''Dark Skinned Activist'' Calls Kendrick Lamar a ‘Fake Conscious C00n'


Lord have mercy!
Apr 30, 2014
Have you listened to Complexion? He did make a reference to loving your dark skin, and even references his girl Whitney in the song saying a woman's complexion don't matter cause we're all women at the end of the day.

I seriously find this laughable because his girl Whitney's father is actually the same color as Kendrick. What's the big deal? He's never really denigrated dark skin women, but at the same time, he don't owe nobody shyt. I'm more troubled him by playing the fence on black issues.

Wait, did you mean you find the bolded laughable or did you mean you find this whole fiasco with the dark-skinned activist?
Because I don't have anything wrong with the bolded even though I agree with @marcuz that black people should strive to procreate with each other as the statistics already show happens in real life. Blacks are marrying black for the most part, that's a fact and one to feel happy about.

I didn't even know Kendrick's father-in-law was the same color as him. I believe that answers part of your confusion @Stacker Pentecost ? She's not actually a cac. Even though she isn't exactly brown like a shot of Hennessy either.

As for how TDE tried to play this, I won't pretend that I don't know how business works. I've studied enough Economics to understand that even the most coldly calculated decisions can yield good results. But cold business decisions aren't always disassociated from moral and personal goals. Just because I put dark skinned black women in my videos to make money doesn't mean I'm not ALSO doing it because they're misrepresented and I want them to have longer screen-time. Those two stances aren't mutually exclusive breh.

And I expect this Kendrick wave, farce or not, to bear fruits of more rappers bringing Dark Skinned Black Women to videos. So if it's a scam on his part, I'm willing to indulge until it stops serving us (black people).

Stacker Pentecost

Mar 19, 2015
isn't that the whole point of the song though (and maybe even the album)? the fact that we're all over the place consciously and that we're trying to find ourselves. the dualities and shyt. loving/hating yourself (u/i) feeling like you made it swaging and yet feeling guilt that you couldn't help more people to then feeling like you despise some of the same people (king kunta/institusionalized/hood politics).

and i didn't even like the album like that but come on...

I don't despise Black people that aren't c00ns. Not even ones living wrong in the hood. I don't feel like I'm better than anyone else. The whole album has a vibe of a nikka that thinks he's better than the rest of us talking down on us. I personally feel like it's not that difficult once you wake up. What is a duality when you wake up? There is no duality. You're for Black people. Period. That's just how I feel about that.


Nov 8, 2014
These dumbass bytches (men and women alike) not gonna address that though. Just like I said before, muhfukkas insecure and colorstruck as fukk to a point where EVERYONE who isn't risking life and limb for something as shallow as a complexion is a self hating c00n. I put so many people on ignore in this thread its crazy.

I usually don't even speak on shyt like this, I just let the stupidity tire itself out but I'm a light skin man, so light that no matter how dark my wife would be, our daughter would be considered light skin. I cant have my daughter allowing any insecure women or fake militant dudes to affect her with this type of bullshyt. I guarantee you my daughter is not gonna come home crying to me about somebody told her she isn't worthy of being found attractive because she isn't dark enough or she isnt black because she isn't darker than some other random bytch. She'll be confident and secure enough to know she's beautiful and worth everything she puts herself in a position to get. That she'll be indifferent to the world because people aint shyt unless they prove to you otherwise so pay them no mind, let them be butthurt and don't waste any prayer on them.

I love women. No matter the shade of color. My girl is light skin and shes a great woman but according to this nikkas, I'm a self hating c00n. Nevermind that the girl I was dating before her was darker than the dumbass brawd that posted this shyt or most the women on the coli. That doesn't matter. It doesn't matter that the girl was a fukking nutcase who spent too much time on social media, gossiped too much and complained all the time. No, I'm supposed to keep dealing with her for the sake of other people worried about what my dikk doing so they can feel more secure and disregard another attractive woman who's more compatible with me because she's not the shade brown some random bytch she thinks. shyt is ridiculous, thats why I'm insensitive to everything as it is. I don't give a fukk about people in general so its not a big deal to me how bothered they get anyway.



