yet you really can't argue why I'm "wrong" lol and in all honesty...your arguments here have been the most immature and derailing out of anyone.
here's a recap: I just initially said that there are certain itches in the open world RPG landscape that Elden Ring doesn't necessarily scratch; there are things it does extremely well, and things that it doesn't do, that other games like the witcher 3, mass effect, or elder scrolls do for example that would prevent me from wanting the industry to completely follow it's lead, which people imply as if it already does what those games do.
you had a problem with that, and wanted to disparage the other games in favor of souls. So here we are. In the midst of it all, we started talking combat also. if you can't keep up with the conversation, that's fine. I'll help.
But you clearly are getting so upset that you are tempted to ignore, as if you are being trolled or berated or something. When in reality every point you brought up has been responded to, I didn't get that in return lol i should ignore you tbh. I won't though.
No ones upset Im just astounded at the mental leaps one would go to think they are right on a message board. Its amusing to witness continue. Whats your next incredibly hot take. You already said people play mgs primarily for the story

only thing I disparged about w3 was its piss poor gameplay. You then started on your long winded dmc is a holy grail diatribe when that shyt hasnt been impressive to me since I was in middle school. Ive beaten every single one of them shyts on dmd, bayonetta on the hardest difficulty all secret bosses you name it. Youre gaming skills nor acumen aint special breh.
you fail to realize dexterity isnt a full proof barometer of difficulty. Johnny in XRD execution wise is hardest in game possible. But his actual gameplan is incredibly simple. Sure there is a barrier of entry to learn his combos but someone will always do so.
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