I disagree
Current way... Game gets released on 5 consoles (ps4,5, xbox 1, 1, and pc).. The only people who benefit from mods are PC gamers. You've already cut off 4 other revenue streams right there. On top of that, how many PC gamers bought the game before mods even came out? How many are going to buy the game and never mod?
My way... You release the HD Texture pack mod for $1.99 on 5 systems... Who ain't buying it?? Maybe not the PC gamers.. But some will, and every other console surely will... How much does that cost the company? 75k? 50k? If you're a modder, would you mod something for 20k seeing how you already mod it for free?
I think there has to be a more technical reason behind this... I mean I'm paying for the top of line devs and they can't even do better than internet modders? Must be something that every single video company sticks to this rule. Skyrim was the only one who let mods happen on a console and even they didn't think to just hire those guys and put it behind a paywall.
The main problem with this is that on PC right now that HD texture pack is free and cost you nothing but the time it takes you to install it. You start charging money for it on consoles you going to have people feeling like you purposely didn't make the game as good as you could have graphically in order to charge them an additional 2 dollars ? I could see plenty of people having a problem with that.
There is also the technical reason they didn't make the graphics look that good in the first place. Maybe it causes the game to crash. If you are into modding you know they can make your game crash and the more you use for a game the more you have to start taking into consideration the load order of your mods. Not to mention the convoluted directions some of these mods have for how to install them. Create a folder here, copy this file here, go download this file here, oh wait that file has a dependency on another mod, go find that mod.
Cities skylines is a perfect example of this. It does not support mods on consoles, but it does on PC. Go to the cities skylines workshop and click on a mod, chances are its going to tell you that it has a dependency on another mod that you got to install first. It might even tell you that it conflicts with another mod, so now you got to keep a tab of what mods NOT to use that might break the mod you are using. Console gamers play closed boxed systems and just want to pick up a controller and play. I do not think they are built to install a mod, then a month later install another mod, then the game won't even load, because the two mods conflict with each other. Now they asking for a refund for the game or the system cause "the game won't load."