A documentary should be made about this fiasco. I would love to get the story behind this and how it started. cdpr NEVER had the clout in the first place to ever deserve this kind of hype to begin with. So where did it start and come from. Winning the GOTY award back in 17 for W3WH (bloodborne was better by a mile ) was probably the pinnacle of success for them and the fall from grace was more of a nose dive.
So like was it a marketing firm? Was in the studio execs? The parent company? This was a manufactured hype. I would love to know how much marketing paid to advertise this and what they paid streamers and game journalists.
This game got so massively huge from nothing its a lesson in social engineering for sure.
As soon as i heard about the game and the more i learned of what it was supposed to be, i knew right away it wasnt gonna happen, i had a few friends try to convince me of it and were convinced this was gonna be THE game, they preorderd and everything. Neither of them even got a ps5 on launch so they had to play this on OG PS4s, where it was basically unplayable. One of them just recently finally admitted it was a huge mistake and he got took. He held out for months trying to say its an OK game if this and that.
I loved the defenders even on here... "well i played for hours on base ps4 and never saw any glitches"

man shut ur ass up WE ALL seen video after video online of this game being broken to shyt.
most people were just so upset at them selves for getting finessed they would rather suffer with the mistake than just admit what happend.