Saw it the other day. Definitely got the chills. Loved that it wasn't corny at all and also love that they made Donny intelligent and not a dumb brawler like Rocky was.
That first fight scene

That KO he took
I'm wondering how they handle this as a franchise (if that's the plan). The Daddy issues storyline was good and it worked as he's trying to find his identity. What now though? That'll get played out quick and its not like they can do what they did in Rocky II with him trying to handle having money. IDK, won't think about it too much.
Funniest thing though? My wife telling the lil teenage kids behind us that were being stereotypes half the movie 'I've been listening to you this whole movie, be quiet.' Kid said something smart.. wife came back with 'I'm grown, not a kid. Now shut your mouth'. People all around like