COVID-19 Pandemic (Coronavirus)

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012


Nov 12, 2014
POLL ANSWER that SHOULD be there...

"The virus is whatever, but it's the response to it and the master plan behind it that's a huge concern"

This is why I checked "none of the above".

Oh and 5 different versions of "serious" was a mistake too.

That's two degrees of freedom breh.

Make a poll yourself.


Jun 5, 2014
The Land of The North
First off I respect your opinion and am not trying to be combative with you, let me be clear.

However, noone is trying to induce panic. We just want people to take it more seriously. The lax attitude you are displaying is exactly why it's gotten this bad in the first place. Nobody cares until someone they know has it or they need help themselves, the American way, fukk everyone if Im not affected. I work in a tax collectors office and I still had baby boomers coming in by the hundreds to pay in person in a public place using dirty ass cash every day, cause they still think its "just the flu" just last week. This is the prevailing attitude across the country and is greatly contributing to the fact that we can't contain it. Many of them thought the media drummed this up just to make Trump look bad "it'll go away in a week or two" Meanwhile it kept spreading as people moved about like nothing was happening despite dire warnings from other countries and experts in the field.

People like me were calling for more testing and quarantines weeks ago, you know like South Korea who all but contained it already. You are not in an ER picking and choosing who gets a ventilator and whos gonna live whos gonna die. You are not a high risk group. So you just don't give a fukk apparently. (keep in mind it's not as if low risk healthy individuals can't succumb to this, they can, and thank god children have been spared, under 10 anyway. That doesn't mean I wanna roll the dice with my 6 yr old who has asthma)

Every step of the way I've been called crazy for what I say is gonna happen next. When I told my friends the cases will jump to the thousands I was just 'paranoid' . When I said we need more tests NOW I was 'overreacting'. When I told them schools might shut down I was 'crazy'. When I said the cases would grow exponentially each day I was just being 'anxious'. When I said states may actually force people to stay home it was "that will never happen". When I told my coworkers I bet in a week or two we have to close to the public I was being 'paranoid'. Now when I'm saying hospitals are gonna be overrun and thousands will die in the next few weeks people are still saying the same shyt to me like I'm fear mongering. I'm not fear mongering I'm trying to get people to be on the same page to try to stop this shyt, not just wait for it and hope I don't die cause Im likely to have a mild case.

It's not paranoia we're spreading it's truth. I'm sorry the reality sounds scary but it is what it is. Just cause the language makes you uncomfortable doesn't mean it isn't a real concern.

Our healthcare system is very likely about to experience something it never has before, but naw we're fearmongering. My mom is 59 with hypertension and an auto immune disorder, but hey you're gonna be ok so who cares right?

Like I said most of us will be fine, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't sound the alarm on how scary this is. It's going to effect the economy for who knows how long, the crime rate, the death rate, society as a whole, politics etc. It is a very big deal.

And yes in many ways, America is in fact fukked. And no humanity will not end because of this obviously, but a lot of people are going to die that didn't have to. I'm sorry you wanna plug your ears and cover your eyes when people say scary words cause it makes you uncomfortable but sometimes people need to see things for what they are to act accordingly.

Facts. People will not learn until hit hits the people they care about, full stop. Even the President didn't take it seriously, and now look what's happening. These people should go tell the families of those who died from the virus that it's "just a flu" or "it's not that bad". Absolute foolishness.

It really says a lot about Western culture that we even have to be having this conversation right now. China had problems, Italy had problems, Iran had problems, Japan, South Korea, Philippines... They all had problems. But here in North America, people are like "Man, that shyt is a hoax. :mjtf:" while people are in ICU beds coughing (:merchant:) up a lung. It takes a certain level of hardheadedness to see other people suffering from something, and then going "That shyt won't happen to me though. :mjgrin:"

People are not as healthy as they think they are, and who even wants to catch a flu normally anyway? So when they say they're low-risk... I wonder about that. :usure:

The healthcare system can't handle everyone, businesses can't afford to be shut down for so long, landlords need their money to pay for real estate, and the people need jobs in order to pay for their rent, food and other Quality of Life things they need. Never mind the medical bills that are bound to hit people once this whole thing is over. Society is going to forever change, because it's going to force everyone to see just how fragile our way of life is when a highly-contagious virus infects the population. Employers for one are DEFINITELY taking note of this, and I wouldn't be surprised if after this, we start seeing the rise of technology taking over. Can't lose revenue and workforce if all of your work force is mechanical.

