Good looks breh. Appreciate that
19,155 positive tests compared to 127,776 negative tests
Good looks breh. Appreciate that
None of those places got an Italy-type situation on their hands and they're all full of Chinese people, you just gotta think they would have gotten infected first and with the worse health and worse heatlhcare systems it would have been too obvious to hide. I got connections in Philippines, Cambodia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, India that I talk to on the regular....if it was visibly popping off in any of those spots I'd know already. It still might happen there, I ain't saying the seasonal theory proven at all yet. But it's suspicious that it hasn't popped off already.It's probably all over/has been all South-East Asia, a lot of those governments aren't going to say shyt.
Funerals aren't for the dead they're for the living. My pops told me don't let them give him one when his time comes and I agree. I don't want one either. Take that money and invest or save it to make the fam's life better.Now that I think of it, the concept of a funeral is strange as hell. We spend lots of money to ensure that someone can rot in a nice suit/dress inside of a wooden box, and to give our last goodbyes to an already dead person, whom most people didn't bother with while they were alive.
It's more strange for Christians because the common depiction of the afterlife is being butt-ass naked when you're at the gates. In other words, you wasted money on the outfit.
Stfu breh. You made a thread saying I needed to be banned for dismissing this whole thing and couldn’t even produce receipts. Yous a hoeYou deserve to be banned. You a dumbfukk who listens to right wing media. How is it panic when people are dying all over the world ?
I don’t think he’s dismissing the severity of it. But the media and the internet play a big part in where we are right now. Notice how we only talk about the amount of positive tests and deaths? I’ve haven’t seen a stat yet for the the amount of negative tests
Its a much deeper problem than Trump, though he is massively mishandling this.This is what happens when dumbo in Chief is in charge.
We should have testing sites scattered across the country by now but nope!
He's pretty much left it up to state govenors to handle. Some are doing better than others but at the end of the day this needs to be handled at the federal level
what new albums you listening to bruh? Anything good you would recommend??
A whole lot of MFs day everyday here in the US.Just offering a different POV for a second.
Yea, the rate of new cases is alarming and that's due to more ppl being tested.
But, why dont we have ppl dying left n right of this virus that hasn't been tested yet.
There should at least be a spike of deaths of unknown cause too right?
In ontario in 2 weeks we goodntario is reporting 58 new cases of COVID-19, with one recovery, bringing the total confirmed cases in the province to 377, with 6 resolved and 2 deaths.
All are now listed as self-isolating and one is hospitalized.There have been 23,384 people in Ontario tested for COVID-19, the latest figures show — and 15,768 have tested negative for the virus.
Of the 58 new positive cases announced today, at least nine were related to travel. Most of those people have a recent travel history to places such as the United States, Ecuador, the Philippines, and Europe, or they are close contacts of other confirmed cases. Of the 58 cases, 45 did not include any information about where patients were from nor how they got the virus. But 7,239 cases are still under investigation. Six patients have recovered, while two people with COVID-19 have died in Ontario.
pretty good numbers for ontario
"Programmed?"Basically but these dudes just showing who is easily programmed.
Am economic collapse is happening brfore our verybeyes veiled by a threat of a virus
The Petr. O dollar has collapsed..
Meaning the US $ is worthless..
We are witnessing the 1st stage of a global economic shift/collapse away from US dominance