COVID-19 Pandemic (Coronavirus)


Sep 17, 2014
Man, woman, and child
It didn't come from someone eating a bat. You need to pay more attention to what the actual scientists are saying and less attention to social media.

COVID-19 is a coronavirus that appears most alike to certain coronaviruses in bats. However, it has several important differences indicating that it mutating in interactions with other viruses, likely when it transferred to another animal before reaching humans. One likely option is the pangolin, as there is a virus found in pangolins that has segments which are a close match for those insertions. Pangolins are collected in China for the market in pangolin scales - the disease most likely wouldn't have come from people eating the pangolins, but from the people who work in the animal markets who are handling and interacting with the pangolins all day long.

So what's the possible scenario? The bats have a coronavirus, lots of the viruses end up in all their shyt that falls on the ground, the pangolin walks around in that shyt eating the bugs that gather there and picks up the virus itself, the virus mutates in interactions with viruses in the pangolin's body, animal trappers catch the pangolin and bring it to the Wuhan animal market, people working in the market breathe in shyt coming off the pangolin and get infected.

That's not a sure thing - these steps are difficult to trace. But from an inspection of the genome (which is completely open-source, anyone in the world can study it now and check these hypotheses for themselves), that's the most plausible scenario.
I’m not on social media so a lot of info I get is from this site. Which prolly is a mistake in itself

But being black in America I put NOTHING past these people and take nothing they say at face value. This is the same place that gave black men syphilis for experimental purposes. The same place that fought meaningless wars in Vietnam and Korea just to interrupt Russia’s sphere of influence. The same place that sacrificed close to 3,000 Americans to push the anti Arab agenda and to have a reason to increase presence in the Middle East. It’s China’s turn now. This country will do anything to maintain its spot at the top and is not above sacrificing the lives of its own people to do so


Down By Law
May 1, 2012
Dallas, TX
So much misinformation, mixed with half truths and fear mongering even on sites like this, the rest of social media.. but I digress on that..

On the ground I’m an rPH & ER CC @ two major hospitals here, (children’s Dallas, Baylor).

In pediatrics, no confirmed cases but a few presumptive positive tests that ultimately came back negative. I’m sure this just in not in a major city like
Dallas but everywhere. ER’s are just flooded, every person with a cough thinks they have it..

Most are staying at the hospital and getting critical needs pay due to staffing shortages.. I haven’t been home since Monday, been at the hospitals..

Trials are going on for Hydroxychloroquine which treats lupus but it did help some in Washington state and NY. Tamiflu as well.

The good news is a lot of people may have it and be asymptomatic and it does nothing to them, but if they spread it to the wrong person the results can be different..

As a healthcare professional the thing that has me irritated is the misinformation, let’s focus on the US. Yes the number of corona cases are rising and that’s ALL YOU HEAR on this site from posters, news, etc...

NO one is talking about the overwhelming vast majority of people have positive tests and are recovering in a week or less... You can skew numbers for headlines.

When more tests are readily available and people follow the restrictions, we can get a good handle on this in a month or so.

There are a lot of moving parts but it’s hard to treat viral infection like this if you don’t have the built up immunity to handle it which is why flu shots are stressed, you have a TYPE A, B, but this like a version of type C..

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
Custom graph just for the brehs

Lil Bape the PostGod

Can’t talk to broke boys
May 30, 2012
Sound sound sound
I Never understand the people who come in here talking about “you people are sheep and misinformed..why don’t they show charts of people who have recovered..this is all a govt conspiracy and scare tactic ”

But On basically every chart they show...the recovery numbers are usually listed right next to it Lol

believe what you want..all I know is there is nothing to do outside right now