I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
I won't tell anybody how to spend their money but I don't get all this over sensationalization on refunds and the like. Every major open world game in the last generation had to get patched within the first 72 hours of release and got routine weekly patches for several months afterwards. And we're talking games that were only on the 2 major console platforms and PC like Destiny 2 and The Division 2 to name more popular examples. In a couple weeks the game will more than likely be patched a couple more times.
These people are poor and they need the money, I learned that people that are always talking about not "needing" to or wanting to spend money are 9-10 broke. So when they buy something they expect it to be perfect to justify spending money on anything. They just try to say the cool thing like its not up to their standards and they dont thing the big companies deserve their money etc..