does she got to do with anything you dumb ass nikka.

he was comparing the way they look not their history or lifestyle. you cant read homie?


Aug 16, 2014
Unfortunately, that's pretty much all it ever boils down to with a lot of these types of chicks.
You have those who are, but most females aren't really worried about unfair sentencing, racial profiling, substandard education or police brutality.
The only thing that moves them is who would or wouldn't desire to crawl between their legs.
Everything is about sex.

we are worried but the above but all of us will be subjected to the sexual market place and its discriminations while few will have a brush with the law. But I see you want black women to refocus back on the white man while black men continue their intra racism.


Aug 16, 2014
Indeed bro this colorism shyt that black people engage in is not only pathetic but it gets old after awhile.We do all come in different shades and its been that way for a long time therefore I don't know why black people still dwell on such a trivial issue.Having said that I also think that Black people should consider the importance of preserving the idenity of our ancestors by selecting a companion the same complexion.That would stop the confusion also the need for black people to engage in these pointsless colorism topics.Besides what's wrong or who would have a problem with black people wanting to preserve the identity of their ancestors including the (facial features they came to America with) like all of the other races have done for the past 100 years. So I think that a black person who is not in touch with their black identity would passionately disagree with this lady but on the other hand a black person who is in touch with their identity will see nothing wrong with a movement to get dark people to only re produce with other dark people.

Right. We do all come in different shades but there does exist a median with black people and these are the same women who happen to be subjected to the most discrimination.

Real N Quotes

East Is In The House OMG
Jun 10, 2012
Reported by Ashley Naples

Colorism has been and continues to be a major issue in Black America. Highly influenced by the media, colorism has led to the belief that Black women whose skin complexions are brown or chocolate are inferior to Black women whose skin complexions are tan or light.

Rashida Marie Strober, a “dark skinned activist” who promotes the beauty of Black women whose skin color is dark, has taken to Facebook to express her disappointment in rapper Kendrick Lamar’s recent engagement to his childhood lover because the bride-to-be is light skinned.

Strober posted the following message on Facebook with an image of Kendrick Lamar and his fiancée:

well, well, well would you looky here! ANOTHER FAKE CONSCIOUS MUTHER FUKER EXPOSED. I will never support him nor his music with one dime of my money and encourage all dark skinned women not to either!

After commenters lambasted her for criticizing the rapper’s taste in women, she created another post about the matter:


I see calling out and exposing self hating fake black men who speak about consciousness but date and marry NON DARK SKIN WOMEN brought you haters to my page. WELL SHARE THIS MUTHERFUKING POST!!! These type of fake c00ns are the worst of the worst. DARK SKIN is the essence of true blackness and if these fakers were really and truly conscious they would MARRY DARK SKINNED WOMEN!!! You pissed ?? GOOD!!!

Hundreds of people left comments criticizing the activist for entertaining the painful and futile discussion about skin color. One commenter named Victoria Mackey wrote: “What an idiot. there’s several tones in Melanated skin.. You seem as if you’re angry because your skin is darker. Thats self hate whether you know it or not.. She still would be considered a ****** in a room full of white people.” Several others supported Mackey’s comment by saying it should not matter Kendrick’s finacée’s skin color because she’s still a Black woman.

One commenter named Yomet Tyler sided with Strober’s point of view: “Even though she is being offensive we all honestly know that lighter skin is prized and glorified..don’t stoop to her level trying to figure it out..jus take it as something to think about maybe.”


I seems like this sister is a bit crazy :coffee:


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
Not a good look for her or anyone that supports her. At all.

This is just wild man I'm literally done from the stupidity :snoop:


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
isn't that the whole point of the song though (and maybe even the album)? the fact that we're all over the place consciously and that we're trying to find ourselves. the dualities and shyt. loving/hating yourself (u/i) feeling like you made it swaging and yet feeling guilt that you couldn't help more people to then feeling like you despise some of the same people (king kunta/institusionalized/hood politics).

and i didn't even like the album like that but come on...
She hates on he nikka in every thread. Ignore her

Nah, the point of the song sounds like he's talking about being black and white folks hating his very existence as a black person, the fact that they can't destroy us despite many attempts, they can't duplicate us, and it kills them because he's being unapologetic about it but at the same, in his own community he sees blacks killing each other. I don't think he needed to make that point. He plays this game of respectability politics and I feel like if you gonna be unapologetically black then go all out or stfu.
It's disingenuous to call yourself pro black and ignore black on black violence killing black youth.

He shyt on white people for two verses and him calling out the gang lifestyle on the third makes him fake :dead:

Either you are about the preservation of black life or you aren't. You should be against whoever is taking black life.
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