COVID-19 Pandemic (Coronavirus)


Nov 1, 2015
1. No one was speaking on the SARS rhetoric as much as this...

2. Does it matter what I think about the Spanish Flu? How does this help you if I believe in something different?

3. To plan is what Edward Bernay says the elite has done to the public mind. Mold and condition it.

for a moment i was interested in how a conspiracy theorist rationalized their position but that moment has passed.:hubie:

you do you :yeshrug:

((ReFleXioN)) EteRNaL

May 1, 2012
Diamond cruise ship which had the most excellent conditions for the virus to spread had about 20% of people tested positive. So don't lose hope, the virus also spread much slower in hotter areas, and summer is approaching. I mean may usually has a pretty warm weather. Folks been getting so angry about too hot weather will be happy as hell enjoying hot weather this year.

The diamond cruise ship is a perfect example. shyt was basically a Corona virus hot bed. if ever there was gonna be a massive death total it was gonna be right there. Hundreds of older people crammed into one area. And only 20% got infected. 0.8% deaths. The majority of people didn't even catch it despite being in close quarters and touching all of the same surfaces. The average age of cruise ships is 50+. But people just don't care about these facts.

They're gonna keep panicking and crying about the healthcare system collapsing. All of these posters suddenly care about the elderly even though the flu been killing off the elderly by the thousands every me one single flu thread by any of these posters before this corona shyt popped off. You can't. Because they never gave a single fukk about old people dying and they still don't. They're just scared for their own selves and want everybody else to be scared along with them. Now they're trying to pull some reverse psychology...."you're more afraid than us all. We see right through you!":sadcam::deadmanny:

Y'all really need to pull your fukkin skirts down and stop letting the media brainwash you. Flat out. The sad part is a lot of these scary ass posters are hoping they're right just so they can say "I told you so"......fukkin lames :scust:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I live in Singapore breh - its also a highly organised society with a government that has complete control, a society with crazy high hygiene standards and they were well planned for this kind of situation. Point is its incorrect to say hot weather climates kill off the virus - we can only hope though.
I didn't say "hot weather climates kill off the virus". I said the possibility is there that community transmission is poor in hot weather climates. The possibility. Since there hasn't been a single example of significant community outbreak in a hot-weather country yet, that's still a possibility.

It's not like I'm making this shyt up, there's scientists talking about it. Another poster linked a paper from Iranian and American scientists that demonstrated this map early....since then you can add Spain and France to the list.


Baltimore Sun - We are currently unavailable in your region

Scientists ask if lines on map hold key to coronavirus spread

And trust me - you can't trust the nearby governments, they either won't test properly or just lie.
You woulda said the same thing about Iran and China, right? Yet we know there are major outbreaks in both, they can't hide that.

Like I said, I personally know plenty of sources in a number of Asian countries. If any Italy-style situation was happening there, they would know, you can't hide hospitals overrun and people dropping like that. That's not saying that it won't happen, but it hasn't happened yet. And the fact that it happened across southern Europe before it happened in warm-weather Asia (which has far more Asian connections, far denser population, far smaller living spaces, far worse hygiene, far worse health care, far less healthy population, etc.) is telling.

But I'm not saying we know that yet. I'm just saying there is possible reason for hope. And hope for warm-weather Asia would mean hope for Africa and South America too.


Sep 17, 2014
Man, woman, and child
Some of ya'll posts are just... Ignorant man...

Why do you say people are making this a bigger thing than it is?

1) Virus is spreading globally like nothing else
2) Everyone can get it
3) we don't have the infrastructure to help everyone(ICUs, beds, respirators)
4) no vaccine yet
5) Economy fukkin crashed the F up

North America is comparable to Italy, not singapoure or china or south korea
They have a much more obedient society than us, if govt tells them to stay home they will!

People are worried about themselves, their loved ones, their families, their friends.
In another thread I said that I stock up on groceries but when it's time to reup i'm scared to go back out.
People replied saying yo you coward son, WTF coward, I got a fukkin family you friggin idiots?

And these usernames here on the coli, the same people downplaying this shyt some of these same names were the same fools saying black ppl are immune to this virus.

Even in this thread in mid-march 2020 someone still saying kids are immune.

Some of you need ya'll brains checked
The US ain’t comparable to Italy just based off the strength that Italy is smaller than Texas and much more densely populated. It’s also a very affectionate and elderly society. You got nikkas on the coli who think it’s wrong to kiss their own kids

That’s not downplaying that’s just stating facts. 800 deaths in Italy in one day. How many of those deaths are from this virus? Are they telling us that? How many of those people died from shyt not even related to this virus? How many of those people died from heart attacks becuz they stressed out over this shyt? How do we even know Italy is telling us the truth about any of this? Not to mention Italy is a shyt hole