Just got back from watching the movie, It was alright. Enjoyed it somewhat, seem like it was missing something without Ryan Coogler directing tho.
Just got back from watching the movie, It was alright. Enjoyed it somewhat, seem like it was missing something without Ryan Coogler directing tho.
No. Just no. God no.For the next film, they can have him fight a UFC champion like Floyd did, and have Adonis get hurt or something beforehand to make it seem like the UFC fighter has a chance in a boxing match.
Victor didnt give a shyt about his mother. If you really pay attention, he didnt care for ANY of it. He only fought for Ivan. He knew how important it was for his father and wanted to give that to him. The argument at that dinner was there to give us insight into what was important to Ivan and what was important to Victor.I actually empathized more with Drago than Creed. Victor was basically trying to win his mother's love. Adonis came off like spoiled brat. Especially in how he talked to Rocky in some scenes.
Creed 3:
Now an established champion with a long reign, Adonis is becoming increasingly arrogant, he offers a challenge to a boxer called James who has recently ko'd Viktor Drago, despite this big victory James is content to not be in the spotlight and live a simple life. Adonis embarks on Apollo-like provocation to force Jame's hand. The two fight, after a brutal back and forth fight James beats Adonis and promptly retires from boxing. As James is leaving the arena Rocky says to an unknown man off camera 'he fights just like you' the camera pans around to reveal Clubber Lang who simply smiles and nods his head at Rocky.
Stallone announced today he will no longer play Rocky and it's all in Jordan's hands now.
Then it's time to give Rocky the apollo sendoff in the next sequelStallone announced today he will no longer play Rocky and it's all in Jordan's hands now.
Stallone announced today he will no longer play Rocky and it's all in Jordan's hands now.