I vividly remember Skyim at release. This is right about the same energyCDPR is doing better than I thought they could tbh
the vast majority of the skyrim and fallout world is dead as fukk too - they just spread out the bullshyt better
the idea of pushing this idea for a game into a bioshock format sounds horrible imo. there's a reason why there ain't another bioshock being cooked up.... gets stale even faster
make no mistake im fukking w the game right now, ive just been trying to figure out why it feels mad off compared to the few other rpgs ive played and the reason is that its more action adventure than rpg
while the majority of skyrim and fallout is a lot of traveling, the minority with other characters is way more developed and rpg like than any part of this game (edit for this point: i'm bugging, it is on par with some of the characters ive seen i don't know why i was so critical about that, guess all the negative shyt ive seen about this game is getting to me)
reason i said bioshock is that for all its flaws, it was able to make fast paced action in a real well developed environment look captivating and also develop a cohesive lore, which is exactly what this game tries to do but falls flat because its tries to do it all in an open world without developing the actual characters in it
because to be honest with you, what with the ai being what it is right now it basically is an on rails game, just with the illusion of being an open world; thats what i was feeling before i just couldnt put my finger on what it was