I was adopted to. My adoptive mother (aka my REAL mother) died when I was 22, in front of me.
Most people had 2 parents at 22, I lost 2 moms.
I thought I would never look for my birth mom - but at 30, I did.
Found her in a crazy way (thats a whole story), and found out why she gave me up - she was 21 years old and had gotten raped.
So, I dont believe in the " f-ck that b_tch" until you can have a real conversation with the people to find out what really happened. Because out of all my theories, that was by far the last one I wouldve ever come up with.
Just a thought.
well I know why my mom gave me up, I was the youngest child, I had an older sister. she put us up both for adoption cause she was literally a hoe sleepin around (she didnt even know who was my dad she said to the lawyers/adoption agency she narrowed it down to 3 men

) , was on drugs while pregnant with me (her own words on my adoption papers

my immune system is garbage cause of this weak bytch

) and once she put me up for adoption, she put my 4 year old sister up for adoption to.. she was only 25 so im sure she went back to doin what she did.. we was a burden on her life style.. a lot of people try to rationalize it with "well she did the right thing if she couldnt take care of you" nah the right thing would be to look at my older sister see she got her + 1 on the way and fix her life. she belonged to the game, and we wasnt a part of that plan.. who knows how many younger siblings I got
I almost aint even get adopted by the great parents I got adopted by because they said she aint even have taxi money and missed a lot of doctor appointments and adoption meetings

my parents aint tell me these things til later when I was old enough to understand (in my 20s for this gem). this was in the 80s so no cell phones, so they couldnt even locate her bum ass a lot of the times
I used to have a lil glimmer of hope of that she wasnt a weak person until I was in my 20s and i was talking to this girl and she found out I was adopted and asked if it was an open or closed adoption.. I was like

whats that ? so I looked it up and open adoption is when the birth parents can visit the kid whenever and a closed adoption is when they cant get in contact legally until after 18..
I was like man it musta been a closed adoption cause I dont even know this bytch name and she aint even try n get contact with me.. come to find out I had an open adoption and she just aint want shyt to do with me