COVID-19 Pandemic (Coronavirus)


May 1, 2012
Bay Area.
My friend said the philippines is about a week away from collapsing. They are getting more concerned with feeding their families at this point than the virus. There’s food on the shelves, but people are out of money already.

They have military / police checkpoints on the roads now and only one household member allowed to go outside at a time. I don’t think most people here are aware how bad it was out there before this virus, my friend lived there for six years and came back with some maney ass stories. People say they want to live in a free country, but I don’t think they really know what that is when they say that lol. shyts fukked.
My girls father is stuck out there rn, he got approved to leave the country on April 12.


92' til Infinity....
May 5, 2012
Call me stupidly optimistic but I do not think that we will end end up worse than Italy for numerous reasons.


Jun 5, 2014
The Land of The North
Day 285

We’re getting settled in to the cabin. It’s nighttime now and we spent most of the day unpacking and getting things set up. The cabin is just as Dad and I left it the last time we visited here...about five years ago. Three bedrooms, small kitchenette, decent sized living room, small dining area and a full bath. Plenty of space for our crew of nine.

Like in the city, there is no electricity or running water. However, we got lucky. While securing the area Tanya found a well water pump about 25 yards behind the cabin. I didn’t even know it was there. Dad never told us...I wonder if he even knew. After about an hour of flushing the pump out we started pumping clear water. We’ll still have to boil it before drinking but it is SO awesome to actually have a constant source of water again. No more catching rain water like we had to do back in the city.

All of the canned goods in the cabin pantry are spoiled. Sucks because there was quite a bit if it. We did find some rice, sugar and oil that’s still usable though. We’ll have to continue to hunt for now to maintain a heathy supply of food.

Another note: a bit of good and bad news. Kumiko is pretty sure that she’s pregnant. I’ve told Marvin to stop diving up in it raw, but of course he doesn’t listen. I mean...I don’t blame them...the world is so bleak that sometimes fukking is a way to escape. But damn...she’s about 4 months pregnant...we’ve got some time to prepare but I don’t know how we can support a newborn.

If there's anything video games has taught me, it's that the characters that leave diary logs behind are never the ones that end up surviving. :huhldup:

And I'm sure nobody wants to be walking around this summer on some
Stay hydrated brehs :mjgrin:


Legendary. :wow:

I can believe so. Think we have the largest concentration of idiots per capita. The biggest concentration of people who couldn't pass basic biology talking the loudest about a pandemic. Also apparently reporting testing numbers that we know are significantly lower than the actual amount of people walking around with the shyt is "fake news" and "sensationalism".

Dumbass people still haven't processed that regardless if you die, a disease that attacks your lungs like pneumonia is going to require medical attention. Too dumb to understand that in a month's time most hospitals will be at capacity so when your uncle has a heart attack or your cousin gets shot, there's not going to be rooms in the ICU and they will be turned away to die. Too dumb to understand that if they catch it and show no symptoms, that they will still pass it around to people who will die from it which further clogs the medical system. Too dumb to understand what the "curve" is and why we are about a month away from the peak. Just too dumb.

And this is a "light" virus overall that we are failing to deal with. When something more serious comes that we don't have a treatment for, most of this world will die because people are just so stupid and opinionated:francis:

This is exactly what I don't get, and you're absolutely right. People are saying "it's just a flu" when we've had NUMEROUS doctors coming out saying that it's not true. You don't shut down regions down for weeks over a flu. Nor would businesses willingly lay off people and put themselves in possible financial ruin over a "flu". So who am I going to believe, a bunch of contrarian-ass posters who don't know what they're talking about, or licensed doctors with experience that are actually in the field front-lines? :gucci:

It's that same carelessness that had people thinking black people were immune to the Coronavirus. People say things in order to seem like they're intellectual and critical thinkers, when evidence and the actions of government officials from around the world prove otherwise. And it's becoming more clear from what we're seeing that even if you're asymptomatic or recover in 14 days, there's still a chance of lung damage. But no, people on here are stubborn and think they know everything.

History always repeats itself. Also throughout history humans continue to make the same mistakes.

Human arrogance never changes. As much as we may believe we've "evolved", look at how easily people can throw all sense of morals out the window when things get dicey. This is why they teach history in schools, because if you don't know where you come from, you're doomed to go back there.

Hell, even on a much smaller scale. It's like acknowledging your bad habits vs. completely lacking self-awareness. How does a person grow if they don't know what's holding them back? How can you grow a garden without knowing the soil is healthy, the sunlight reaches it, and the water is abundant enough? You can't. Parents teach their kids to not do bad things so they don't become pieces of shyt as adults. But when some kids grow up and don't learn... Well, you see the consequences.

It just sucks that innocent people have to be caught in the middle of this as well.

to all you nikkas downplaying this I really hope it doesnt take someone close to you dying from this shyt to take it serious.

Right? The way some are acting, it's like they have no loved ones that couldn't fall victim to this thing. :gucci:

It's also incredibly foolish because some of those same posters in here acting like that could very well be on the precipice of having a condition that hurts their immune system as well. People find out their conditions once they go to a hospital, and most people don't even believe in going to a doctor unless there's a reason to.

Maybe they just are sociopaths. Maybe they're apathetic. I don't know, but it's strange to see people just not take it seriously. Panic isn't necessary, but the way I've seen people (here and via social media) dismiss the vulnerable, it's disgusting. As if their lives are somehow less valuable or more insignificant. But society made it cool to not care about anything, and this is the result. Let it be a sick mother, father, sibling or aunt, uncle and grandparent of theirs that ends up in critical condition though, and that's when they'll learn.

In TLR, ignorance in the form of conviction is strength.

Thankfully most people seem to understand the seriousness of all of this, but it's weird how it gets in here sometimes. It's not even about JUST the virus alone, it's the numerous other things that comes with it. The virus alone is bad because of just how easy it is to catch, but if people were to listen and stay home, it can be resolved.

Problem is, nobody wants to do that. You have politicians literally begging people to stay inside, but some citizens don't want to listen. So when they finally call Martial Law, I don't want to hear people complaining.

Rational thinking is important, so I don't think it does anybody ANY good to be screaming like the moon is about to crash into us in 72 hours, but necessary caution should be practiced. I mean if the vaccine isn't coming for another 18 months, what else can we do? We don't have a choice.


May 28, 2012
Word on the street the state of MD is in the process of going on full lock down. I have heard that there will be a full shut down allowing no movement expect if you are deemed essential. Amazon has turned into a first responder at this point. If you guys need the work head to a warehouse. They are working at 50% to 60% capacity and need people willing to work.

thanks pearl!

how confident do you feel this is legit on a scale of 1/10?

Pedro Negro

Reefer & Sneakers
May 1, 2012
New York fukkin' City
I'm a introverted homebody too breh on the extreme end of the spectrum (social anxiety) but I don't know this shyt kinda different when it's not out of choice :mjcry:

I'm in the same boat as you breh, I feel you 100%.

One week of this has been a little rough, with no routine and the monotony of each day blending into the next. My sleep is off and it's been a challenge to stay mentally positive at times too.

The mental aspect of this is something to really keep an eye on and something we all gotta be extremely cautious of too.

Stay up tho breh! Trust there's a bunch of us intro homebodies suffering right along with you.


Jul 4, 2013
Montreal #byrdgang
Fitness Gang, I need some apt is small as hell so I dont know how ima get these reps and cardio in. What's the name of that weights system where you dialed in the weights so you didnt have to have all sorts of different dumbbells around? Or those weights for travelling that you can inflate with water? Trying to avoid that Larry Holmes certification

Kettlebell swings are amongst the best exercises there is. If you can get your hands on a 45 lb you’ll have all you need.
Incredible cardio and builds muscle

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
Call me stupidly optimistic but I do not think that we will end end up worse than Italy for numerous reasons.

I think you're right to an extent. The more densely populated areas will get hit the hardest. There are a lot of areas in America that are spaced out where people do not interact with each other.

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
nikkas starting to turn up..:ld:

Bad ass kids at home
Cant do this
Cant do that
No money coming

They better fix this shyt asap or its gonna be a serious problem
sounds like bad ass parents problem, fix em bad ass kids

lol @ they better fix this shyt asap.. who are "they" GOD :heh:


if it's gonna be a serious problem then they will just have military response. :francis: