this shyt is flames I dunno what else to say
last generation got the short end of the stick

if you look at graphics of ps3 and xbox 360 when GTAV came out you get the same graphics (minus the bad frames which are gamebreaking)
alot of people in here have no grasp of game development. Its the reason why GTA takes years to create and uses the same engine. If you compare Witcher to this CDProjeckt Red made a completely different game which is a feat in itself
Like someone also stated... the first person and third would have still been a problem, because people complain about how fallout, skyrim, oblivion, etc handle. If you make a complex game like this, and then put the physics in just for third're gonna have a bad time with angles, shooting, Pov etc... but the biggest thing would be pathing for AI and player alone.
This game is easily comparable to all the games argued about, GTA, Borderlands, Skyrim, Fallout, etc. Could some of the bugs be smoothed out? of course. But the game is meant to be played like Cyberpunk not GTA. You should realistically not be chased by the cops every 5 minutes, and if 4 cops swarm you... its supposed to be game over for you. Sure you can kill 4 cops and escape.... but walking into a building and standing still for 2 minutes doesnt make your life change and stars go away. Of course they could have made that more realistic but it was obviously an afterthought...the police do their job here... you commit crime, they pop in and kill you.

The whole point of the game is to find people who ARE criminals and bounty hunt realistically. If you look at it subjectively, when you kill criminals nobody bats an eye.... that's the same thing that happens to you when you commit crime in this... cats blast you and Game Over screen. The game is trying to show you, that you need to stay on track and kill the thousands of criminals spread across the huge map and explore. Glitches, whether small or big have happened in every single game. I have yet to encounter any that break the game on XBSX .... some issues like the guy who got on the motorcycle next to the guard rail and was teleported 5 thousand feet in the sky.... thats just life. You would have to understand game development to realize why that's happening. Its not something that can just be easily fixed in such a huge free world. For the most part they got everything right with this.... the problem we are seeing is a perfect storm of "Last Generation" "bugs that vary depending on what hardware you play it on" "people expecting it to be a game like other games and not a game of its own" "people not being able to play far enough into it to appreciate it due to hardware they play on" "complaining about AI even though they arent playing on a suitable difficulty" or "taking fodder story interludes as gospel and blaming AI depending on scripted outcomes you are supposed to beat easily"
The game at its core is meant to explore, do missions and kill criminals with warrants ... splashed with leveling system and a sprawling city where shyt pops off every 5 minutes. You have to go investigate for fukkery not become the fukkery.