Moon walking seeing moon people
900p 720p with tons of cuts to make it work. on them consoles nobody should expect anything less. The xbone vs ps4 vs pro vs one x vs series s vs series x vs stadia vs pc video about yo be wild yo . But then they only gonna show off beast PCs and not them 1060s-1080s most these PCs guys really got“I mean, PS5 is great. PS4 is still very good,” said Kicisnki “I mean, we had those extra three weeks and we achieved a lot within this final stretch. So, we believe that the game is performing great on every platform.”
We have yet to see the game running on a base Xbox One or a base PS4, but according to Kicisnki, the game runs "surprisingly well" on the oldest of the last-gen machines.
“Of course, a bit lower than on pros, but surprisingly good, I would say for such a huge world,” said Kicisnki when asked about performance on a base PS4 and a base Xbox One. “So, bit lower, but very good. That’s the answer.”
Why do I not believe him?