It’s still Januaryfukk everything else—where the january update???
Is this before or after you’ve been spotted?
before you’ve been spotted, they shouldn’t know where you are. After you’ve been spotted stealth is pretty much out the window unless you reload.
Idk breh, maybe it’s some cyber wear or perk I have, but I’ve never experienced this. It’s the dumb homing A.I. Once they spot you but otherwise you are free to stealthily hack and move around as you see fit.Before. I'll save a clip if need be but I've been honed in on damn near a block away after executing a quickhack. Enemies would simply slowly walk to my precise location, whether hidden on a rooftop or behind a building across the street. I'm playing on Hard for reference.
Idk breh, maybe it’s some cyber wear or perk I have, but I’ve never experienced this. It’s the dumb homing A.I. Once they spot you but otherwise you are free to stealthily hack and move around as you see fit.
Someone got a bug where hanako is naked in every encounter
fukk everything else—where the january update???
Someone got a bug where hanako is naked in every encounter
Might not be a bug. Here's Judy with a mod I have.