As well, people aren't taking the mental health aspect into this either. There's going to be a lot of people that are going to be affected by this, and so many people's mental health will plummet if people have to isolate and live in a world of caution and fear for too long. That's horrific for a society to deal with, never mind the fact that it's in human nature to be around other human beings and mingle. Look at how many brehs on here do things "for the hoes", most of TLR threads can be tied back to wanting to be around the opposite sex. Stress is the number one killer, and most people were already stressed to begin with, now you gotta toss on a pandemic and isolation on top of that. And with the avenues of escapes now being limited to what you have access to in your own home... How well do you think people will fare in the long-term? Probably not well.

I don't think the world is going to end either, but it's better to be an alarmist than be completely unprepared and getting blitzed when things get real. I believe we can beat this thing, but we have to do what we can right now. People need to stay home. Hospitals need all the resources they can access. And we as a society can't get to a place of treating the vulnerable like they're the annoying nikka on Survivor -- letting them die because "Survival of The Fittest". Hell no. Once people as a whole start thinking like that, the world is done, it'll cannibalize itself. As long as people stay home and chill as best they can so we don't have to be isolated for 3-4 months or so, the sooner we can get over this thing.


May 4, 2012
How long you guys think til everything ok?

I'm in Toronto and earlier this week they closed down restaurants and things

Was hoping 2-3 weeks but everyone says no way

I posted this earlier but will post again

I spoke to a nurse from rouge valley centenary on Friday and she told me June -July at the earliest.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
thanks pearl!

how confident do you feel this is legit on a scale of 1/10?

I work in an Amazon warehouse. I am 100% sure on the capacity information. I had a long chat with a night time shift manager last night. I did 6 interviews yesterday.

Also I am 100% sure that Amazon is considering essential at this point.

As far as the state shut down. I only heard it as hearsay but I am confident that it will come to pass. It is the direction the whole country seems to be moving in. I have heard that you will need a certain pass and certificate to move around and that they have already started to issuing them. Again I can't say with 100% accuracy that it's true but it is highly likely.

Again if you need work you will be hired. People are needed.

Pedro Negro

Reefer & Sneakers
May 1, 2012
New York fukkin' City
Facts. People will not learn until hit hits the people they care about, full stop. Even the President didn't take it seriously, and now look what's happening. These people should go tell the families of those who died from the virus that it's "just a flu" or "it's not that bad". Absolute foolishness.

It really says a lot about Western culture that we even have to be having this conversation right now. China had problems, Italy had problems, Iran had problems, Japan, South Korea, Philippines... They all had problems. But here in North America, people are like "Man, that shyt is a hoax. :mjtf:" while people are in ICU beds coughing (:merchant:) up a lung. It takes a certain level of hardheadedness to see other people suffering from something, and then going "That shyt won't happen to me though. :mjgrin:"

People are not as healthy as they think they are, and who even wants to catch a flu normally anyway? So when they say they're low-risk... I wonder about that. :usure:

The healthcare system can't handle everyone, businesses can't afford to be shut down for so long, landlords need their money to pay for real estate, and the people need jobs in order to pay for their rent, food and other Quality of Life things they need. Never mind the medical bills that are bound to hit people once this whole thing is over. Society is going to forever change, because it's going to force everyone to see just how fragile our way of life is when a highly-contagious virus infects the population. Employers for one are DEFINITELY taking note of this, and I wouldn't be surprised if after this, we start seeing the rise of technology taking over. Can't lose revenue and workforce if all of your work force is mechanical.

As well, people aren't taking the mental health aspect into this either. There's going to be a lot of people that are going to be affected by this, and so many people's mental health will plummet if people have to isolate and live in a world of caution and fear for too long. That's horrific for a society to deal with, never mind the fact that it's in human nature to be around other human beings and mingle. Look at how many brehs on here do things "for the hoes", most of TLR threads can be tied back to wanting to be around the opposite sex. Stress is the number one killer, and most people were already stressed to begin with, now you gotta toss on a pandemic and isolation on top of that. And with the avenues of escapes now being limited to what you have access to in your own home... How well do you think people will fare in the long-term? Probably not well.

I don't think the world is going to end either, but it's better to be an alarmist than be completely unprepared and getting blitzed when things get real. I believe we can beat this thing, but we have to do what we can right now. People need to stay home. Hospitals need all the resources they can access. And we as a society can't get to a place of treating the vulnerable like they're the annoying nikka on Survivor -- letting them die because "Survival of The Fittest". Hell no. Once people as a whole start thinking like that, the world is done, it'll cannibalize itself. As long as people stay home and chill as best they can so we don't have to be isolated for 3-4 months or so, the sooner we can get over this thing.

Best and most thorough post I've read in a minute on this whole thing. :salute: