COVID-19 Pandemic (Coronavirus)

Mr. Jack Napier

May 1, 2012
The Empire State
White supremacists trying to use the Coronavirus as a weapon

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WASHINGTON — White supremacists discussed plans to weaponize coronavirus via “saliva,” a “spray bottle” or “laced items,” according to a weekly intelligence brief distributed by a federal law enforcement division on Feb. 17.

Federal investigators appeared to be monitoring the white nationalists’ communications on Telegram, an encrypted messaging app that has become popular with neo-Nazis. In the conversations, the white supremacists suggested targeting law enforcement agents and “nonwhite” people with attacks designed to infect them with the coronavirus.

“Violent extremists continue to make bioterrorism a popular topic among themselves,” reads the intelligence brief written by the Federal Protective Service, which covered the week of Feb. 17-24. “White Racially Motivated Violent Extremists have recently commented on the coronavirus stating that it is an ‘OBLIGATION’ to spread it should any of them contract the virus.”

The Federal Protective Service, part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, is a law enforcement agency responsible for protecting buildings owned or leased by the federal government.

The intelligence brief, marked for official use only, noted the white supremacists “suggested targeting … law enforcement and minority communities, with some mention of public places in general.” According to the document, the extremists discussed a number of methods for coronavirus attacks, such spending time in public with perceived enemies, leaving “saliva on door handles” at local FBI offices, spitting on elevator buttons and spreading coronavirus germs in “nonwhite neighborhoods.”

The February document appears to show that at least some white nationalists were already taking the threat of the coronavirus seriously at a time when some in government were downplaying the threat. On Feb. 26, President Trump said that he expected the cases to go down to zero in the United States in “a couple of days.” The Washington Post reported on Friday that intelligence agencies were issuing “ominous” warnings about the virus in January and February.

The Department of Homeland Security did not respond to requests for comment.

According to the Federal Protective Service intelligence brief, the discussion of spreading the coronavirus occurred in a channel on the app Telegram that is devoted to the “siege culture” philosophies of neo-Nazi author James Mason and “accelerationism.” Mason wrote a series of newsletters titled “Siege” in the 1980s that advocated for acts of racial terrorism in order to hasten a war that would cause the breakdown of society.

In recent years, Mason’s writings became popular among members of the violent neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division and its offshoots. Mason could not be reached for comment. Growing numbers of white supremacists have also expressed interest in “accelerationism,” which involves advocating for extremist attacks with the express goal of provoking a larger societal conflict.

Nick Martin, who is the editor of the Informant, a newsletter focused on hate and extremist groupsand a former investigative reporter at the Southern Poverty Law Center, told Yahoo News that multiple newer neo-Nazi groups with younger members have brought Mason to prominence.

“There’s a whole branch of neo-Nazism that follows James Mason's writings and uses his work as kind of their bible. Atomwaffen is part of that, but there are multiple groups that would fall under the same category,” Martin said.

Homeland Security has identified white supremacist violence as one of the major domestic extremist threats facing the United State, and there has been a push to start tracking such groups the way U.S. intelligence agencies track foreign terrorists.

Atomwaffen Division has made headlines because of multiple criminal cases involving the group’s leadership. Martin, who has written extensively about the group, said some of his sources believe there is a possibility followers of Atomwaffen or similar groups could try to take advantage of the coronavirus pandemic.

“There is a big concern right now — including from people who work in counterterrorism — that it’s an opportune time for these accelerationist groups to strike,” Martin said.

Be careful out here brehs

Stir Fry

Dipped in Sauce
Mar 1, 2015
My friend said the philippines is about a week away from collapsing. They are getting more concerned with feeding their families at this point than the virus. There’s food on the shelves, but people are out of money already.

They have military / police checkpoints on the roads now and only one household member allowed to go outside at a time. I don’t think most people here are aware how bad it was out there before this virus, my friend lived there for six years and came back with some maney ass stories. People say they want to live in a free country, but I don’t think they really know what that is when they say that lol. shyts fukked.
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Jan 1, 2015
My friend said the philippines is about a week away from collapsing from what my friend is telling me. They are getting more concerned with feeding their families at this point than the virus. There’s food on the shelves, but people are out of money already.

They have military / police checkpoints on the roads now and only one household member allowed to go outside at a time. shyts fukked.

They should take out Duterte


May 6, 2012
I'm always trying to make sure I don't buy into hysteria and being as level headed as possible but just looking at the data and what is happening in other countries, including those who probably have a more efficient government, definitely not 2 or 3 weeks. 2 or 3 weeks from now this shyt is going to be worse. That may be when I guess in North America so including you guys we will start that ride up the curve to the worst of this shyt.

You said you're in Canada and you guys always had a reputation of being on top of shyt government wise when it comes to public health and the public good more so than the US but from what I saw Trudeau dragged his feet too until his wife got it. So y'all probably acted too late and it's probably going to get worse. South Korea is going to have major bragging rights when this is all said and done

As far as when this shyt is over as far as the fear of illness, who knows but I'll just throw out maybe a month or two from now :yeshrug:. I say that with no facts or anything to base it on because we are in uncharted territory. People who are boldly making predictions are full of shyt. But the economic side of things is going to hurt for a long ass time and take a long time to get back to normal :francis:

Yes, Trudeau is an assclown and dragged his feet. He’s also not doing enough to help people directly affected by this shyt. Has done nothing to help employers and nothing to keep them from laying people off. 10% subsidy is BS.

Also Canada’s economy is not that robust. We depend on oil, tech and real estate. Real estate probably gonna tank and gas has already tanked so not much hope out here unless we can beat this shyt quickly and the numbers keep increasing.

Good leadership goes a long way. All I know is I didn’t vote for this a$$hole.
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Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012