May 6, 2012
Nah, the point of the song sounds like he's talking about being black and white folks hating his very existence as a black person, the fact that they can't destroy us despite many attempts, they can't duplicate us, and it kills them because he's being unapologetic about it but at the same, in his own community he sees blacks killing each other. I don't think he needed to make that point. He plays this game of respectability politics and I feel like if you gonna be unapologetically black then go all out or stfu.
but that's his point though. real like is not 100% all out one way or the other.

his explanation for it is that he's often talking about himself. meaning that he's talking all this pro-black shyt and yet even he has hate in himself for people the same skin color as him. in interviews he keeps referring to his friends from the hood dying and him feeling like going back to the hood and killing folks so he could actually be talking about himself (or maybe clever marketing but that's a whole other subject though...). first line is even "i'm the biggest hypocrite of 2015...".

like i said, i think one of the themes of the album is to show that we black people are all over the place consciously just like he's all over the place personally. but he might actually legitimately feel these contradicting feelings at different times. even in the song U he goes on about how he sees himself as a leader, conscious individual but feels like a failure for not even being able to help his little sister make better choices. he feels like a phony. you want him to be 100% consistent and that's understandable cause that's what a lot of us strives for. but he's expressing that no one is 100% consistent all the time.

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
Yep she is screaming insecurity and low self esteem. The fact that she's this worked up about it you can almost guarantee she has no man/boyfriend.

And a lot of dark skin women make it worse on themselves by acting like they are 2nd tier by getting so upset by every little thing. An attractive dark skin chick who gets dudes is not going to be acting like this.

Attractiveness doesn't wipe away colorism. As a dark skinned woman, you gotta be so on point, lighter hued women get away with much more so let's not reduce the issues darker skinned women face by saying "an attractive dark skin woman wouldn't be acting like this". Is that why many of us dark skin black women have been told that we're "pretty for dark skin girls", is a lighter skinned girl ever told that? It's wildebeest light brights walking around like they're the best thing since sliced bread simply because they're light. Why is that? @Wild self seems to be one of the few males on here consistently in calling that shyt out. He's one of the few that admits that a lot of them can be stuck up because they know their light skin gives them an edge.

Stacker Pentecost

Mar 19, 2015
These dumbass bytches (men and women alike) not gonna address that though. Just like I said before, muhfukkas insecure and colorstruck as fukk to a point where EVERYONE who isn't risking life and limb for something as shallow as a complexion is a self hating c00n. I put so many people on ignore in this thread its crazy.

I usually don't even speak on shyt like this, I just let the stupidity tire itself out but I'm a light skin man, so light that no matter how dark my wife would be, our daughter would be considered light skin. I cant have my daughter allowing any insecure women or fake militant dudes to affect her with this type of bullshyt. I guarantee you my daughter is not gonna come home crying to me about somebody told her she isn't worthy of being found attractive because she isn't dark enough or she isnt black because she isn't darker than some other random bytch. She'll be confident and secure enough to know she's beautiful and worth everything she puts herself in a position to get. That she'll be indifferent to the world because people aint shyt unless they prove to you otherwise so pay them no mind, let them be butthurt and don't waste any prayer on them.

I love women. No matter the shade of color. My girl is light skin and shes a great woman but according to this nikkas, I'm a self hating c00n. Nevermind that the girl I was dating before her was darker than the dumbass brawd that posted this shyt or most the women on the coli. That doesn't matter. It doesn't matter that the girl was a fukking nutcase who spent too much time on social media, gossiped too much and complained all the time. No, I'm supposed to keep dealing with her for the sake of other people worried about what my dikk doing so they can feel more secure and disregard another attractive woman who's more compatible with me because she's not the shade brown some random bytch she thinks. shyt is ridiculous, thats why I'm insensitive to everything as it is. I don't give a fukk about people in general so its not a big deal to me how bothered they get anyway.


You don't give a fukk yet you wrote this whole thesis statement of light skint tears :troll:

Some of yall light brehs want to be oppressed by dark skin people soooo bad. Yall are worse than cacs creaming REVERSE RACISM.

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
But you answered my question with a question that didn't make any sense so by your own logic... ???


I've said multiple times it's not about his girl being 'black enough' or not black enough, yall have a one track mind on this shyt like I've already said... Coli brehs made up their minds that it's all about bitter black BYTCHES mad at his day one so y'all refuse to see sense. :manny:

You're trying to dress it up as if you're saying something broad and enlightening but everything you claim is fake about him is hinged on the skin color of his girlfriend. Would you be discussing this if she was darkskin? b-b-but it's not about his girl being black enough tho, I forgot. :camby: contradicting yourself left and right.

What does his girlfriend have to do with a pro-black message? You'll tire yourself out before your mental gymnastics can get over that one.
He's really not bigging up black folks if you think about it. His girl is mixed, her father is the same shade as Kendrick. But Kendrick on the one hand is saying white people hate him because he's so unapologetically black (Black the Berry), then at the end he talks about black on black crime and calls himself a hypocrite. :comeon:

What about i, complexion, king kunta ? Does his girlfriends skin color invalidate the message of those songs?

Everybody so pressed to call everyone c00ns that the only "real" black people left sambos n thugs


Aug 30, 2014
Attractiveness doesn't wipe away colorism. As a dark skinned woman, you gotta be so on point, lighter hued women get away with much more so let's not reduce the issues darker skinned women face by saying "an attractive dark skin woman wouldn't be acting like this". Is that why many of us dark skin black women have been told that we're "pretty for dark skin girls", is a lighter skinned girl ever told that? It's wildebeest light brights walking around like they're the best thing since sliced bread simply because they're light. Why is that? @Wild self seems to be one of the few males on here consistently in calling that shyt out. He's one of the few that admits that a lot of them can be stuck up because they know their light skin gives them an edge.
Of course there is colorism that dark skin women experience that light skin women dont but to go the lengths of the woman who wrote this screams insecurity on a personal level.

You can acknowledge there is colorism without attacking a guy for dating a light skin chick who has NEVER talked down on dark skin women.

Stacker Pentecost

Mar 19, 2015
'The day my daughter comes home cryin about how she's not Black'

That shyt literally made me LOL. Dark skin men and women are out here subjected to longer prison rates, school suspensions, less likely chance of getting a job, and more because they're dark skinned, but light brehs want to make a false equivalency of how they have it so tough cuz someone called them 'lite brite' one time lmaooooooo yall nikkas gotta :camby:

If we're going to talk about colorism we can talk about some real shyt but all this 'the Black community treats light skin people so bad and that's the REAL reason why Kendrick is taking this L' shyt is for the fukking birds.

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
You're trying to dress it up as if you're saying something broad and enlightening but everything you claim is fake about him is hinged on the skin color of his girlfriend. Would you be discussing this if she was darkskin? b-b-but it's not about his girl being black enough tho, I forgot. :camby: contradicting yourself left and right.

What does his girlfriend have to do with a pro-black message? You'll tire yourself out before your mental gymnastics can get over that one.

What about i, complexion, king kunta ? Does his girlfriends skin color invalidate the message of those songs?

Everybody so pressed to call everyone c00ns that the only "real" black people left sambos n thugs

I never made that point. I've stated before that I have a problem with his little game of respectability politics.
Of course there is colorism that dark skin women experience that light skin women dont but to go the lengths of the woman who wrote this screams insecurity on a personal level.

You can acknowledge there is colorism without attacking a guy for dating a light skin chick who has NEVER talked down on dark skin women.

I think it's laughable that he's being attacked for being with a woman who's been down for him for 10 years and he's admitted has kept him in check fame wise. But we can't discount that colorism is very real and it's not dependent on attractiveness at all. It does us a great disservice to act like women who are attractive don't feel colorism or are vocal about it.


May 6, 2012
I don't despise Black people that aren't c00ns. Not even ones living wrong in the hood. I don't feel like I'm better than anyone else. The whole album has a vibe of a nikka that thinks he's better than the rest of us talking down on us. I personally feel like it's not that difficult once you wake up. What is a duality when you wake up? There is no duality. You're for Black people. Period. That's just how I feel about that.
believe it or not, i slightly got the same vibe from the album at times (which is partially what turned me off from the album along with some sonic choices).


Jul 22, 2014
she's ok, but he's not :scust:

“Every time I embrace a black woman I'm embracing slavery, and when I put my arms around a white woman, well, I'm hugging freedom. The white man forbade me to have the white woman on pain of death.... I will not be free until the day I can have a white woman in my bed.”
-- Eldridge Cleaver (Original Black Panther)